29 Herbs and Spices to Boost Your Health

Food is a fantastic way to boost your health. Of course, it can also be used against you – especially if you’re smothering otherwise healthy food with harmful things such as:

• Cream-based gravy
• Salt
• Sugar
• Solid fats…and more

You want to keep the fresh food you buy working for you – not against you. One way you can do that – and add even more benefits – is to add healthy herbs and spices to your food to deliver flavor and tons of health perks.

In Fight Disease with Food, you learn which foods work to quell inflammation, starve cancer cells, improve your immune system and stave off other disease. Here, you’re going to learn about 29 things you can add to those foods to empower your body even more!

#1 – Rosemary

This fragrant herb is one you’ll want to use when your goal is to fight off and suppress cancer cells. It contains carnosic acid, which is a compound that prohibits cancer cell growth. It’s also a great herb to use if you want to retain your precious memories!

#2 – Thyme

Thyme is a wonderful herb used to flavor food – but it also has natural healing properties. Thymol is a compound found in Thyme, which helps heal wounds and keep out infections. It’s particularly wonderful for inflammation and digestive issues.

#3 – Sage

Sage was once used to help treat people with the Plague. But today, total wellness professionals suggest it to people who want to improve their memory, since studies prove it helps with recalling information. It’s also an anti-inflammatory and it helps diabetes patients keep their cholesterol and triglycerides in check.

#4 – Mint

While most people typically think of mint as an herb that helps cleanse their palette during a multi course meal, it actually has some healing properties, too. It’s great for soothing digestion, helping with memory recall, assisting with weight loss, and using its enzymes to attack unhealthy cancer cells.

#5 – Basil

Basil has Flavanoids, which go deep into the cellular level to promote good health. The oils in basil attack and suppress unwanted bacteria to help your immune system keep you well. It also helps with inflammation in the body as well as heart health.

#6 – Oregano

This is a strong antioxidant that contributes to better cell health in your body. It’s packed with vitamin K to help with bone growth and prevent osteoporosis. Some researchers are using it in an effort to fight the superbug MRSA that’s arisen from antibiotic resistant infections.

#7 – Cayenne

If you’re prone to colds and inflammation, then cayenne is one spice you’ll want to start cooking with. It also assists with digestion and pain management – such as those who suffer from migraines. If you’re a smoker, or you have been, then you’ll want to start using this spice because it helps prohibit the growth of cancer cells in the lungs.

#8 - Ginger

If you’ve ever been nauseous from being motion sick, then you’ve probably had someone recommend ginger to you. It helps quell nausea – but it also acts as an anti inflammatory. It’s currently being used in trials to help prevent colorectal cancer – and it has been shown to kill off ovarian cancer cells quite well!

#9 – Cinnamon

Cinnamon is used in many foods – from sweets to main meals. It’s often used in the treatment of common colds, but it’s also being used in the fight against HIV, Diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease.

#10 – Turmeric

Known throughout the world for its anti inflammatory elements, this is one of the go to spices for those suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis. But it has other health benefits, too. It’s being tested and showing good signs of helping those with cystic fibrosis, too. Plus, it’s being touted as a strong agent for the prevention of cancer cell growth.

#11 – Ashwagandha

This herb is used a lot for stress relief and depression, but it also has medicinal properties that allow it to help you in the prevention or battle against high blood pressure, inflammation, and insomnia.

#12 – Saffron

Another herb that’s used in the fight against depression, Saffron is considered to be good in the fight against cancer and heart disease, too. It also plays a role in memory retention, so if you’re worried about dementia, this is an herb to cook with.

#13 – Garlic

You might already love using garlic in your cooking, but are you using it correctly? After you cut or dice it, let it breathe awhile. That ignites the enzymes so they can work fast and furiously on your behalf. If you suffer from low energy, let it help your iron stores. If you suffer from high blood pressure, this herb will help ease that. It’s also being used in the fight against fat – as well as inflammation.

#14 – Parsley

Have you been ignoring the parsley on your plate, thinking it was just a little ornament for your food? Well it packs a bunch in the health department. It’s a strong antioxidant and has plenty of vitamin A and C. It’s powerful in the fight against arthritis and heart disease.

#15 – Lavender

Lavender is something we typically think of in terms of aroma. We use it in baths and potpourri. But it has medicinal qualities, too. It’s an anti inflammatory and helps with digestion issues.

#16 – Cilantro

This tasty herb is often used in many detox therapies because it has a tendency to help clean out your system. It helps prevent heart disease and is used by many diabetics to keep blood sugar levels in check.

#17 – Chives

You’ve probably seen chives served on top of some of your restaurant meals, such as baked potatoes. These delicious herbs are antioxidants, so they contribute to better heart health and the prevention of cancer cell growth.

#18 – Dill

Dill is a spice that works hard to keep cancer cells suppressed in your body. It helps disarm carcinogens so for example if you’re eating charred meats, which contribute to cancer cell growth, dill will help neutralize the danger to some degree.

#19 – Anise

This is an herb that helps with common colds, but it can also assist you with digestive issues. It mimics estrogen, so it’s great for many female health woes, such as menstrual pain, etc.

#20 – Astragalus

This is a great food item for those who have a diminished immune system. But it also helps with heart disease prevention and diabetes management and reversal, too. This is not a good one to use for inflammation diseases.

#21 – Burdock

Affecting the blood stream, burdock is perfect for preventing cancer cell growth. It also has healing properties for those who suffer form infections periodically, or flare ups of skin conditions.

#22 – Calendula

This flower is often used to treat inflammation in the body – and helps with everything from swollen gums to bladder infections.

#23 - Cumin

This is a spice that many diabetics are using to help stabilize and lower blood sugar levels. It shows signs of elevating the immune system and also helps with detoxing the body.

#24 – Dandelion

You may think it’s just a bothersome weed, but dandelion is nothing short of a medical miracle. It has the ability to help you with digestion, blood pressure, anemia, cholesterol, diabetes and more!

#25 – Fennel

Fennel is a delicious herb you can use to help reduce inflammation and prevent cancer cells from forming in your body. It significantly boosts your immune system and protects your colon from harmful cancer cells.

#26 – Ginseng

This is heavily used in Asian medicine, but it’s becoming more mainstream in America, too – especially for the prevention and shortening of cold symptoms. Diabetics are now using it to lower blood sugar levels, and there are signs that it improves cognitive function.

#27 – Licorice

We usually think of licorice as a sweet candy, but it has helpful medicinal properties. It’s great for helping with stomach ailments and other internal inflammation, but it also assists with fatigue and hormone disorders such as PCOS. Patients undergoing prostate cancer treatments find it beneficial, too.

#28 – Nutmeg

Nutmeg is particularly popular around the holidays, but it can used year round in the treatment and prevention of liver and kidney issues, stomach ailments and inflammation and pain.

#29 – Passionflower

Many people suffering from insomnia use this plant to help them get more sleep. But it can also be used for panic and anxiety, high blood pressure, inflammation and pain relief, and more.

When using spices and herbs, you have to be careful that you know what might have a bad interaction with your prescription medications, if you’re on any.

Always check with your doctor and if you get the green light, start increasing your health with the foods found in Fight Disease with Food – and the above herbs and spices!

Learn more about your health online: Nutrition Based Prevention & Cures to Fight Disease with Food!

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