by Helene Malmsio

Helene Malmsio

Did you know that 90% of doctor visits are for stress related symptoms?

Stress bombards us every day from all directions. Maybe it’s sitting in the midst of highway gridlock when you are already late for an important appointment.

Or how about the bill you forgot to pay? It could be a phone call from the school complaining about your child’s behavior.

These are just the annoying little stress triggers that we handle every day. What about the larger issues?

Retirement, moving, divorce or, heaven forbid, the death of a loved one or friend can come out of the blue and here comes the stress, launching you into treading murky waters one more time.

The impression is that the feelings of stress come from outside sources when, in reality, it happens inside of us.

When we feel as though we are under pressure, our bodies react the same way that we have trained them to do with a rise in blood pressure, tightening of muscles and accelerated breathing.

These physical symptoms are generally referred to as “fight or flight” responses. This is a term left over from historical times when the choices were to flee or stand and fight.

Unfortunately, today we don’t have those options. Each situation must be dealt with and that’s where the stress comes in.

Some stress is unavoidable and is actually good for you as we will discuss further on.

But too much stress leads to troubles that can range from upset stomach to anxiety attacks and even as serious as heart attacks.

There’s a whole arsenal of stress busting tools available that we will discuss here.

Hopefully, the more you understand your stress, the better prepared you will be at controlling your body’s response to stress and restoring a calmer state of mind.

Chemically, stress is a condition that your body enters as the result of a message received from your brain telling it to prepare to run or fight.

The body reacts by preparing for that eventuality. The brain tells the adrenal glands to send a rush of two hormones (adrenaline and noradrenaline) to the muscles in preparation for them to respond to a fear or a threat.

It is the job of the brain to protect the body. It accomplishes this by telling the noradrenaline to redirect blood flow from lower priority areas of your body (like skin or your abdomen) to the muscles to give you a “power boost.”

At the same time, the brain is also telling the adrenaline to speed up your breathing to take in more oxygen to feed the work being done on the muscles with the noradrenaline.

article continued here: How To Reduce Stress At Work & At Home

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