Losing Weight Can Be Fun - 5 Simple Activities to Get Healthy and Have Fun

Do you groan when you think of trying to lose weight and exercise? Most of us do! Unfortunately, for so many, the very idea of losing weight breeds negative thoughts and feelings. You may even feel as if it's an impossible challenge.

After all, who wants to think of climbing on those machines in the gym for 30 minutes to take off the pounds? Or even worse, doing sit-ups at home. Yuck!

If losing weight has become a drag, you need to rethink your strategy.

You'll be glad to discover that you don't need to go to the gym to lose weight and get the body you want!

Here are five simple activities that will help you get healthy while having a blast:

1. Play group sports.

One great idea for losing weight the fun way is to play group sports. Next time, instead of dragging yourself to the gym and those dreaded machines, check out the recreation center in your area.

* Start playing soccer, softball, volleyball, or basketball. With these activities, you'll be burning off the calories while enjoying yourself at the same time!

2. Go for a walk with your friends.

Another great way to get active and improve your health is to start walking with friends.

Meet during the week to take a brisk walk together, either in the morning before your day begins, during lunch, or in the evening after work.

* Schedule your walk into your day as social time. While you're walking, take time to catch up and chat with each other. This way it feels more like a social experience instead of exercise.

3. Dance.

Dancing is another great way to burn off mega calories while you have a great time.

You'll get your heart pumping, and you'll enjoy an awesome total workout!

* Take a dance class.
* Go out to a nightclub where you can dance the night away.
* Get some dance videos so you can dance at home.

4. Beautify your yard or cultivate a garden.

Gardening and yard work are both activities that burn calories so you can lose some weight.

Planting flowers or vegetables, pulling weeds, raking, hauling dirt, and doing other gardening chores can really help you get in shape.

* When you're squatting, bending, and yanking out those weeds, you'll be working muscles you didn't even know you had!

5. Play with your family.

Even something as simple as playtime outdoors with the family can help you lose some pounds and stay healthy.

Whether it's running, Frisbee, or playing tag together, just having fun with the family can give you some much needed activity.

* Visit a park and go hiking on the trails.
* Climb a tree in your backyard.
* Go swimming or skiing.

The possibilities are endless! You'll have fun spending quality time with your family, and teaching your children a healthy lifestyle as well.

Although these activities are fun, regular activity and eating a healthy diet go hand in hand when you want to lose weight.

You can't count one weekend of gardening as your exercise for the week. Vary your activities for more fun, and do something to get moving every day.

Consistency is the key to reaching your weight loss goal.

As you can see, exercising and getting in shape don't have to be boring or unpleasant.

There are plenty of easy activities you can do to lose weight, improve your health, and have fun!

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: diet plans guide and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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Losing Weight for You - Because You're Worth It!

Why would you like to lose weight? Is it because you want to look good for a special day?

Perhaps you have a family event or class reunion to attend this year; the reasons could be many.

However, rather than losing weight for a single day event, you may have more luck losing weight for you, because you're worth it!

Having a particular event to look forward to is a good starting point when you decide to lose weight, but it won't be enough to help you keep the weight off after that day has ended.

Sure, you may look great for your 15th high school reunion or your cousin's wedding, but will you maintain that weight loss once your old high school rivals can't be jealous over how good you look?

The likelihood is that you'll go back to your old ways and gain your weight back.

Before starting on your weight loss venture, think of a way to motivate yourself to keep the weight loss going.

You can't find a better motivation for losing weight than to get healthy and feel energized. This is especially true if you have health concerns that are complicated because of your weight.

Losing weight for you - because you're worth it - gives you a permanent reason to shed those pounds and keep them off!

Here are some action steps you can take to help you meet your weight loss goals:

1. Create your weight loss plan.

Now that you have your permanent reason for wanting to lose weight, you can create a successful plan to get you to your goal. Include in your plan:

* Specific, measurable goals that are also reasonable and attainable for you
* A time frame
* Steps you can take each day to achieve your goals

2. Get a mentor.

Your chances of succeeding will be greater if you have the help of a friend or weight loss mentor that will keep you on track when your will power begins to wane.

3. Choose foods that are as close to nature as possible.

These will have the best nutrients and the least artificial ingredients.

* Talk with a dietician or find an online weight loss community to give you advice, encouragement, and constructive criticism for making healthy food choices.

4. Find a sport or activity you can enjoy that will get you moving.

You don't have to spend hours and hours in a gym, unless that's what you choose to do.

* An increase in the amount or intensity of exercise by as little as twenty minutes a day can do wonders to help you reach your weight loss goals!

5. Set small, attainable goals.

While your ultimate goal may be to lose 50 pounds, you won't be able to reach that goal in a short period of time. Set smaller goals such as five or ten pounds in two months.

* Experts recommend losing no more than two pounds a week, so it would be feasible to lose at least five pounds in a month.

6. Celebrate when you've reached smaller goals.

Just don't celebrate with food! Choose rewards you'll enjoy and that will keep you motivated to claim your next reward.

* Have smaller rewards for smaller amounts of weight and then larger rewards when you've reached a major milestone such as 25 pounds.

7. Don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day or even blow your diet completely.

You're only human! Instead of degrading yourself over it, tell yourself that you're worth the effort to lose weight and that you can do it. Start afresh the next day.

8. Be patient.

Remember that you didn't gain the weight overnight. You can't be expected to lose it quickly, either.

Your best course of action is consistency. Keep on track and the weight will come off and stay off!

Losing weight can accomplish so much more than making friends envious because you could fit in clothing that you wore in high school.

Your health can be greatly improved by ridding yourself of extra pounds and exercising to get your body in shape.

This time, choose to lose weight for yourself rather than for anyone else or any other reason. That's the best reason in the world!

Follow these tips, stick with it, and enjoy your new, healthy body!

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