The Best Treatments for Incontinence

Because there are different types of incontinence and some differences between male and female incontinence, the treatment plan will have some variations depending on those factors.

For some types of incontinence, you can learn about behavioral modifications.

This includes making changes in your lifestyle so that you use the restroom at the same time throughout the day.

The reasoning behind this type of treatment is it stops people from allowing the bladder to become too full. If the bladder isn’t full, then incontinence won’t be an issue.

While that sounds good, it’s not always as simple as that.

You can have urinary retention, a fairly common condition where urine doesn’t completely empty from the bladder and incontinence will be an ongoing issue.

Certain foods or drinks can contribute to incontinence. Citrus fruits, drinks or foods that contain caffeine, beverages that contain alcohol or carbonated drinks can all increase incontinence.

Some people unknowingly stop drinking as many fluids in an effort to be able to control the incontinence, but this is not the best way to handle the problem.

There are some exercises that you can practice that can help you to strength the pelvic muscles, which can give you greater control over the release of urine.

These are known as Kegel exercises. These exercises are easy to do and helpful for both men or women.

In the event that dietary changes and exercises just aren’t doing enough to help, you may have to see your doctor and get a prescription.

There are many medications that work on the bladder muscles to prevent the immediate need to urinate.

Some of these medications block the signal from the nerve to the bladder.

However, many of these medications have some serious side effects.

In severe cases of incontinence, you can undergo surgery to correct the problem - such as a sling for the urethra.

But if you have the type of incontinence known as urge incontinence, surgery won’t fix that.

There are plenty of over the counter products that you can buy yourself to help deal with any problems you encounter from your incontinence.

A simple fix with no side effects that can be used by both men and women are incontinence pads.

These are discreet pads that can keep embarrassing leaks from happening.

Plus, they prevent any urine odors from being a problem.

There are urinary incontinence pads specifically designed for male or female anatomy and you can choose from a wide range of pads as well as disposable underwear.

You can find these products for use with severe, ongoing incontinence or for milder cases.

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Incontinence- free online health guide and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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