Food Nutrition Facts & F.A.Q.

by Helene Malmsio

Helene Malmsio


Q- We would like to explore some of the specifics about unhealthy eating and nutrition. If you had to define nutrition what is it?

A- There is a set of guidelines that the government publishes for 20 or so different vitamins and minerals and nutrient and the carbohydrates and those values or based on population studies where they go out and look at the health and consider what people consume on a regular basis.

Q- Would it be safe to say that nutrition is based on certain food stuffs?

A- If you wanted to generalize it I would say that it would be just getting all the right balance of nutrients necessary for good health.

Q- What is the difference between nutrients and food stuffs?

A- Basically none. You can look at anything that provides nutrients to the body like carbohydrates, protein, minerals and vitamins. They are the vitamins and minerals that everyone knows about and then there are the ones like micronutrients like selenium, chromium and zinc and some of those that aren’t so talked about. But food in general is just a carrier for nutrients.

You can take a loaf of bread it…has starch in it and protein and non-fat dry milk, the non-fat dry milk will contain lactose. It will contain a high amount of minerals usually. The non-fat dry milk will contain casing, which is a non-fat dry milk protein. You break down the constituents in the food and each one of those provides nutrients for the body.

Q- How does one go about breaking years and years of bad eating habits? And we are going to talk more about eating and diet a little bit later but what would be the start point for someone?

A- If there were an easy answer to the question we wouldn’t have the problems we have today like obesity. You know right now in the US 60% of the population has a weight problem. “Morbidly Obese” is clinically defined as being 100 pounds or more overweight. In our population, the number of people being morbidly obese is increasing year after year.

People with just such a weight problem are continuing to increase every year. In our culture today there is an over abundance of food available. You know, on every corner there is fast food and billboards and everywhere you turn there is an advertisement for fast food.

You know starting almost from infancy where you have two working parents they get home from their job and they are more likely to park there kids in front of the TV.

More and more year after year the cable companies seem to be just filled with everything you can imagine and not very nutritious food. You get exposed to that and it gets ingrained in your thinking about food and, if you will do the research on it, many of those ads are geared toward influencing children.

article continued here: Food Nutrition Facts & F.A.Q. Directory

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