Do Those Lose Belly Fat Exercises And Get Sexy Again

There are plenty of lose belly fat exercises that you can try. But before doing any form of exercise it is important that you get checked out by your doctor. He will run a full medical check up and make sure that your belly fat is down to poor diet and lack of exercise and not some underlying illness.

If you are extremely overweight, he will also discuss an exercise plan with you and will probably suggest that you only do workouts under close supervision.

Please pay attention to his advice as we don't want anyone have heart problems trying to get a flat stomach.

So assuming you are fit and healthy, lets begin. The first thing you always do is warm up. This helps to prevent exercise and is the reason why all sports people do a warm up routine before they do any form of workout. Gentle stretching is all that is required.

Now lie flat on your back with your hands by your sides. Take a deep breath and holding it in, gently lift the upper part ofyour body about 10 cms off the ground. You are using your abdominal muscles to do this not your hands. Hold for 10 seconds and then relax. Sounds simple right? Go and try it and see how hard this one is at least at the start.

But practice makes perfect and it is a great tummy toner. A word of warning though. If your belly fat is as a result of a recent pregnancy and you have had a C section you should definitely not be doing this exercise until you get the all clear from your doctor.

This also goes for anyone who has had abdominal surgery recently.

You may also want to firm up your bum. So lie flat on your front and keeping your leg straight, raise your right leg 10 cm off the ground and hold for 10 seconds.

Slowly lower to the floor. Repeat for your left leg. Practice this one increasing the number of lifts you do and soon you will have a bum a teenager would be proud to own.

Be warned though. If you experience pain when exercising this is a signal from your body that your muscles are hurting and you should not ignore it.

Yes body builders will but only when training for a specific result. The no pain no gain rule does not apply to do it yourself exercise techniques.

The pain you are feeling is a build up of lactic acid in your muscles thus telling you that they are not getting sufficient oxygen. Never ignore it. Stop and start again tomorrow.

In order to get that flat stomach you also need to exercise your back and neck muscles. This will help you achieve a toned body from head to toe so you will look better in your bikini or swimsuit.

Add in some walking and skipping and your lose belly fat exercises should take effect very quickly.

Learn more in our guide here about what is a healthy weight loss and fitness plan.

If you would like to learn more about safe healthy weight loss ways to get fit, and about the natural supplements that I recommend and use myself, just drop me a line here and you'll get a free consultation ... CONTACT ME - no obligation, we'll just have a chat about your weight and health goals and the best ways you can achieve them while improving your overall health.

Warren Tattersall has been a nutritional consultant for over 20 years and has a personal interest in weight lifting toward reaching competition level.

If you are interested in body building and weight lifting you can also get a fast start to build muscle like one of the Spartan 300 using this powerful training guide I have just published! Click banner to learn more >>>

Lose Weight And Finally Get The Body You Want

The battle for weight loss is one of the toughest people have overcoming. When you decide to lose weight you might manage to shed off a few pounds here and there, but keeping it off is hard.

You can literally diet for weeks and then easily fall back into bad habits during a weekend and a lot of your efforts will be for nothing. You have to build a strong mentality and commit to a regular workout regime as well as diet to see a real change.

In order to lose weight you have to first write down your target weight goal. For instance, if you weigh 200 pounds and want to lose 50 pounds then you want to write that down.

Have a physical copy of your goal so that it is visible in front of you to see every day. After you write down your goal put it somewhere like your desk at work, car, fridge door, or calendar so that you are constantly reminded of your goal.

Once you have your goal written down devise a plan to reach that goal. Make this plan reasonable so that you can meet your goal within that timeframe. Losing 50 pounds in one month does not seem like a realistic goal.

Yet losing 50 pounds over the course of six months is a little more reasonable. When your long-term goal is determined the next step is to devise short-term goals to help you along the way towards reaching your goal.

Write your weekly goal to lose a certain amount of pounds each week. While you write this down figure out how you are going to accomplish your goals.

For weight loss you have to workout. In the past if you have not had any luck losing weight by dieting then you need to add exercise into your daily routine.

Think about the things that you like to do and perform those types of exercises. Try your best to complete cardio workouts every day of the week. If you want to build a little muscle and tone up then workout about four or five days a week.

Let your body rest on weekends. It really doesn't matter what type of workouts you complete.

What matters the most is that you sweat a lot during workouts. If you sweat then that means you are losing weight and sweating it out.

Dieting is the most essential part of losing weight. Weight loss is almost impossible if there is no change in your eating habits.

Eliminate fast food, foods rich with carbs, and other fattening food choices. All of these contribute towards weight gain. Fill your diet with a lot of protein, water, fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods. You have to be serious about committing to your diet this time.

Think about your goals and then work towards reaching them every single day. Put your daily and weekly goals on your phone calendar.

The next time you feel like slipping from your diet or skipping a workout take out your phone and look at it. Think about all of the efforts you have made and where you will be in a week to motivate yourself.

Weight loss can be tough to achieve, but if you commit to following your goals then you can achieve your ideal weight.

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: diet plans guide and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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Warren Tattersall, health coach consultant.

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