Body Fat And Genetics

Body fat has been society's problem for the past couple of decades. Reasons why people tend to be obese, how they can lose weight along with the risk factors of being fat has been studied endlessly in the medical field and by well-known institutions. There are still a lot of issues not yet resolved, even by extensive research and development of technology.

The Big Issue

One popular issue is whether body fat and genetics are related. These questions have been bugging people of all generations, but most specially, today's present generation. This is probably due to the higher incidence of obesity at present and the easier access to information by the public.

Taking Sides

Just like with any other kind of issue, there are two sides of the story here. Of course, there's the school of thought that supports the claim that genetics have something to do with a person's predisposition of being fat. However, there is also the school of thought which does not believe that genetics has anything to do with obesity.

Back To Basics

If you have no idea what genetics are, this would be the study of DNA and how specific traits are inherited from parents to offspring. DNA is basically the blueprint that every individual has. This dictates what color and other characteristics of hair, eyes, skin, and a lot more body features you develop as you grow up. Since, genes/DNA practically dictates everything that a person would be; you can't really fault those who suspect that it also has something to do with being fat or not.

What Believers Of This Theory Say

Due to the development of technology, more and more parties are delving into the research of finding that special gene, which has been dubbed as The Fat Gene. However, as more studies come out, more claims are also broadcasted that they have found the fat gene. Nevertheless, there is still no official declaration, since most of these studies have actually found different genes that are more or less related, not to being fat itself but to having physical conditions that can be indirectly related to obesity.

Most tests are administered to mice rather than men. For instance, one team of researchers in San Antonio that studying brain injuries was able to delete an important defensive protein from a laboratory mouse. They ended up having rodents that had short stature and consequently grew fat in adulthood.

Additionally, another research team in Boston found out that creating a very small genetic change on the DNA region can be the cause of obese predisposition. The convicted gene, called INSIG2, has a vital role in producing fat. They say that it makes an individual more prone to being overweight by merely changing its natural G-condition to a C-condition.

These two are just some of the many studies that implicate obesity's relation to a person's DNA make-up. You should understand that most of them are still under the process of further examination and studying.

What Non-believers Say

On the other hand, those who think that genetics is not related to being obese have very good points. Here are some of them.

They believe that genes have evolved in a way to protect humans from starvation, and not from overabundance of food. It has only been within the last 100 years that being overweight has become a problem. In fact, during ancient times, people who were obese were actually worshiped and admired since it was a sign that they had lots of food.

Additionally, the lifestyle of the human race has drastically changed during this century. Since lifestyle is the issue, being obese is partially blamed on the conveniences people have today, examples are computers, telecommuting, cars, elevators, remote controls, fast food, and the like.

Lastly, it is said that fastest increasing population of obese people fall into the impoverished category. They basically reason that those who have poor food access also have slower metabolic rates, which accounts for why they are more prone to being obese and not really due to their genes.


Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

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