Cellulite: Its Causes and Treatments

Cellulite refers to the fat stored on specific body parts especially on the abdomen. It looks like orange peel or cottage cheese under the skin.


Cellulite is a fat tissue that appears below the skin’s surface. People does not need to be overweight to have cellulite, in fact, skinny people can have some on their buttocks, breasts, thighs, and abdomen. Cellulite is cause by the following:

1. Genetics.

People who have close relatives that have cellulite are more prone to it. Studies show that almost 85% of women who have cellulites have relatives (mostly parents) affected by the same problem at least once in their lives.

2. Lack of exercise.

People who do not exercise need to tone their muscles to prevent cellulite formation. Following a cardiovascular program or strength training is one way in keeping cellulite away from the body. Walking, jogging, and swimming are also fun activities to avoid cellulites.

3. Poor eating habits.

Unhealthy food together with excess consumption of alcohol, caffeine or spicy foods are closely linked to cellulite formation.

When a person takes too much of these foods, the body looses its ability to flush the toxins they produce so they are stored in the fatty tissue.

Experts recommend 8 glasses of water everyday instead of caffeine or alcoholic beverages.

4. Smoking.

Few people know that smoking is one of the causes of cellulite formation. It weakens the skin by constricting the capillaries and harms the connective tissue. As a result, the skin develops cellulites.

A surefire way to reduce or eliminate cellulite is through a healthy diet, consistent exercise, and enough water to remove the toxins from the body.


There are a lot of cellulite remedies in the market today. Some of them are the following:

People who are suffering from excessive cellulites and have the need to eliminate them as soon as possible resort to liposuction. This is the removal of cellulite or fat deposits through surgical procedure.

Although liposuction has potential side effects, more and more people are going for it because of its fast and excellent results.

However, people who do not have the budget or the guts to try liposuction use cellulite creams that contain minerals, herbs, antioxidants, and vitamins.

These creams provide needed moisture and increase the blood supply to remedy damaged and dehydrated cellulite-affected body parts. These creams have low approval rate because minimal results can be seen in few months.

Cellulite lift on the other hand, has very promising results. This is specifically designed for people who have lost considerable amount of weight that resulted to excess skin.

As of today, cellulite lift is the most invasive procedure to restore youthful, firm skin. While it promises great results, it also comes with disadvantages. It can leave extensive scar and longer recovery period for the patient.

Another treatment is called Laser Lipolisis. This technique was developed in Italy. This is done by inserting fiber-optic laser through small incisions on the target body part. This laser absorbs more than 500 grams of body fat.

Cellulite is one of the biggest problems being faced by Americans today. However, with the prevention tips and techniques, cellulite should be no big deal! Learn how to fight it and have get a body beautiful in no time.

If you’ve exhausted your lifestyle changes – or if you just aren’t able to make them right now – you may want to look at some other types of therapies for cellulite.

Learn more in our online guide here about the causes and treatments for Cellulite.

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