Losing Weight and Keeping It Off

by Warren Tattersall

Everywhere you look you see promises of diets to let you lose 5 kg FAST.

Often they work …… in the short term.

In the long term they work against you and they can be quiet dangerous.

These diets often lead to the phenomenon known as yo-yo dieting with weight going up and down in a very negative way.

Let’s look at this and try to get a broad picture of what’s going on here to brought us to a situation where there are more people who are overweight in the world today than there are people who are underweight. A world where obesity and excess weight has reached epidemic proportions in most developed countries.

Losing weight seems simple.

Many people believe it is just maths. Work out how many calories you burn in a day and then set a diet that gives you less calories than you burn and the difference is reflected directly into weight loss.

This seems to make sense but like most problems that are simplified into such an elegant and obvious solution it is often completely wrong.

There are a lot more factors working here than just calories ingested and calories burnt.

If, for example, someone has a personality problem that causes them to hide behind excess weight then nothing is going to help until they deal with the issues.

By the same token university studies have shown that in serious dieters their bodies will work against them in trying to protect their general wellness. Case studies have shown that for some people who were studied and who were eating a diet of just green vegetables their bodies have been able to metabolize the vegetables into body fat!!

This sounds incredible but the body is a very finely tuned and sophisticated machine and it can do amazing things, both with regard to weight and also with wellness and healing issues.

Once again we are seeing that the easy answer is probably not going to work in the long run!

Looking at the weight aspect it is hard to understand what to do if you cannot get an overall picture of how your body is working to protect you.

I once heard a world renowned intuitionalist, Dr David Katzin, talking in Australia and telling this story to help people understand it;

”Imagine an Australian aboriginal living a traditional life in the Australia bushland back before there was white settlement.

Then imagine that a drought has hit the country and with no rain the plants are not producing much fruit and the natural prey of the hunters have migrated looking for food.

The aboriginal begins to stave and his body realizes that if it does not take action to help protect itself then he is going to die.

Continued here:
“Losing Weight and Keeping It Off”

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