Most of the states now have requirements in place for massage therapy students. The requirements vary for each state but if you want to attend one of the massage schools you need to have the credentials to back you up.
The education credentials can come in the form of a certificate, an associate's degree or a bachelor's degree. It all depends on the what the state you live in requires.
With more than 1,500 massage schools in the entire country you can practically take your pick as to where you want to get your education.
Classes are held at any number of locations such as, massage therapy schools, medical training facilities, community and junior colleges, or four-year colleges and universities.
You must be at least 18 years old with your high school diploma or GED. Some schools do background checks to check your criminal history, if there is one, and check your grade point average from your previous school before accepting your enrollment application.
If you are just going for a certificate, then you probably will not need more than 330 hours of instruction, minimum.
Usually training lasts about nine months but if your state requires you to have a degree then you will either need to go for two years or four years of instruction. Training for a degree program can last for 1,000 hours.
You will need to have a good working knowledge of anatomy and physiology, and body mechanics. If you are going to open your own business you will want to take some business courses as well as an ethics class.
Not everyone is born knowing how to run a successful business. Training includes classroom studies and hands-on learning, too.
Make sure you attend a school that is accredited and will make arrangement for you to take your state licensure exam when your coursework is completed. When you pass the state exam then you will receive your license in the mail.
Then you will be required to maintain your education level by taking continuing education classes each year.
The state you live in will dictate how many continuing education credits you need each year. There may even be home-study courses you can send for to do at your own pace.
You just send the test in to be graded when you are done. If you pass they will send you a certificate of completion and you will be awarded the continuing education hours.
Keep this certificate of completion some where safe in case anyone ever asks you to prove that you have the hours you need. Do not lose your license over something stupid.
Continuing education courses are provided through the school you attended or by other professional associations affiliated with massage therapy.
Check with your local community college to see if they offer massage therapy classes and then speak with a financial advisor to proceed with financial aid, if needed.
There are loans available to students who need them, talk things over with the financial advisor and map out the best educational plan that fits you.
You can learn more here about the benefits of massage and learn how to give a massage to someone else.
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