Abdominal Fat Loss Exercise: Efficient Fat Loss or Just Hype?

Abdominal fat is not only unsightly, it may have a link to common diseases and conditions. Little wonder why people prefer to get rid of it through diet and exercise.

To help people lose the belly fat and the love handles, many physical fitness experts have come up with several recommendations regarding abdominal fat loss. These exercises, they claim, can help lose the fat around the middle area of the body. But how effective are they?

The essential fat

The body gains fat from the absorption of nutrients sourced from food. This is then stored in various tissues in the body where it can be burned later as calories. Fats are highly efficient as sources of cell energy. Sroews body fat can release just over TWICE the amount of energy (calories) than the same weight of carbohydrate or protein can yield.

The fat around your waist

Excessive fat tends to be stored around certain areas of the body, the most common of which is the abdominal area. Through efficient exercise, these fats are gradually burned away.

This is why people who stick to a regular regimen of physical activity report loss of fat along the midsection. Exercises make it possible for the body to trim the fat off.

So what about abdominal fat loss exercises? They actually work but only to a certain point and under certain conditions. On their own and without additional physical exertion obtained from aerobic exercises, abdominal fat loss exercises are not actually very effective in trimming excess fat. The best they can do is build the muscle underneath, keeping it toned and taut.

In order for these abdominal fat loss exercises to work, they have to be accompanied by aerobic exercises the type of exercises that increase heart rate and encourage sweating. By pushing the body to work harder, it becomes an efficient fat-burning machine.

It becomes more capable of converting fat into calories that the body can use. As long as the body exerts effort through physical exercise, it will continue to use up the excess fat it keeps in the abdominal area.

What exactly do abdominal fat loss exercises do? As mentioned earlier, they help tone the muscles in the area. Continuous use of these muscles builds them up, resulting to bulk. This is how definition in the area is created, resulting to six-pack abs and a well-defined belly.

The best way to use abdominal fat loss exercises is to perform them as a supplement to overall weight loss through aerobic exercises. This is the only way that their benefit can be maximized and observed.


Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

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To have a free personal consultation with him to learn how incorporating nutritional supplements may improve your health concerns just visit “The Health Success Site” and download the free health report available there, or email warren@TheHealthSuccessSite.com to request a personal one-on-one consultation by email or phone.

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