High Blood Pressure Home Remedies

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a serious medical issue that should be controlled. If it isn't properly treated it can potentially lead to kidney problems, stroke, heart disease and other health problems.

Unfortunately, the cause of hypertension is not yet entirely understood, which can make prevention and treatment somewhat tricky. The good news is that there are high blood pressure home remedies that work for some people.

Before you try any of them it is absolutely essential that you talk to your doctor first. He will be aware of your health history and can make additional recommendations.

Furthermore, if you are on medication for the treatment of high blood pressure, you should never stop taking it unless your doctor says otherwise.

It has been well documented that a lot of drugs for hypertension have some potentially serious side effects (again, don't stop taking them unless instructed to do so by your doctor).

However, you can always try some high blood pressure home remedies to get your condition under control. If you can use natural methods to reduce it low enough, then your doctor may allow you to stop taking hypertension drugs.

However, even if you haven't been diagnosed with high blood pressure, there is still a chance that you have it.

Some researchers believe that as many as 95% of people with hypertension don't even know they have it. That's why this disease has earned the nickname of the "silent killer".

Here are a few remedies that people have used:

1. Drinking the juice of 1/2 of a lemon mixed in with 8 fluid ounces of water every 2 to 3 hours seems to have a positive effect for some people.

2. Add 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds to 1 cup water. Drink it once in the morning, and then again at night. People who have successfully used this method say it can take anywhere from 3 to 4 weeks for it to work, but it may be worth trying.

3. 1 tablespoon of the juice of a gooseberry mixed with a bit of honey is thought to keep your blood flowing properly. Have a spoon of this mixture to get your day started.

4. Diet and exercise. Sure, there are some concoctions that you can try for a "quick fix", but nothing beats diet and exercise as a home remedy for high blood pressure. Reducing the amount of sodium in your diet will go a long way toward controlling your hypertension. Even if you stay on medication, chances are that your doctor will want you to reduce your sodium intake. Doing aerobic exercise most day of the weeks will improve your overall health and can potentially lower your blood pressure; don't overdo it though.

Try these high blood pressure home remedies and see for yourself how well they work. Again, be sure to check with your doctor, and never stop taking any medication unless you are expressly told to do so by your doctor. Other than that, these remedies can help you get things under control.

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