6 Drinks to Replace Your Morning Coffee and Still Boost Energy

Coffee is the go-to drink for anyone in search of an energy boost. Most of us start our mornings with coffee and use it to maintain our focus throughout the day.

According to studies, more than 50% of Americans over the age of 18 drink coffee every day.

Though the occasional cup of java isn’t going to do any damage to your health, you might decide that it’s time to cut down if you simply can’t function without a latte.

Too much caffeine can also lead to jitters, dehydration, headaches, and even trouble sleeping. The more you rely on your coffee fix, the worse the symptoms can get.

The good news? Coffee isn’t the only drink that gives you an energy boost!

Try these great drinks to replace your morning coffee:

1. Matcha Tea.

Matcha Tea is a delicious drink made from green powder. When young tea leaves are ground down, the resulting paste or powder is Matcha.

This product is very popular throughout the Eastern world, and it’s a fantastic coffee alternative.

● Matcha contains a natural dose of caffeine, for those who aren’t ready to give up entirely.

● You also get a healthy dose of L-Theanine. This amino acid helps to relax the mind without causing drowsiness, so it’s a little easier to focus. Some experts believe that L-theanine could be valuable for improving cognition.

● If you want an energy boost without the jittery side effects, Matcha is a great choice. Plus, you also get a small dose of fiber from Matcha too.

2. Yerba Mate tea.

Another tea alternative to your coffee fix, Yerba Mate is a South American drink created from the twigs and leaves of the Yerba Mate plant.

A drink made from twigs might not sound appealing, but it’s actually quite delicious, and it contains the same caffeine as your coffee.

● With Yerba Mate, you also get plenty of theobromine, a substance found in chocolate, which is a naturally-occurring stimulant.

● A delicious drink of Yerba Mate will give you more long-lasting energy without the jittery feelings common from coffee.

● Yerba Mate tea is also packed full of antioxidants for reducing blood pressure too.

3. Green tea.

Green tea comes in a huge selection of flavors and styles. People around the world love green tea for its wide selection of health benefits.

The substance also offers a great alternative to coffee if you’re looking for a healthy energy boost.

● There are plenty of studies to show that people who drink green tea are much less likely to suffer from breast, lung, stomach, and colorectal cancer.

● You can even find research out there indicating that green tea reduces the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

● Your caffeine boost from green tea will help to boost your mental acuity and enhance your metabolism. There’s also little risk in drinking multiple cups.

4. Smoothies.

Smoothies are a delicious way to start the day if you’re looking for an alternative to your standard breakfast.

You can pack your home-made smoothies full of virtually any ingredient you like.

● For example, you might choose kale and spinach smoothies to strengthen your overall health and nutrition.

● Smoothies are excellent ways to get a quick serving of fruit and vegetables, particularly if you don’t get many of these substances in your typical diet. You can also add proteins like yogurt to keep you feeling fuller until lunch time.

● Stay away from ingredients with too much natural sugar, if you’re trying to manage your weight. Also, be aware of the calories you’re adding to your smoothies with yogurts.

5. Kombucha.

For those in search of a healthy alternative to coffee, this delightful substance uses tea as a fermentation medium.

This means that you get the benefits of L-theanine alongside a natural caffeine boost whenever you take a drink.

● Like many of the coffee alternatives we’ve mentioned above, Kombucha can give you the energy and focus you need to manage a tough day at work.

● However, unlike coffee, you won’t have to worry about sudden crashes or jitters. Kombucha contains a little less caffeine than coffee (or even a plain cup of tea).

● With that in mind, if you’re struggling to give up caffeine, Kombucha might not do the job for you straight away. You might need to cut down over time.

6. Water.

Keep it simple with a tall glass of H2O. Water might not seem like the most exciting way to start your day, but a lack of hydration can cause feelings of exhaustion and issues with cognition.

You might find that your brain is fuzzy because you haven’t had enough water yet.

● If you want to be more creative, you can also substitute coconut water for standard water. Coconut water is low in calories and high in electrolytes, making it great for rehydration.

If you like your morning drink to give you some energy, but you don’t like the side effects that you feel from coffee, give these drinks a try. You might find that they’re the perfect solution you’ve been seeking.

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Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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Who Else Wants to Give Up Sugary Drinks?

Sugary drinks have been linked to diabetes, obesity, and now to a shorter life span. A study led by Harvard University found that consuming at least two of these drinks each day makes you 31% more likely to die early from cardiovascular disease.

It’s a serious issue for anyone concerned about their own health and their children. While soda consumption has decreased in recent years, these liquid calories are still the primary source of added sugar for most Americans.

In particular, kids and teens average about 12 ounces of sugary drinks a day compared to the recommended maximum of 8 ounces per week.

That’s why the American Academy of Pediatricians has joined many experts in supporting soda taxes and regulations on advertising.

While you’re waiting for policy reforms, you can change your own drinking habits. Follow these tips to help you consume more water and less sugar.

Drink Less Sugar:

1. Read labels.

Soda is just one variety of beverages with added sugar or other sweeteners.

Check the ingredients on fruit drinks, sports drinks, and other items.

Juice has some nutrients but is still high in calories and sugar.

2. Understand portions.

You may not realize how much sugar you’re drinking. A single can of soda contains 7 to 10 teaspoons of sugar.

Compare that to the American Heart Association’s recommendations to stay under 9 teaspoons a day for men and 6 for women.

3. Tame cravings.

Controlling sugar cravings can help you quit or cut back, so stay hydrated and eat more protein.

While artificial sweeteners usually have fewer calories, their intense flavor may make you want more of the real thing.

4. Know your triggers.

There may be other factors that make you reach for a fruit punch.

Stay extra alert if you tend to indulge after a workout or while you’re watching TV.

Drink More Water:

1. Plan for convenience.

Make choosing water as easy as possible. Carry bottles around with you. Keep containers of filtered water in your refrigerator.

Ask each family member to fill them back up when they run low.

2. Create a schedule.

Invent prompts that will encourage you to drink water.

Down a glass with each meal and while your coffee is brewing.

3. Set a goal.

Specific targets may help you stay on track. Aim to consume a half ounce of water for each pound you weigh or replace your lunchtime soda with a glass of unsweetened iced tea.

4. Enhance the flavor.

Make water more interesting by adding fruits, herbs, and other wholesome ingredients. Experiment with lemon, ginger, and mint.

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Warren Tattersall, health coach consultant.

If you would like a free no-obligation private consultation or to contact Warren Tattersall for more information, please click here >> Contact Us

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