How to Get Rid of Unhealthy Food Addictions

by Alesha Wilson
(Wilmington, NC)

It’s no surprise if you have a certain food that you always crave for even if you know that it
is unhealthy. After all, once you’ve gotten used to having French fries or cakes or coffee, it
will be hard to go by a day without them in your system. Pretty soon you will find yourself
craving for these things quite often. And, even sooner, your waistline will be protesting.
How do you get rid of unhealthy food addictions? Here are some tips:

1. Lessen the strength of your coffee. As you consume more coffee per day, you will
begin to notice that it’s not having the same effect as it used to. Coffee is a good
stimulant in the morning, but if you need lots of cups to be awake, that’s not good
at all. Gradually lessen your addiction by lessening the strength. After you’ve turned
it back to normal levels, you can then enjoy one harmless cup of invigorating coffee
without needing another.
2. Bake French fries instead of frying and use herbs instead of lots of salt. French fries
are everyone’s favorite, but it’s usually prepared with lots of oil and salt, which are
addictive and unhealthy. You can get rid of the addiction (or at least find ways to
make it healthier) by making your own baked potatoes. They taste the same, if not
better, and with herbs they will become healthier. No oil is used in baking, too.
3. Make your own cake and set consequences for eating more than a small portion.
One good way of lessening your food addiction is by conditioning your body to not
like eating it so much. Of course that can’t be done with the taste of the food alone,
since you like it, but you can find ways so that you will not enjoy eating it like you
used to. Give yourself a couple of hours of cleaning chores for every slice of cake you
eat or additional cup of coffee you have.
4. Avoid places that sell the things you are addicted to as much as possible. If your
habit of drinking coffee started when you discovered that new coffee shop on your
way to work, it might be a good idea to look for another way, one which will take you
off the street of that shop. If you do this, you won’t be tempted to get coffee. Try
a street that doesn’t have any coffee shop at all so that you won’t simply switch to
another branch to get your caffeine fix.
5. Find healthy alternatives. You become addicted to coffee because of the caffeine in
it. To get rid of that addiction, find a health substitute such as apples. Eat an apple a
day instead of drinking a cup of coffee.

Alesha Wilson is a staff writer at Get Rockwell Nutrition perque adreno distress guard by following the link.

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