Causes and Remedies of Excessive Sweating

Sweaty hands, underarm wetness and stains on clothing and beads of sweat on the forehead are all signs of excessive sweating. Sweating is necessary to control the body’s temperature, but in some cases the system overproduces, rises to a high level and occurs at inappropriate times.

This is what’s formally known as hyperhidrosis. The areas of the body most affected by hyperhidrosis are the face, hands, armpits, trunk, feet and scalp. The condition usually begins during childhood years or early adolescence and becomes worse as time goes on – possibly for the rest of your life.

Excessive sweating is an embarrassing condition, especially during social and professional activities and intimate relationships may also be greatly affected. There are two types of hyperhidrosis – primary (idiopathic) and secondary.

Primary hyperhidrosis occurs more often than the secondary type and is usually centered in the hands, scalp, armpits, face and feet. Secondary hyperhidrosis is usually caused by a physical condition such as menopause, obesity, hyperthyroidism, systemic malignant diseases, treatment (endocrine) for a malignant disease and some psychiatric disorders.

Remember that sweating is a normal response to heat and meant to cool down your body. Running a fever is sometimes a trigger for sweat to break out as your body temperature rises and needs something to cool it down.

You might suffer from hyperhidrosis because of genetics that caused you to have more than normal sweat glands in the feet, hands and armpits or because of overactive sweat gland nerves. Occasionally, there may be another condition that can be causing excess sweating.

Causes and Symptoms of Excessive Sweating

Other than simple genetics, there may be medical or physical conditions that cause hyperhidrosis. Some can be tested and treated easily and the problem eradicated. Excessive sweating is usually characterized by a sudden onset without reason - such as a hot atmosphere or exercise.

You’ll know if you have hyperhidrosis if the palms of your hands and soles of your feet are constantly damp, you suffer from sweating that drenches your clothing, have macerations (soaking) of the skin, discoloration of the skin where you sweat most, or have cracked and scaly skin and foot odor.

Some medications may contribute to hyperhidrosis. Psychiatric prescriptions and meds used for high blood pressure problems may contribute to excessive sweating problems. Medications used to treat dry mouth, some supplements and a few antibiotics may also cause the condition.

Hyperthyroidism is another condition which may cause excess sweating. This condition causes the body’s chemical system to rev up past normal stages, producing too many thyroid hormones within the body. The result could be excessive sweating.

Testing is available for hyperthyroidism and the optional treatments include certain medications, surgery and iodine radiation. The symptoms of hyperthyroidism vary and excessive sweating may not occur until the condition is extremely manifested.

Many women complain about the sudden onset of excessive sweating problems during menopause. The problem is sometimes called hot flashes and they affect over 75% of women during and just before other menopausal symptoms.

Scientifically, these hot flashes are likely caused by swings or decreases in a woman’s drop in estrogen levels, when the menstrual period stops. Some women have such severe excess sweating that they drench their clothing.

Certain types of cancer such as Non-Hodgkin’s and Hodgkin’s lymphoma may cause sweating. Other cancers sometimes involved in hyperhidrosis include leukemia, bone and liver cancers, carcinoid tumors and mesothelioma.

Doctors believe that the body’s reaction to cancer by sweating is caused by the body’s attempt to fight off the invading cancer. The sweating becomes more pronounced as the cancer becomes more advanced.

Diabetes, types 1 and 2, are also known causes for hyperhidrosis. Other glucose control disorders such as hypoglycemia (extremely low glucose levels) and gestational diabetes may also contribute to the problem.

Sometimes, psychiatric conditions such as stress and anxiety can cause hyperhidrosis. These disorders may cause the body’s temperature to rise, leading to excess sweating. The drugs used to treat psychiatric problems may also lead to overactive sweat glands – plus withdrawal symptoms of stopping the use of alcohol and opiates or other, illegal substances may cause hyperhidrosis.

If you’re suffering from one or more of the above conditions, you may experience certain symptoms. For example, your face and scalp may be the main areas of the hyperhidrosis condition.

You may experience embarrassing blushing and your self-esteem may suffer as a result. Sweating profusely in the thigh, torso or leg areas occurs less frequently than in other areas of the body and may be part of the excess sweating going on in other body parts.

Sweating of the hands is one of the most embarrassing conditions because they’re used more than other body areas. Social contact (and even the profession you choose) may be affected by hyperhidrosis primarily occurring in the hands.

Besides the sweat problem, your hands may also feel cold and take on a blue discoloration, further limiting social contact. Feet sweating is also a condition which may be associated with sweating in other parts of the body.

Under the armpit may also cause distress in the form of wet clothing and stains. A strong odor may also develop, causing embarrassment and social withdrawal. It’s a humiliating and stressful situation for anyone going through it.

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Sweating - free online health guide and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

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