A Woman’s Guide to Early Menopause

Menopause is a major transition for any woman. The challenge is even greater when it arrives ahead of schedule.

For about 5% of women, menstrual periods end well before the average age of 51. Early menopause begins at age 45, while premature menopause refers to 40 or younger.

Genetics and certain medical conditions can be contributing factors. For example, you’re at higher risk if you’ve had chemotherapy, a hysterectomy, or autoimmune diseases. However, in many cases, the causes are unknown.

You can do little to prevent early menopause, but you can be prepared for the consequences. Study this guide to learn more about protecting your mental and physical well-being.
Understanding the Risks of Early Menopause

Spending more years without the benefits of estrogen can affect your health in many ways. Early diagnosis and treatment will help you limit the potential impact.

1. Schedule a checkup.

See your doctor if you notice changes in your period or if you’ve missed your period for 3 months or more. They can give you a physical exam and test your blood for hormones to determine the causes.

2. Consider HRT.

Your doctor may recommend supplemental estrogen and progestin. They will also advise you about the risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy.

3. Strengthen your bones.

Ask your doctor about taking calcium and vitamin D supplements if your diet lacks these nutrients. Weight-bearing exercise thickens your bones too.

4. Prevent heart disease.

Early menopause is associated with a 33% higher risk of heart failure. Pay extra attention to your cholesterol and blood pressure, eating healthy, and exercising.

5. Fight stroke.

There's also some evidence of a higher risk of stroke. It’s vital to call 911 immediately because prompt treatment may help limit brain damage.

6. Quit smoking.

Giving up tobacco is one thing you can do to help delay menopause. Make a plan, and pick a date for breaking the habit.

Other Suggestions For Dealing With Early Menopause

You can also expect to experience symptoms typical of natural menopause. Try these proven strategies for reducing any discomfort.

1. Reduce hot flashes.

About 80% of menopausal women have them, and they’re often more severe when they start early. Cool off by dressing in layers and buying a portable fan.

2. Train your mind.

Brain fog and difficulty concentrating are another common complaint. Challenge your brain with word puzzles and enriching hobbies.

Study a foreign language or ancient history. Remember that physical exercise boosts your thinking skills too.

3. Watch your weight.

Middle-age spread is the fat that accumulates around your midsection as you age. The causes may be a combination of hormones and inactivity. Weigh yourself regularly to adjust your diet before the pounds add up.

4. Stay hydrated.

You’re losing more water due to hot flashes and sweating. Replace those fluids by carrying around a water bottle and eating foods with high water content. Smart choices include most fruits and vegetables.

5. Moisturize more.

Do your hair and skin feel dryer? If you’re on a tight budget, try inexpensive products like petroleum jelly that usually work just as well as expensive department store brands.

6. Sleep well.

Night sweats and other changes associated with aging can lead to insomnia.

Given that sleep deprivation can increase your risk for heart attacks, it’s especially important to get your rest. Stick to a consistent bedtime, and check with your doctor if you need more help.

You can ease the symptoms of early or premature menopause. Practice healthy lifestyle habits, and talk with your doctor about hormone replacement therapy and other suitable options

Learn more about your health online when you read the rest of our information here about: What is Menopause? and also download the free health report available there!

Warren Tattersall has been a full time nutritional consultant for over a decade and works with people all over the world to help them improve their health, increase their personal energy levels and to use supplements to assist with diet related health issues.

Just send him a note on the form here - Contact Us - to request a personal no obligation one-on-one consultation with Warren

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