Natural Energy Boosters

You probably already know some of the natural energy boosters that can get your mind and body going – like a cup of coffee or a chocolate bar or high calorie snack. The problem with those boosters is that they only last a very short amount of time.

Then, when you come down from the temporary high, you’re likely to feel more sluggish and lethargic. Here are some ways you can boost your energy levels naturally – and that you may not know about:

Get up and move. Many of us spend hours sitting at our desks, hunched over a computer and trying to complete enormous workloads. Simply standing by your desk is a small break that can give you a perk that will help you rev up your brain and your body. Walk around if you can and get the added benefit of better blood flow.

Use EFT. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is now being used as a coaching method to relieve stress, produce more T-cells, increase your strength and well-being and boost your energy.

To boost your energy level, tap your thymus gland (it’s in the center, top portion of your chest, between the collar bone and breast area) using the tips of your fingers for about twenty seconds. Take deep breaths during the tapping exercise.

Get energy from the sun. Especially during winter months, we tend to stay indoors, in cramped and stuffy offices and don’t get enough sun. If you’re feeling lethargic, try to spend a few minutes out in the sun and see how your mood improves.

Afternoon tea. The British were on to something when they began afternoon tea breaks to renew your vitality and perk up your brainpower. Green tea is especially great for getting rid of that afternoon sagging feeling.

Blink. When you think that your head is about to fall on your desk top, try blinking exercises. Rather than staring at pages or a computer screen, blink about ten to twenty times during one minute. This will relieve your brain of stress and make it more active.

Deep breathing. This is one of the most useful methods you can have in your arsenal of energizers. A quick search on Google for Yoga deep-breathing exercises can tell you all you need to know about using your rhythmic breath to relax and relieve stress.

If you consistently experience afternoon slumps, think about what you had for lunch. Heavy, carb-laden foods can make you tired and sleepy during afternoon hours. And, are you getting enough sleep?

You have to get a good night’s rest to be alert and able to function at your best during the daylight hours. Assess your lifestyle, change some bad habits into good ones and you should feel your energy return.

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