Hypnosis Offers Hope to Those Trying to Shed Pounds in 2019

Weight loss is often a lot more complex than it seems. On the surface, you’d think that just working out a little more often would get you in better shape.

After that you might start trying to incorporate a diet as well, which comes with its own challenges of finding out which diet is right for you.

Then you start to learn that there are all these little tips and tricks - small things that you have to do in order to meet your weight loss goals.

While all of that is important, there’s an aspect of weight loss that’s often overlooked: the psychology of losing weight.

If you’re not mentally invested in your plan to lose weight, you’re going to fall apart somewhere along the line.

It might be that you don’t feel like working out one day and you fall off track from there, or it could be that you chose to have a cheat day in your diet and gave in to your old eating habits.

Either way, you need to be mentally prepared to overcome temptations and obstacles in your weight loss plan. One of the best solutions that some people have found is hypnotherapy, or simply hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy involves having a professional sew thoughts into your subconscious mind, so that instead of having to actively think about wanting to do something, it’s always somewhat on your mind.

By using hypnotherapy to plant thoughts of your dedication to weight loss, you’ll find yourself a lot more motivated to stick with your plans.

This technique has been found to be especially useful in people who are struggling to get over humps in their weight loss progress.

By having these thoughts firmly set into your subconscious, you won’t give up motivation and won’t have to go out of your way to motivate yourself.

Almost anyone who starts a plan will go through cycles of losing weight and then plateauing for awhile, but that’s something that you can mentally overcome without giving up.

No matter which diet or workout routine you choose to help you get in shape, the most important factor is whether or not you’ll adhere to it.

You could be following the top program in weight loss and still come up short of your goals if you don’t think you’re strong enough to follow through, but with the right mental fortitude, you’ll be able to reach your goal much faster.

How Will Life Change for You Once You Lose Weight?

You might be someone who has a desire to lose weight, but you haven’t quite managed to do that yet. Maybe you’ve struggled in one particular area or several when it comes to shedding pounds.

What might help you is to imagine how your life will change once you do lose the weight. The person that you are now with the weight struggles that you have now will change as you start to lose and again when you’ve reached your goal weight.

The important thing is that you do get started and you do picture what your life is going to look like then. You might be someone how who struggles just to get up off the sofa. You can’t even consider climbing up a flight of stairs.

But through making healthier choices with your food, moving more and the support of others, you can find the willpower to change. You can go from sitting on the sofa to walking - from walking to jogging, from jogging to running.

You can have adventures with your new weight that your old weight held you back from being able to do. You’ll be able to visit amusement parks and walk around all day. You’ll be able to compete in sporting events or walking or running for a good cause.

You’ll be able to go on hikes up steep trails or climb mountains. The changes that you make don’t have to be ones where you’re eating weird foods or starving yourself. You simply make wiser decisions when it comes to what you put into your body.

Instead of having heavy breads and calorie laden gravies or sauces, you switch to lite bread and make your gravies without all the heavy creams and butter.

But that doesn’t mean that you must give up all your favorites and have meals that are lacking taste, either.

You’ll just make easy changes. You can eat the foods that you like just by changing the focus from the ones that fill you up for longer periods and are better for you from the ones that don’t leave you satisfied.

When you get the weight off, you’ll be able to do things you never thought possible. This might be something like joining a swim competition or taking up surfing.

You’ll be able to do the things that you want to do as well as try out new adventures.

You won’t feel like you’re struggling just to keep up with other people. Plus you’ll gain confidence and boost your self-esteem.

Take a moment to imagine that you’re not limited in any way by your weight. Then take the steps to make that picture in your mind a reality. Today is your day to begin a life without limits.

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Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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Use Lavender to Prevent Emotional Eating

Many people today have taken to using essential oils and other sensory treatments to change their moods and improve their health. Psychologists believe that certain smells and certain colors can affect how a person behaves or feels.

Certain smells can make you hungry, some colors can get you fired up, and certain sounds can make you upset. When it comes to calming you down, no smell is better than lavender.

One of the main triggers that drives some people to overeat is stress. So many people choose comfort foods, which are typically high calorie, to calm them down when they’re upset.

After a bad day, they might come home and eat a bunch of ice cream or sweets to make themselves a bit happier. The problem is, this can also lead to serious weight gain, which can upset you even more.

The smell of lavender has an inherent soothing property. Lab based research has proven that lavender’s scent reduces anxiety and stress, both of which can cause someone to overeat.

It has certain properties so that when you smell it, your brain receives certain signals, which helps you calm down. Now, ideally, it would be very efficient to have some actual lavender sitting around in your room that you could smell every time you were feeling stressed – but that would be very expensive.

Instead, because most people don’t have that luxury, there are many options available to help you get that calming smell flowing around your room or house without having to deal with actual flowers.

They vary in effectiveness and cost, but it’s recommended that you try a few of them and see what works for you. One option that you can take is a basic air freshener. These are fairly cheap, and can just plug into any wall outlet.

They come in a wide variety of scents, and lavender is among the most popular. The problem with air fresheners is that they can burn out quickly and the smell might not be very potent.

Another option that many have taken to is incense. Incense sticks are usually set up in a room and lit at one end, slowly burning down throughout the day.

They have been used in some cultures for spiritual purposes, but in many western cultures, they’re either for show or for smell.

Lavender incense sticks are easily available and can help brighten any room. The smell you get from these sticks is also much more potent than other options.

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