Lose Belly Fat Before You Put On a Swimsuit

Excited to catch some waves but nervous about how you’re going to look once you have that swimsuit on? You can lose belly fat before you even go to put it on! There are many tried and true ways on how to lose that belly fat, and keep it off.

If you want - not only want to lose belly fat - but be healthy too, then build muscle. When you have muscle mass rather than fat, it makes it ten times easier for your body to burn calories while doing the simplest of things. Even while sitting, you burn double the amount of calories when you have muscles rather than fat.

To lose that dreaded belly fat, minimize your caloric intake to a number that best suits you. If you are a woman aged 18-35, then you need from 1100-1300 calories per day in order to stay healthy, yet allow your body to lose the weight you despise so much. If you are a male in the same age range of 18-35, you need from 1600-1800 calories per day.

By simply changing what you drink daily, it will help limit your calories. For example, sodas of any kind range from 150-300 calories per can or bottle alone! Now, don’t go thinking you’re sneaky and savvy by drinking “diet soda” - it’s no different.

Diet soda may have only zero calories, but it has so many chemicals in it to make it have no calories, that it is almost just as bad. And those empty calories are worrying experts that it forces your body to crave more calories.

Water is the best substitute for any drink. If you want to treat yourself to a drink induced with calories, do it in the morning - this way you have all day to burn off all of the calories.

If you are lacking energy and just don't feel motivated when the time comes to exercise, or, if you want to make healthy food choices but then the time comes to make decisions you choose high sugar because you 'just to pick up your energy' then you are probably not absorbing nutrition properly. It would be time to then get on the Herbalife products for 90 days and to rebuild your body's ability to absorb the nutrition from the food you eat.

The obvious way to lose belly fat is to increase the amount of time you spend at the much-dreaded gym. You don’t pay $25+ dollars per month for nothing! Good exercises to tone your tummy are often not found in crunches but in exercise regimens that incorporate the core of your body.

Some great exercises to tone your tummy are knee-ups, vacuum contractions, and running. These exercises will not only tone your tummy, but also your arms and legs. Doing squats will control your belly fat as well as give you nice, toned thighs - not to mention that amazing tush you’ve always wanted!

If you want to consider looking further than diet and exercise and are up for weight loss or diet supplements, then that’s okay, too. There are many different kinds to help you in your quest to lose belly fat. You just have to find the one that works best for you and has all that you want in a pill or liquid form. If you want to lose belly fat, you can - just never give up!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

If you are desperate to lose weight quickly and looking for a safe and natural rapid weight loss program that is also convenient and affordable, you should check this site out, and also get the healthy weight loss answers you have been looking for. Remember to grab your free diet tips ebook downloads as well while you are there!

To have a free personal consultation with him to learn how incorporating nutritional supplements may improve your health concerns just visit “The Health Success Site” and download the free health report available there, or email warren@TheHealthSuccessSite.com to request a personal one-on-one consultation by email or phone (you will need to click the link to whitelist your email address, if you get a Bounce message reply).

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