Developing a Practical Weight Loss Workout Plan

Developing an effective workout plan is one of the keys to feeling and looking your best. Regular exercise can elevate your mood, help you maintain your muscle mass and flexibility, assist with weight loss and keep you feeling young, healthy and fit.

When developing a weight loss workout plan, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

The following tips will help you design a custom workout plan that you can stick with for the long haul so you can reach your weight loss goals.

Be Realistic about Your Current Level of Fitness

When you first decide to get in shape, it is only natural to want to get results as quickly as possible. Many people make the mistake of choosing a workout plan that is too difficult for their current level of fitness.

As a result, they are unable to stick with it long term. When developing a weight loss workout plan, you need to be realistic about whether or not it is something you can do at your current level of fitness.

It is best to start out slowly and build up your strength, stamina and endurance over time instead of trying to take on too much right out of the gate.

Look for a workout program that is challenging, but not impossible for you to do. As you get in better shape, you can reevaluate your workout plan and take it to the next level whenever appropriate.

Set Achievable Goals

Running a marathon is an admirable goal. However, if you’ve spent the last five years sitting on the couch eating potato chips instead of exercising you may want to break that down into smaller, more achievable goals.

For instance, set a goal of being able to run a mile without stopping. Once you achieve that goal, increase the distance to two miles and so on until you reach your ultimate goal.

Setting smaller goals can give you a feeling of accomplishment that can help keep you motivated as you work toward your larger goal.

Set Aside a Specific Time for Exercise

Don’t allow your schedule to get in the way of achieving your goals. Instead, set aside a specific time each day where you will exercise.

Write it in your daily calendar or set a reminder on your phone to help keep yourself on track.

Treat this time the same way you would any other appointment. Only cancel if absolutely necessary, show up on time and stay until the end.

After couple of weeks, exercising will become second nature, making it easy to stick with your workout program.

Developing a practical and achievable weight loss workout plan starts by taking into account your current fitness level. By choosing a plan that challenges you, but doesn’t leave you feeling discouraged you can maintain your motivation as you work toward your weight loss goals.

Break down your long-term goals into small steps and work hard to achieve each one. Finally, set a time each day specifically for exercise and make sure you show up and commit yourself fully to the process.

Learn more in our guide here about what is a healthy weight loss and fitness plan.

If you would like to learn more about safe healthy weight loss ways to get fit, and about the natural supplements that I recommend and use myself, just drop me a line here and you'll get a free consultation ... CONTACT ME - no obligation, we'll just have a chat about your weight and health goals and the best ways you can achieve them while improving your overall health.

Warren Tattersall has been a nutritional consultant for over 20 years and has a personal interest in weight lifting toward reaching competition level.

If you are interested in body building and weight lifting you can also get a fast start to build muscle like one of the Spartan 300 using this powerful training guide I have just published! Click banner to learn more >>>

Exercise and Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight then increasing the amount of daily exercise you do is a great idea but you must remember that you've also got to eat properly. The two things definitely need to go hand in hand when you want to lose a little excess weight.

There is a rule here - you get fit in the gym but you lose weight in the kitchen - it doesn't actually matter how many miles you run in a week if you keep treating yourself with a jelly donut when you've finished.

Actually, if you don't eat the right type of stuff you won't be able to maintain an intense exercise program anyhow.

We've all heard those poor, misguided souls who say "I can eat whatever I like because I hit the gym three times every week" - wrong.

Some people just don't realize how quickly you can eat an extra 500 calories (less than a minute) and how long it takes to work those calories off with exercise.

If you take part in a high energy, intense cardio exercise program you will probably burn off around 40 calories in three minutes.

Let's do the math; it'll take around 40 minutes of intense exercise just to burn off those calories assuming that you have the energy to keep the pace up for 40 minutes.

If you really want to lose weight you've got to follow a few simple rules;

" Eat smaller portion sizes - buy smaller plates if you think it will help. Most of us eat portions which are far greater than we need anyhow - it's all down to the "Supersize that" culture.

" Re-educate yourself to eat five or six smaller meals every day instead of three large meals - that can help too, remember that they've got to be small meals though.

" Eat plenty of lean proteins to help fill you up and give you the energy for exercising without piling on any extra pounds - plenty of skinless turkey and chicken, salmon, tuna, lean beef, egg whites

" You can eat fats, just make sure that they are healthy fats - extra virgin olive oil is about the best there is

" Drink lots of water and limit the amount of soda - soda and fizzy drinks are full of sugar and empty calories - they keep piling on the weight without giving you any goodness whatsoever. Water is the secret to quenching your thirst.

" Say no to alcohol or at least reduce your alcohol consumption. If you must have drinks try wine instead of beer which should help a little.

" Start tracking your calories - not of the stuff you think you eat and drink but of the stuff that you do actually eat and drink. You may find that there's a huge difference in the two.

Remember, increase your daily exercise and stick to these basic weight loss rules and your weight should soon start dropping off. You'll feel slimmer, fitter, healthier, happier and have lots more energy.

What are you waiting for?

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