What Are The Most Important Elements of A Healthy Childhood?

As parents, we all want what is best for our children, and for them to grow up to be confident, compassionate, and happy human beings.

The rise of the digital age means that there is more information and advice than ever before - but sometimes, the sheer volume of data can be overwhelming.

To help, we have put together the basics: the most important elements of a healthy childhood, as determined by child psychologists, nutritionists, and experts in the field of early childhood.
Spoiler: it really is not as complicated as you may have been told!

According to the experts, there are a few key factors which help to improve childhood, and these are:

Spending Time Outside

Perhaps one of the most important things you can do for your child is to allow them to spend plenty of time in the great outdoors.

Exposure to fresh air is essential for building a healthy immune system, and there is a plethora of research detailing the benefits of outdoor life.

Being outdoors also allows your child to spend time with nature - and this includes bugs, mud, and general mess.

Try not to be too worried about your child eating a mud pie or two; experts claim this can actually help build a stronger and more resilient body.

Also, getting outside produces in your children that all important Vitamin D. When they are exposed to sunlight, their bodies convert it into Vitamin D.

Just use common sense when it comes to things like wearing sunblock.

Respecting The Natural World

In a similar vein, children must be taught to respect and appreciate the natural world, and the role that it plays in every part of their lives.
This includes teaching your child where their food comes from, showing them how to respect plants and animals, and exploring the different types of weather.

Research shows that children who are taught to respect and appreciate the natural world from a younger age will be happier, healthier, and have a reduced risk of mental health issues.

Being Allowed To Make Mistakes

As any adult will attest, mistakes are a part of life, and this will also be the case for your child.

The secret is to ensure that your little one knows that mistakes are a part of life and that the key is in how we handle them.

By teaching your child how to deal with and admit to their mistakes, rather than trying to prevent them from occurring, you are giving them the strength and resilience that they need for a healthy, happy life.

Finding Your Voice

One of the most important things you can teach your child is to find their voice and stand up for what is right, whether this is for their benefit, or on behalf of someone vulnerable.

By equipping your child with these skills early on, you are setting them up for success.

Final Thoughts

These four skills are important for helping your child to enjoy a healthy, happy childhood, and giving them the highest chances of a strong and successful future.

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Cheers, Warren Tattersall

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