Jumping Rope for Weight Loss

If you haven't picked up a jump rope since your school days then you could be in for a bit of a surprise. Skipping is one of the best cardio-respiratory exercises around for weight loss and can burn more calories than many other exercises - it is also great fun.

Think about it. What other piece of exercise equipment;

" Costs less than $20

" Will fit into a pocket, briefcase, desk drawer, handbag, glove compartment

" You can do it anywhere, all you need is a little space and some sneakers

There are very many benefits of jumping rope for weight loss. Not only does it help to improve the fitness of your heart and lungs (that's what cardio respiratory means) but it also helps to trim the thighs, the butt and the hips, increases co-ordination and flexibility and helps to build bones. How come we all know these things as school children and forget them as we get older - jumping rope is fun, why don't we do more of it?

Weight Loss and Calorie Burning

Exercise can help weight loss because it burns off calories and jumping rope is one of the best calorie burning exercises around. Depending upon your individual weight and how much effort you put into the skipping session you will burn somewhere between 80 and 100 calories in every ten minute skipping session, not a bad return is it?

Getting Back to Basics

Anyone who hasn't jumped rope for some time may need a little practice. It's always best to start off slowly until you get your timing right - you can simply rotate the skipping rope with both handles in one hand slowly and jump every time the rope hits onto the floor. You don't need to jump too high, about an inch from the floor is plenty which helps to reduce the amount of impact on your ankles and knees and helps you to stay injury free.

Jumping rope is strenuous exercise so be careful not to overdo it at first. Warm up by marching on the spot for a few minutes before each session and start off slowly, then you should skip for around 30 seconds and march on the spot for 30 seconds, skip for 30 seconds and march on the spot for 30 seconds - rinse and repeat - until you get fitter.

Once your fitness levels have improved you can do more skipping and less marching! Variety is the spice of life and once you've re-mastered the art of jumping rope there are plenty of different moves you can try to vary your jump rope sessions;

" Jogging on the spot as you skip

" Skip jump involves hopping from one foot to the other and kicking the other leg out to the front

" Hopping from one leg to the other - you can hop twice per leg, three times per leg, whatever you want

" Jack jump - which means that on one jump you land with your feet together, the next time you land with your legs apart

Jumping rope really is a terrific asset to any weight loss program, and it's also great fun.

Learn more in our guide here about what is a healthy weight loss and fitness plan.

If you would like to learn more about safe healthy weight loss ways to get fit, and about the natural supplements that I recommend and use myself, just drop me a line here and you'll get a free consultation ... CONTACT ME - no obligation, we'll just have a chat about your weight and health goals and the best ways you can achieve them while improving your overall health.

Warren Tattersall has been a nutritional consultant for over 20 years and has a personal interest in weight lifting toward reaching competition level.

If you are interested in body building and weight lifting you can also get a fast start to build muscle like one of the Spartan 300 using this powerful training guide I have just published! Click banner to learn more >>>

Numerous Celebrity Weight Loss Stories

Living a life as a celebrity is not always as easy and luxurious as it would appear. This is because celebrities often need to lose a significant amount of weight, when starring in a new movie or TV show. The life of a celebrity usually happens under a microscope, where any small gain or loss of a few pounds is noticeable.

However, they have been highly successful at finding alternative solutions for losing weight quickly, and keeping it off. The celebrity weight loss programs they follow can benefit anyone that is willing to take on the same weight loss commitment.

To be effective, celebrities tend to avoid crash diets that can easily weaken their immune system, and leave them extremely vulnerable to hurting their heart or other organs. In addition, a quick weight gain can also be bad, especially on the joints and heart.

Jennifer Hudson

Jennifer Hudson is an Oscar and Grammy winner that lost a significant amount of weight in 2010. In fact, the year before she lost significant baby weight before she needed to start shooting a movie. Since then, she has used celebrity trainers and cut back on daily caloric intake by following an effective weight watchers program. In fact, she has been so successful that she has drop down 10 dress sizes, from a 16 to a size 6.

Drew Carey

Drew lost an amazing 80 pounds over the years since 2010. His efforts were so successful, he stopped taking his type II diabetes medications, because they were no longer needed. Since then, he has kept the weight off by sticking to a restrictive diet of quality proteins along with organic vegetables and fruits. In addition, he follows a strict cardio workout regimen of 45 minutes, six days every week.

John Goodman

In the middle of filming Roseann episodes, John Goodman tipped the scales at an amazing 370 pounds, back in 2007. Since that time, John quit drinking, and removed all sugars from his diet. In addition, he has begun a strict workout regimen six days every week, and has lost over 100 pounds.

Kelly Osbourne

Kelly is always had to deal with childhood baby fat, until she took the initiative of a strict workout regimen and a quality diet. Now she incorporates her dance workouts and has dropped well over 50 pounds. Her once larger size, now accommodates a size 2 body frame, where she now appears on the front page of many celebrity magazines.

Janet Jackson

One of the most recognized celebrity weight loss stories involves Janet Jackson, Michael’s sister. This notorious yo-yo weight loss dieter has finally gotten a handle on her weight by watching what she eats, and working out routinely with a trainer.

Most of the celebrity weight loss stories involve stars that have needed to lose weight to remain successful in their occupation. For the rest of us though, we can receive many of the same benefits by developing a strict workout regimen, changing to a healthier diet, and cutting back on the daily intake of calories.

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