You’ve probably heard about colon cancer in the news, but exactly what is a colon and how can you keep it healthy? You’ll need to know a few basics about the body in order to answer these questions.
The colon is an organ of the digestive system in the body. It may sounds a little strange, but inside you have one long tube from your mouth to your derriere. The colon is at the end of the tube and is also referred to as the large intestine.
Your small intestine is responsible for making sure you get all the nutrients from your food after it leaves the stomach. The colon’s job is to extract all the water from your food before eliminating the rest as solid waste. Your colon has an important job, but it needs your help to stay healthy.
There are several things you can do to help keep your colon healthy and prevent colon cancer. The first is to make sure you eat a lot of fiber. Fiber is the substance that helps you to digest your food properly and regularly.
That means eating lots of fruits, veggies, and whole grains. These foods will help you to stay regular. You may also want to add a fiber supplement to your diet. Supplements can help make up for a diet that’s less than perfect.
Diets that are high in saturated fat and low in fiber are particularly bad for the colon. You need to have the fiber to help move wastes through at the right pace and to scrub the walls of the colon while it removes the water from your waste.
Speaking of water, you need to drink adequate water to keep your colon healthy. When you become dehydrated, you can also become constipated. This leads to poor health of your digestive tract in general, but especially your colon.
Keeping your weight in check can also help. Research has shown that people who are overweight or obsess have a higher risk of developing colon cancer. A healthy diet and exercise program can help you keep your colon healthy.
Finally, a critical part of keeping your colon healthy is participating in screening tests. Over the age of 50, you should begin to get colonoscopy screening. This is a test where a physician uses a scope to look at the walls of your colon and remove any polyps or suspicious growths.
Screening for colon cancer is critical because if polyps are found early they can be removed and totally prevent cancer. Once colon cancer has developed, it’s difficult to treat and is often deadly. Now that you know what is a colon, it’s time to take steps to keep it healthy.
Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Bowel cancer and Colon Cancer
** Further reading through our articles on health issues will give you a body of information that will help you decide what options you have to deal with the underlying causes of your problem through giving your body the nutrition products that will assist you body to heal from the inside out.
You can visit our health food products page here: Herbalife Health Nutrition Supplements and learn more about our core nutrition program, the Cellular Nutrition Advanced Program and also check out these targeted products, Florafiber to replace your healthy flora and Aloe Vera Juice to help cleanse your system.
We wish you well in your search for solutions to this problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.
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