Five Foods To Boost Your Mood

Low mood and sad feelings are experiences that sadly, all too many of us are familiar with. But there is good news available.

While it can sometimes feel as though a low mood dominates your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, this does not have to be the case.

Small, subtle changes can make a significant difference, and this includes paying close attention to your diet.

Making small changes to the things you eat can have a huge impact on your mood and emotions. In this guide we take a closer look at five foods you can enjoy to lift your spirits and boost your mood.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate has been shown to improve mood in those who suffer from depression, and studies suggest that eating dark chocolate may also help reduce stress levels.

The flavonoids found in cocoa beans are thought to increase the level of serotonin (a brain chemical) in the body. This helps to regulate mood and makes you feel happier.

Keep a bar of dark chocolate in the fridge, and enjoy a square or two when the low moods hit.


Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties.

They are also rich in vitamin D, B vitamins, and iron, which are essential nutrients for healthy skin, hair, and nails.

Eating salmon regularly can help keep your immune system strong, and protect against heart disease and stroke.

Salmon is also an excellent source of protein, so if you’re feeling tired or run down, try adding some fish to your diet.


Blueberries contain anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that support mental health.

Anthocyanins are believed to help fight free radicals, which are harmful compounds produced during normal metabolism, and this means that blueberries can help to prevent memory loss and dementia.

As an added bonus, blueberries are also a superfood!


Bananas are packed full of potassium, which plays a key role in nerve function and muscle contraction. Potassium deficiency is associated with anxiety and panic attacks, so eating bananas regularly can help to calm nerves and ease tension.

Bananas are also packed with vitamin B6, an important element in synthesizing feel-good neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, which help you to feel great.


Oats are another food that is great for fighting low mood, as they contain magnesium, which is vital for helping muscles relax and reducing stress.

Magnesium is also needed for energy production, so eating oats regularly can give you more stamina throughout the day.

If you want to add extra fiber to your breakfast, try making porridge from rolled oats, water, and milk.

It takes just minutes to cook. This is easy to prepare ahead of time. You can even freeze it, then pop it straight into the microwave for a quick, warm bowl of goodness.


Berries are high in antioxidants, which are beneficial for maintaining eyesight, protecting cells from damage, and boosting immunity.

Antioxidants are also thought to play a part in preventing cancer, so berries are a fantastic way to maintain good health - including lifting your mood and combating high levels of stress.

Try mixing berries with bananas and yogurt for a tasty snack that is packed with goodness and nutrition.

How To Stop Eating Out Of Boredom

Have you ever gotten mid-way through a snack, only to realize you’re not actually hungry – just bored? Scientists have explored the concept of boredom eating for some time, suggesting it could stem from a range of factors, including the sense of pleasure we get when we eat.

When we’re bored, we may eat out of habit or in an effort to fill an emptiness we feel inside. It’s common to reach for food when you don’t have anything else to do.

While boredom eating from time to time isn’t necessarily something to worry about, it can become a problem when it happens too often. If you constantly eat when you’re not hungry, you will find yourself dealing with weight gain, and other problems.

Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the temptation to eat out of boredom.

Eat Regularly Through the Day

The first step in preventing constant boredom is to adjust your food schedule. Try to spread your calorie intake throughout the day, with a regular meal and snack schedule.

This should ensure you feel full more often, and less likely to consume calories when you have nothing else to do.

Although you’re not guaranteed to avoid eating when you’re full, you will be more inclined to look for other ways to entertain yourself. What’s more, the knowledge that you’re planning to have a snack or meal soon can stop you from eating until the right time.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with your eating schedule until you find something that works.

Choose Your Diet Carefully

A good diet can also help reduce the risk of eating when hungry, as well as minimize the potential side effects of eating too much.

It’s important to avoid restricting your diet as much as possible. If you find yourself reaching for specific types of foods when you’re bored, you might be tempted to stop eating those completely.

However, cutting specific foods out of your diet can just make the cravings worse. If you’re overwhelmed by the desire to eat something, you’re more likely to eat large amounts of it when you lose control.

When it comes to snacking, it’s worth investing in healthy, filling alternatives to keep your stomach feeling satisfied.

Some foods are particularly filling. For instance, proteins like eggs and cottage cheese are a great choice for snacking, as are fiber-rich foods like whole grains.

Foods high in water are also excellent for keeping you satiated too.

Practice Mindful Eating

One of the reasons eating when bored is so common is that many of us have gotten used to passively eating. We consume foods according to a specific schedule, without paying much attention to when we’re hungry.

Being more mindful about how and when you eat can be a good way to reduce your negative food habits.

Mindful eating means paying attention to your mental and physical states when you eat.

Some studies have found that mindfulness is excellent for reducing eating in response to issues like boredom or emotion. Eating more mindfully will also help you understand the difference between boredom and hunger, so you can make better decisions about when to eat.

Next time you sit down for a meal, pay attention to how the food makes you feel, what you can taste, what the textures are, and so on. You may eat less as a result of this.

Know Your Triggers

Boredom eating is a psychological condition which has nothing to do with physical hunger. At times, this psychological condition can be aggravated by other factors, like stress or anxiety.

You may be more likely to eat out of boredom when you have easy access to food, or when you see a lot of food on television or social media.

As part of your mindful eating strategy, consider keeping a food journal about what’s happening in your environment when you’re tempted to eat out of boredom.

One of the most common reasons we eat out of boredom is because our minds are distracted by something else.

If you find yourself constantly reaching for extra food when you’re sitting in front of a television or scrolling through your phone, you know you need to reduce your exposure to screens.

Distract Yourself

Finally, if you’re struggling with eating from boredom, look for other ways to cure your boredom. When you start to feel restless and want to go to the fridge, put on your coat and go for a walk around the block.

Exercise will distract you from the urge to snack, while also physically removing you from food.

There are other ways you can experiment with distractions too. Sometimes, reading a book or doing something with your hands will keep you busy enough to avoid eating.

Some people find simple breathing exercises are enough of a distraction too. Experiment with different methods until you find something that works for you.

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Nutrition for your cells - free online health guide and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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