Management and Prevention of Hemorrhoids

A visual examination of the anus can diagnose hemorrhoids and a rectal exam might be necessary to diagnose polyps, rectal tumors, abscesses or an enlarged prostate. You may need sedation because of the pain involved.

Your doctor may decide to use tests which let him see the inner lining of your anus, the lower area of the large intestine or colon and the rectum.

He can see if there are abnormal areas such as tumors or polyps, bleeding, diverticulosis, hemorrhoids and other types of inflammation.

These tests include using a sigmoidoscopy, proctoscopy or anoscopy to see various areas of the colon.

A sigmoidoscopy is when a tube with a light (either rigid or flexible) is inserted into the anus and your doctor may remove tissue samples or small growths.

Before a sigmoidoscopy, you’ll be given an enema, laxative or possibly both to be sure the anal canal and colon are clear and emptied.

A proctoscopy lets the doctor see into the rectum and lower area of the colon, but doesn’t reach as far as the sigmoidscope.

An anoscopy uses a rigid, short and hollow tube with a light to look into the nearest areas (last two inches) of the colon or anal canal.

You won’t be required to prep for this test with laxatives or enemas.

These tests use different scopes look at different sections of the colon.

You may also be screened for colon cancer during the procedure.

You should talk to your doctor about your test preference and your risk for each.

If you’re in pain, you may receive the diagnosis of an external hemorrhoid or anal fissure rather than internal hemorrhoids.

To manage hemorrhoids, you may be told to consume more foods high in dietary fiber or to drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated.

Sitz baths and nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory medications and rest may also be recommended to improve the hemorrhoid situation.

If it’s determined that you’re not getting enough fiber, supplements may be suggested.

Suppositories and topical creams and gels are also available to treat symptoms of hemorrhoids.

If you use products which contain steroids for treatment, don’t use it for over 14 days because thinning of the skin may occur.

Other products may contain vasoconstrictors such as epinephrine, petroleum jelly and zinc oxide.

Make sure you’re not allergic to any of the ingredients listed on the product before using it.

If you’re suffering from hemorrhoids while pregnant, be aware that they will usually go away after giving birth.

If not, try one of the products of lifestyle changes to alleviate the symptoms.

Surgery or a number of other procedures may be performed if the hemorrhoids become very painful or if bleeding or interference in bowel movements occurs.

There are several procedures to choose from and they’re usually safe with the exception of a rare occurrence of perianal sepsis.

Rubber band ligation is usually the first procedure recommended and can be performed in the doctor’s office rather than a hospital.

This procedure involves elastic bands applied to an internal hemorrhoid to cut off the blood supply.

The hemorrhoid withers and falls off within 5 to 7 days.

Cauterization is another effective method to get rid of hemorrhoids, but be aware that the problem may reoccur.

Cauterization can be done using laser surgery, infrared radiation, cryosurgery (using extreme cold) or electrocautery.

The success rate for using sclerotherapy to get rid of hemorrhoids enjoys about a 70% success rate.

This procedure is performed by injecting a sclerosing agent like phenol into the hemorrhoid, causing the vein to collapse.

The hemorrhoids then shrink and disappear.

Invasive, surgical procedures include several techniques, but the complications should be considered.

Bleeding, infection, inability to urinate and strictures on the anus may occur as well as inability to have a bowel movement.

These complications usually last for a small amount of time.

Another surgical procedure involves using ultrasound Doppler to locate the blood inflow.

Then, the arteries supplying the blood are tied and the tissue is then returned to its normal position by suturing.

Recurrence of the hemorrhoids may occur, but this procedure is less invasive than a hemorrhoidectomy.

Stapled hemorrhoidectomy procedure involves removing most of the enlarged tissue, then placing it back in its normal position.

This procedure is usually less painful than a hemorrhoidectomy, but the hemorrhoids may return.

A surgical excision of hemorrhoids is called an excisional hemorrhoidectomy and is usually performed in the most severe cases.

There’s likely to be pain and recovery time is from 2 to 4 weeks.

The benefits of a surgical excision are better than that of the rubber band ligation – especially for those with thrombosed external hemorrhoids.

The doctor will usually recommend glyceryl trinitrate ointment use after the procedure to help with healing and to relieve pain.

Preventive methods for hemorrhoids include avoiding constipation or diarrhea by consuming high-fiber diet (or taking fiber supplements) and drinking lots of fluids, avoiding straining during a bowel movement, losing weight if overweight, avoid heavy lifting and also avoiding reading and sitting on the toilet for long periods of time.

Exercise may also help to relieve constipation, which in turn decreases pressure on the hemorrhoids.

Stool softeners may help alleviate the pain and the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Hemorrhoids - free online health guide and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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