Fat Loss and Women: Why Female Fat is Such a Challenge to Get Rid Of

It may not sound very promising but women do store fat more efficiently than men. And they do so in certain areas of the body where it's considered unsightly the thighs, butt and hips. But this is only because of the physiological difference between men and women.

Women store fat in those areas because they are designed by nature to do so. Unfortunately, nature has made losing that fat rather difficult to do. What can women expect about gender-based fat loss? Here are some things you ought to know:

Easy on - not too easy off?

Blame it on lipoprotein lipase, a type of enzyme that is found in the fat cells located in women's lower bodies. These enzymes cause women to store fat in those areas very easily. This is why the consequences of a few binges here and there are easily noticeable after only a short period of time.

Unfortunately, the same enzyme makes it rather difficult for women to obtain quick fat loss. This explains why the areas where you gain fat initially are the same areas where they are difficult to shed. If you're still wondering why fat in the lower body is so hard to get rid of, it's really just the enzyme doing its job.

The good news!

If there's one reason to celebrate regarding female fat is that the extra bulge in the hips and thighs do not pose as much significant health risks as the type of abdominal fats found in men. These fat tissues actually help take bad fats from the bloodstream, keeping these fats from clogging up arteries and causing potentially problematic metabolic or cardiovascular diseases and conditions.

There's more! fat loss in women doesn't have to be an impossible task. As long as a sensible diet is followed and maintained, along with aerobic exercises combined with weight or strength training, women will still be able to slim down by over 15%. The key here is to try to strike a balance between diet and exercise and avoid high fat foods.

Increasing metabolism

As mentioned earlier, strength training should be integrated as an essential component of any exercise program. Muscles help increase metabolic activity, which helps women burn and lose fat more efficiently.

In the fat loss race, women also have a slight advantage over men in that women are much more likely to be better informed regarding correct food choices. They are more likely to change their usual diet and switch to healthful one.


Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

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To have a free personal consultation with him to learn how incorporating nutritional supplements may improve your health concerns just visit “The Health Success Site” and download the free health report available there, or email warren@TheHealthSuccessSite.com to request a personal one-on-one consultation by email or phone.

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