Losing Weight on a Budget

Losing weight on a budget can feel like a daunting task to undertake, especially when the foods you don't need seem to be priced so cheap. It can be hard to eat right and lose weight when you're on a tight budget, but that often stems from trying to get the best bang for your buck. You stock up on pastas and boxed meals because it appears you can get more for your money.

That's great for a survivalist mentality, but it's not so great when you're trying to eat healthy, lose some pounds and get into better shape. However, once you start giving your body the food and nutrients it needs, you should notice your appetite diminishing and you no longer crave all of those junky foods. Plus, if you are still feeling hungry, you can eat more vegetables and still consume less calories than you would eating a fast fix boxed meal.

It may not seem so when you're transitioning over to a healthy eating plan, but choosing fresh foods is more economical that convenience foods. Not only is it better for you, but it can also prevent future health care costs.

Eat less meat and more vegetables. You don't have to give up meat to lose weight, but you should cut down as meat can be high in calories. Vegetables, of course, are pretty low in calories, especially compared to pasta, chips, and other pre-packaged foods.

Avoid buying diet center meals. Not only are they overpriced, but you don't get as much food as you would by stocking up on vegetables. Fresh green vegetables will fill you up without adding tons of calories.

Cut out starchy vegetables. I know a bag of potatoes may seem like a good bargain, but they are high in calories and starch. Instead choose something else like cauliflower instead. Enjoy a potato once in awhile, but not as a staple for every meal.

Cook from scratch. I know, this takes longer, but you can control every ingredient that goes into your meals and skip all the chemical additives and preservatives. Preservatives may not be known for causing weight gain, but they are definitely not good for your health. Consuming those chemicals for most of your life eventually takes its toll on your body and health. Be more selective about what you eat. Use natural spices and herbs to flavor your food.

Skip the extras like sauce and sugar. Only use real butter and cheese sparingly. These items have a lot of calories for such a small portion, so start giving them up. It may not be possible to give them all up at once, so start cutting back on them. Make them last longer and your grocery budget will thank you.

If you're eating a healthy, natural diet, it should not cost any more than you spend now. Making the transition may seem to cost more in the beginning, but once you completely change your eating habits, your pocketbook will appreciate it.

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

If you are looking for information on nutrition products for more energy or for weight control you can send a note to at this link: Contact Us and we will reply to you.

To have a free personal consultation with him to learn how incorporating nutritional supplements may improve your health concerns just visit “The Health Success Site” and download the free health report available there, or Contact Us to request a personal one-on-one consultation by email or phone.

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