10 Tips for Dealing With Anxiety Without Medication

Some people do need to treat their anxiety with medication. But there are also other ways of dealing with anxiety that can be effective for many people.

Almost everyone has some anxiety, but few of us are actively doing anything to relieve our anxiety.

Learn how you can easily do things to help you avoid anxiety and incorporate these strategies into your everyday routines.

Take these steps to feel more relaxed:

1. Eat breakfast.

There are some studies that show that a substantial breakfast with high protein and fat reduces the level of anxiety experienced throughout the day.

If you’re one of those people that skips breakfast, it might be making your anxiety worse.

2. Eat well.

Eating well means eating natural foods. Processed foods have a variety of chemicals and other artificial ingredients that affect many people in negative ways.

Cleaning up your diet can have a profound impact on anxiety for many people.

3. Take a short walk.

A short walk can be a great way to clear your head and shake off some nervous energy.

4. Exercise daily.

Daily exercise isn't the easiest habit to instill but isn’t brutally difficult either. This is a great way of managing anxiety without medication.

A good anti-anxiety workout will leave you feeling like you put some work in but won’t exhaust you. How you get this exercise is entirely up to you.

5. Focus on your environment.

You can’t feel anxious if you’re not thinking about something that makes you anxious. You’re inside your head when you’re anxious.

Focusing on the sights and sounds around you is one way to put your attention on something real rather than your thoughts.

6. Notice your body feelings.

Instead of focusing on how anxious you are, dispassionately notice the feelings you have in your body.

Notice how your heart is beating, your hands are sweaty, and your stomach is nauseous.

Pretend you’re a scientist and investigate all of the physical sensations you’re experiencing. Stick with them until they dissipate which will take less time than you think.

7. Breathe.

Take some deep, relaxed breaths. Breathing in a controlled way will reign in your anxiety symptoms. It’s a great way to slow your heart rate and feel better overall.

Even better is to focus on the sensation of the air moving in and out of your body, too.

8. Sleep.

Everyone feels frazzled if they don’t get enough sleep. Getting sufficient sleep on a regular basis is important if you regularly feel anxious.

Your brain just doesn’t function optimally if it doesn’t get the sleep it needs.

9. Address the issues in your life that create stress.

Eliminate as many stressors as you can. Whether it’s an unreliable car, an obnoxious neighbor, a job you despise, or a big stain on your living room carpet.

Stress is additive. Those smaller stressors can add up.

10. Talk to someone supportive.

A supportive friend is a true blessing. Knowing that you’re not alone can greatly reduce the anxiety you feel.

If your anxiety is overwhelming, see your doctor. If your anxiety is manageable, but making you unhappy, there are plenty of things you can try to bring your anxiety down to a more reasonable level.

Give some of the above ideas a try. You’re sure to find something that helps significantly without the cost and potential side-effects of a pill. You have nothing to lose -- except some anxiety!

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Anxiety guide and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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What You Need to Know About Health Anxiety

When you’re living through a pandemic, it’s natural to pay more attention to any symptoms that seem suspicious.

However, if these concerns are interfering with the quality of your life, you may be experiencing health anxiety.

That’s the modern name for what used to be called hypochondria. It often starts in early adulthood and grows more serious as you age.

You may be convinced that you have one or more major illnesses, even if lab tests and other evidence prove otherwise.

Health anxiety varies in intensity. You may be able to put your mind at rest with some effort on your own, or you may need to seek professional care. Try this guide for understanding your options.

Medical Care for Health Anxiety:

1. Consider counseling.

Health anxiety is often connected to other disorders, including other forms of anxiety. You may benefit from cognitive behavior therapy or similar methods that can help you address your overall wellbeing.

2. Take medication.

Talk therapy may be enough, or your doctor may prescribe drugs. That could include antidepressants and anxiolytics that reduce anxiety.

3. Communicate clearly.

If you tend to exaggerate your symptoms, it may be difficult for your doctor to assess your condition.

Keeping a journal may help, or you could ask a spouse or partner you live with to share their observations.

4. Explore family history.

You may be more prone to health anxiety if you or a family member had a serious illness while you were growing up. Let your doctor know if this could be a factor.

5. Seek appropriate care.

While many patients with health anxiety spend too much time at the doctor’s office, others go the other extreme.

If you’re afraid of finding out you have an illness, keep in mind that early diagnosis can often give you the best possible outcome.

Self Care for Health Anxiety:

1. Educate yourself.

Maybe you perceive ordinary experiences as being more dangerous than they really are.

Learning about common minor ailments could help you keep things in perspective when you have a headache or an upset stomach.

2. Limit online searches.

On the other hand, maybe you’re overwhelmed from reading too many medical sites. Take a break and find other pastimes.

3. Help others.

Shifting the focus away from yourself is one of the most effective and constructive distractions.

Volunteer at a food bank or animal shelter in your area. Start a community garden in your neighborhood.

4. Manage stress.

Chronic tension can aggravate any condition, including anxiety. Try to think positive.

Experiment with relaxation techniques to find what works for you. Listen to music or book a massage.

5. Be active.

Do you avoid doing things you used to enjoy because you think you’re not strong enough?

Encouraging yourself to stay engaged could lift your spirits and help you to be more realistic about your abilities.

6. Sleep well.

Anxiety interferes with sleep, and sleep deprivation leaves you feeling out of sorts.

Make it a priority to stick to a consistent bedtime that gives you 7 to 8 hours of rest each night. Limit alcohol and caffeine, especially later in the evening.

7. Breathe deeply.

For fast relief, practice breathing exercises that can calm you down or give you energy.

8. Build support.

Let your family and friends know how they can help you. Talking with someone you trust may help you deal with emotional issues that could be contributing to your health anxiety.

If you think you or a loved one may be troubled by excessive and irrational health concerns, talk with your doctor.

An effective treatment plan can help you to take care of your mental and physical wellbeing and enjoy life more.

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Warren Tattersall, health coach consultant.

If you would like a free no-obligation private consultation or to contact Warren Tattersall for more information, please click here >> Contact Us

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