Diagnosis Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is often misunderstood by most people

Diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome is complicated as there is no diagnostic laboratory test of biomarker for CFS. Fatigue and other symptoms of this is common to many illnesses, many patients don’t look sick, the illness has a pattern of reduction and relapse and symptoms varies from person to person in type, number and severity. So these factors are contributed to a low diagnosis rate and of the four million Americans who have CFS less than 20% have been diagnosed.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome cannot be diagnosed through blood test, brain scan or any other lab test. To tackle this problem CDC brought together a group of CFS experts and based on the information available they published strict symptom and physical criteria by which scientist could evaluate Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients in a scientific journal, Annals of Internal Medicine.

For diagnosing CFS your health care professional will take a detailed patient history which includes the review of medicines that could cause fatigue. Then a complete physical and mental status check up will also be performed. A series of lab screening tests have to be performed in order to identify or rule out the other possibilities of the symptoms. To follow up the initial screening tests your health care professional may also ask to perform additional tests.

CFS can considered to be diagnosed if the following criteria are met:

(1) Persistent and unexplained fatigue which is not due to ongoing exertion and which cannot be relieved by taking rest. The decrease in the previous levels of activity.
(2) Four or more of the following symptoms for six months or more:
(a) Impaired memory or concentration
(b) Postexertional malaise
(c) Sleep which cannot refresh you
(d) Muscle pain
(e) Multijoint pain without swelling or redness
(f) Severe or new type of headaches
(g) Frequent sore throat
(h) Tender cervical or axillary lymph nodes

The syndrome resemble many other illnesses which includes mononucleosis, Lyme disease, lupus, several sclerosis, fibromyalgia, main sleep disorders, rigorous obesity and major depressive disorders. Side effects of some medications can also show the symptoms of CFS. If you have a feeling of CFS symptoms consult a doctor in order to find that any other conditions are responsible for the symptoms.

The diagnosis of CFS is possible only by the omission of other conditions. Do not delay for seeking diagnosis and medical care because early diagnosis and treatment can increase the probability of improvement.

When learning to cope, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers need a lot of help and support. It is just as difficult for them to understand as it may be for their friends and loved ones. Engaging in exercise to keep strength and energy levels up, tracking daily energy spikes, and support from family and friends are all great ways of coping with the disorder.

But do not worry, whatever may be your level of chronic fatigue, it has been observed that taking quality dietary supplements and use of chronic fatigue herbs can help to improve the health and energy levels of the sufferer. This is the simplest and fastest way to improve your health and start on your road to recovery and fully enjoying your life again.

IS CFS ROBBING YOU OF YOUR JOY? Don't be a victim one moment longer. Our proven nutrition products will help you win the battle with chronic fatigue syndrome!
Helene Malmsio has been a Nutritional Consultant for over a decade and has created a site that is devoted to helping you help yourself cope with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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