You may have wanted to start a diet many times in the past, only to shy away from it because of some of the things you’ve heard or the self-doubt you have to succeed. There are many myths about dieting, and hopefully, we’ll dispel them today!
The number one myth people fall prey to is that you can lose weight fast by eliminating as many calories as possible from your diet or by starving yourself. This is an extremely unhealthy way to go about it because your body goes into starvation mode, shutting down as much weight loss as possible. Some people only want to lose weight fast because they have an outfit they want to fit into for a special occasion coming up next week. Don’t wait until the last minute to start a diet.
Another myth we face in our quest for a slimmer waistline is the one that tells us to only eat a certain type of food all day, every day. Grapefruit, pepper-laden water, and even hot dog diet fads have resulted in many binges over the years. Following dangerous fad diets means your body’s not getting the necessary nutrients it needs to fight off illnesses and stay healthy.
You may have also heard that you can never stray from your diet. If you do, you’ll need to exercise for hours to make up for it. This isn’t true. It’s okay to have that fudge brownie once in awhile. You only need to adjust your calorie intake for the day. There’s really no need to exercise for hours just to compensate for one little treat.
One myth you may hear is the one that says you can’t eat before you go to bed, because you’ll get fat in your sleep. This one isn’t true because a diet only means that you’re eating healthy and watching your caloric intake for the day. Having a light snack before bed isn’t going to make a big difference unless it’s a 7-course meal or a full gallon of Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia.
How about the one that says you can’t eat anything between meals? It’s better that you do eat snacks. Eat smaller meals throughout the day to keep your hunger satisfied. By eliminating snacks between meals, you’re only going to make yourself hungrier at meal times, which cause you to eat a lot more than you really need just to satisfy your hunger.
There’s another myth that says you shouldn’t consume any dairy products at all because they’re too fattening. Dairy contains nutrients your body needs, so you should have some dairy – n fact, some studies suggest those who consume, have better weight loss success! Just make sure you limit your amounts and go for the low-fat versions.
Try not to fall victim to the myriad of diet myths circulating the ‘net. A healthy balance of proper eating (most of the time) and exercise can work wonders for your diet success!
Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.
If you would like more information about nutrition products and specific products that may assist you with your health and the way you look and feel then please contact us directly on the from at this page: Contact Us
To have a free personal consultation with him to learn how incorporating nutritional supplements may improve your health concerns just visit “The Health Success Site” and download the free health report available there, or Contact Us to request a personal one-on-one consultation by email or phone.
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