Do Weight Loss Supplements Work?

There are many weight loss supplements on the market today but do they work? Like everything, you have to take care when finding supplements to help you lose weight. Some people will tell you anything just to sell a product. Other supplements may help you in your weight loss endeavours by decreasing your appetite or increasing the metabolism so that you are highly motivated to get more exercise. Here is a list of popular weight loss supplements.

* Fucoxanthin is a substance found in brown seaweed that is often used in Japanese dishes such as miso soup. It should be taken in capsule or tablet form when being used to promote weight loss. No studies have been carried out on humans; only on animals where rats and mice seemed to lose weight after consuming it. While safe in soups, in tablet form it is much stronger and could cause iodine poisoning or interfere with the thyroid gland. Also, some people are allergic to iodine.

* Green tea has become popular as an aid to weight loss. The substances in it such as theanine are believed to raise the metabolism and reduce appetite. However, just drinking green tea alone will not do much for any loss of weight. Any weight loss supplements need to be taken in conjunction with other forms of losing weight such as dieting and exercise.

* White bean extract is another supplement that people often take to help them lose weight. The substances in it are supposed to prevent carbohydrates turning into sugar in your body. While few studies have been conducted, one suggests that white bean extract certainly does help people to lose weight.

* Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a fatty acid that comes from beef and dairy foods. It is available as a supplement and is said to increase muscle mass while decreasing fat. While some studies showed success in losing weight for those who took it, other studies did not. The main thing to remember is that it was also found to have a negative impact on blood sugar metabolism and it is possible it may contribute to insulin resistance.

* Chitosan made from chitin a substance found in the shells of lobsters and crabs. It is said to fight fat absorption, but can cause constipation and an upset stomach, while absorption of vital nutrients could be compromised. However, some studies found it did work on weight loss.

It is wise to talk to your doctor before taking any supplements for weight loss or for other reasons. A good diet plan and exercise are usually the safest way to lose weight.

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

If you would like more information about nutrition products and specific products that may assist you with your health and the way you look and feel then please contact us directly on the from at this page: Contact Us

To have a free personal consultation with Warren to learn how incorporating nutritional supplements may improve your health concerns just visit “The Health Success Site” and download the free health report available there, or Contact Us to request a personal one-on-one consultation by email or phone.

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