How to Get Motivated to Exercise

When it comes to exercise, motivation is critical. Many people get very excited about exercise in the beginning, but as the workouts get harder and the weight comes off more slowly, their motivation begins to fade.

You must make a continual effort to keep yourself mentally open to exercise. Here are a few tips to help you recharge your batteries:

Make Small Goals. It can help you to stay motivated when you make goals based on exercise instead of weight. For example, set a goal to exercise 3 times a week for one month. Then reward yourself when you complete it.

Create a Buddy System. For many people, exercising with a friend is a great way to stay motivated. When you’re not feeling like going, you have an automatic cheerleader.

However, you need to make sure you choose a friend who is just as committed as you are. Sometimes friends can also sabotage your efforts. You’ll have to use good judgment in selecting a workout partner.

Make a Commitment. One of the hardest things about exercise is that you have to make a long-term commitment to it. You may want to make a contract with yourself that states the reasons why you’re exercising.

Think of as many reasons as possible such as good health, shopping for clothes, being around for your family, and being a good role model. Whatever your reasons are, state them.

Once you’ve got them written down, you can keep them posted somewhere you’ll see them often. This is a tangible reminder of what got you started in the first place.

Create Some Friendly Competition. Another way to help you stay motivated to work out is to compete. Instead of focusing on your weight loss, you may want to focus on number of times you work out.

Choose a partner and determine a monthly award for the most workouts. For example, the loser can buy the winner a pedicure, lunch, or cover the winner’s gym membership for a month.

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

To have a free personal consultation with him to learn how incorporating nutritional supplements may improve your health concerns just visit “The Health Success Site” and download the free health report available there, or Contact Us to request a personal one-on-one consultation by email or phone.

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