High Fiber Content Makes The Best Fruit For Weight Loss Purposes

When it comes to losing weight, the common wisdom is that one should include plenty of fruits and vegetables in the nutritional plan. In fact, many diets say that unlimited amounts of fruits and vegetables can be eaten without breaking the plan.

However, it might surprise you to know that not all fruits are optimal for weight loss! In fact, some fruits can even hurt your weight loss efforts, setting you back days or weeks in your progress, or even causing you to gain weight.

It seems like a shame to put all of the work and effort and sacrifice into your weight loss journey that is required only to get minimal results, if any at all, simply because you are not aware of the properties that make the best fruit for weight loss, and the properties that make the worst fruit for weight loss.

However, that is no longer a concern once you are educated on the nutritional content that makes the best fruit for weight loss.

It is not difficult, in fact it is quite simple – you want to focus on fruits that have a very high fiber content, relative to other fruits, and a low carbohydrate content.

While natural sugars such as the kinds found in fruit are obviously preferable to process sugar, especially white sugar, when it comes to overall health, they can still make you gain weight, or at the very least all your weight loss efforts.

Fruits such as plums which have a very low fiber content and a very high amount of natural sugar can be detrimental to your weight loss journey and should be avoided in favor of high fiber, low carbohydrate fruits such as melons, less sweet varieties of apples, berries, and the like.

Although fruit is delicious and it might be disappointing to learn that it cannot be with impunity, the main purpose of losing weight is to get healthy, and of course you would want to do that as quickly as possible.

Why would you want to keep sabotaging your weight loss efforts like doing something as easily corrected as including too many high sugar fruits in your diet?

After all, there is a reason that fruit is referred to as "nature's candy" – it is sweet and delicious.

And some of that sweet and delicious fruit can still be enjoyed with regularity, you just need to be more conscious in deciding which of those fruits that will be.

By limiting the fruits that you include in your diet to ones that are high in fiber and low in carbohydrates, you give yourself the best chance of incorporating the best fruit for weight loss and having the best results when you step on the scale at the end of the week.

After all, the pounds you are shedding and your success on the scale is the ultimate goal of this new nutritional plan, so why not give yourself the best chance possible of success?

Are you fed up with being overweight and want to get serious and drop those pounds and keep them off? Our Free Weight Loss Report Reveals the fundamentals of losing weight the natural way .

If you would like to learn more about healthy ways to lose weight, and about the natural supplements that I recommend and use myself, just drop me a line here and you'll get a free consultation with Warren Tattersall... CONTACT ME - no obligation, we'll just have a chat about your weight and health goals and the best ways you can achieve them while improving your overall health.

Does Fast Weight Loss Work?

While most doctors and nutritionists recommend against fast weight loss, there still are many people who are desperate enough to attempt it.

If you are one of them, it is important that you go about it the right way, otherwise you could run the risk of jeopardizing your health.

Your objective should be to maximize weight loss on a slow and steady basis to make sure the weight stays off permanently.

If you are trying to lose weight by reducing the amount of food you eat, it is better to limit your calorie intake slowly.

Unfortunately, many people attempt to stop eating altogether in order to lose weight as fast as possible.

You should not attempt this, apart from being dangerous for your health; starving yourself will result in regaining the lost pounds as soon as you start eating.

To safely and effectively lose weight that stays off, it is better to gradually cut back on the amount of food you eat, try to eat a healthy balanced diet and make sure you cut out the junk and processed fatty foods altogether.

By just cutting out the junk foods and sugary drinks you may find after a short time that the weight is coming off without you having to do much else.

When you feel like snacks try substituting that chocolate bar or bag of chips for a piece of fruit.

Take a healthy packed lunch to work instead of relying on the local take away food shop, that’s the hard to resist road to temptation in indulging your taste buds.

To make your weight loss really effective it’s not enough just to diet you also need to factor in some form of exercise on a regular basis.

Even if you aren’t an exercise junkie try and pick something you enjoy doing, such as cycling or swimming, even just a daily walk will help your waistline.

You won’t see the results overnight but you will see them if you stick to your guns.

If you haven’t exercised for a while don’t jump in and go all out you are likely to do yourself more harm than good this way.

Build your exercise level up until you reach a point where you are comfortable yet feeling the benefits. Even starting with just a 15 min walk a day will have benefits.

A common question from people trying to lose weight is: which is better exercise or dieting? The answer is a combination of both will be most effective in helping you reach your goals.

By exercising you speed up your metabolism to burn calories, but you need to eat healthily to give you the energy to exercise.

Before starting any weight loss diet or exercise program you should always consult with your own doctor first and check that what you are planning is right for you.

Once you get the go ahead, set your mind to accepting that you can do this and how much better you will feel once you achieve your goals.

It’s a good idea to set some goals and pin them up on your fridge or somewhere that you can see them every day. When you reach the milestones you’ve set, it makes it rewarding to continue.

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Varicose Veins - free online health guide and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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