Conditions That Cause Bad Breath

While bad breath is fairly common in many people, there can be underlying health reasons that can cause the condition. The mouth can often signal that there’s something going on within the body internally long before someone is diagnosed.

This is one reason that it’s so important to treat bad breath. If you treat it and the condition doesn’t go away, then you need to see a doctor. The different types of diseases that can develop will often cause changes in the body.

These changes lead to an imbalance between healthy and unhealthy bacteria as well as cause changes in the cells, all of which produce bad breath. One of the most common causes of changes that you’ll notice is due to allergies.

Allergies often create mucus and the mucus will drip down the back of your throat. When you have allergies, you’re more susceptible to the germs that can cause you to experience bad breath.

Most people simply treat allergies with over the counter medications such as an anti-histamine. When their mouth starts getting dry, they chalk it up to a side effect of the medication.

But since dry mouth leads to bad breath, making sure you keep your mouth moist can take care of that. Gum disease can also cause bad breath. Mouth rinses along with flossing, proper brushing and dental care can treat gum disease.

Diabetes is a condition that can cause bad breath. You can have diabetes and not even realize that you have it because the symptoms often don’t show up until you’ve had the disease for several years.

One of the signs of diabetes is bad breath. It occurs when the body doesn’t have enough insulin, so it turns to fat burning. When this happens, the breath can smell like nail polish remover or will have a freshly cut fruit smell to it.

Reflux, known as GERD, can make bad breath develop. This is because the food that you’ve eaten and has started to go through the digestion process gets burped back up into the throat and often into the mouth.

Known as “burning burps,” the condition can cause serious complications if not treated. Oral thrush can also cause bad breath. While some think this is a condition that’s primarily a problem in infants or children, it’s quite common in adults.

Anything that upsets the bacterial balance in the mouth can make the environment friendly for yeast to thrive. Diseases involving the liver can cause bad breath to develop and it smells like rotten eggs or something old and musty.

Sometimes, bad breath can be a warning sign that there’s cancer somewhere in the body. If you treat bad breath and it won’t go away, then make an appointment with your doctor.

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: Dental Care for Healthy Teeth- free online health guide and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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