Is Your Body Bikini-Ready?

It's Summer, at last! During the winter months most of your body was covered with warm (and concealing) clothes. Peeling off those layers may reveal a body that isn't quite ready for your newly-purchased bikini. Don't fret - analyze which parts of your body needs help and get busy.

Chances are, you've worked out religiously all winter to sculpt your body into its sexiest best. If you aren't satisfied with what you see, try some toning and firming exercises designed to exorcise the flab that's holding on for dear life.

Conditioning exercises are the key to whip problem areas of your upper body, tummy, hips, butt and thighs into shape. Conditioning lets you pinpoint the trouble areas of your body and tone and shape them with specific exercises. Volumes of conditioning exercises can be found online or books and magazines.

It's time to shake the dust off of the weights, jump rope and exercise ball, putting them to use in ways that will have your body bikini-ready in no time. While you're concentrating on body-sculpting, don't forget to get in a cardio workout to keep the metabolism going and the fat burning.

You've heard it many times before, but get your daily fill of water so that you stay hydrated as the summer temperature soars. Water intake flushes toxins from your system and keeps that ugly cottage cheese look called "cellulite" from creeping into your body.

Don't forget the importance of a healthy diet. Your skin will reflect the foods you put into your body, so be especially careful during the summer months to get plenty of fruits and vegetables that are naturally in season - and good for you.

After you've done all you can to firm and tone your body, it's time to think about the condition of all that skin showing off in a bikini - and that's a lot!

To achieve glowing, silky smooth skin that you'll be proud to flaunt, begin by exfoliating. Exfoliating removes dead skin cells that lay on the surface of your skin and leaves it soft and toned. To effectively exfoliate your skin, use a natural bristle brush or your favorite exfoliating cream.

Remove unwanted hair by using a razor, waxing or hair removal cream - and don't forget to use a moisturizer afterward. And, keep your skin in top condition by using a sun screen - and apply it often when you're on the beach. You'll also avoid wrinkles and skin cancer as you age.

Make the time and effort to follow the above tips and your body can be bikini-ready and as sizzling hot as the summer temps.

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

To have a free personal consultation with him to learn how incorporating nutritional supplements may improve your health concerns just visit “The Health Success Site” and download the free health report available there, or Contact Us to request a personal one-on-one consultation by email or phone.

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