Are You Tired All The Time?

Many people have the same problem that I have. I am tired all the time, and I know it is because I am not sleeping well. Many don’t sleep well and there are many reasons why this happens.

I know why it is happening to me, but for the most part, some folks don’t even realize what is going on. They go to bed and wake up the next morning feeling anything but rested, and they don’t know that something is going on while they are sleeping.

I know why I am tired all the time, and my problems pile on top of each other. I have problems falling asleep each night, and sometimes I don’t nod off until after three or four AM. I have a problem turning my mind off, and this has been a problem for me for a few months now.

On top of that, I have a horrible bed, and the person who sleeps next to me should by all rights be exiled to the couch. It’s like he’s running a race in his sleep some nights. It’s not wonder I feel tired all the time.

If you feel tired all the time, you should consider that you might need a new or bigger bed. In my case I need a new bed that is more comfortable, and we also need to get a bigger size so that my husband is not bumping into me all night as he moves around.

I also have to find ways to calm my mind down before I go to sleep or this feeling tired all the time mode I am in might follow me around for a very long time. You should also make sure there is no light in your room keeping you alert, and have a white noise machine to keep out jarring noises.

You may sleep through them, but you might be waking up all the time and not remembering it.

If none of these things seem to be the reason behind the fact that you are tired all the time, you should see a doctor to see if you have an underlying medical condition. There are some things that can go wrong with your body that you may not know until symptoms start to pop up.

Being tired all the time can mean that there is something going on that needs medical attention. The sooner you get help the sooner you can start to feel rested when you wake up in the morning.

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