What is Bed Wetting?
A health article about Bed Wetting from Your Health Online the A to Z directory of dealing with Health Problems & nutritional Self Care Strategies
Bed wetting, also known as nocturnal enuresis or simply enuresis, is a condition wherein children and even some adults have the inability to control urination while in their sleep.
The result is that they end up wetting their bed and only realize that it has happened after they wake up in the morning. It is actually a common problem among children three years old and below.
After that time, kids develop the ability to control their urination and sometime even wake up in the middle of the night every time they feel like urinating.
But unfortunately, there are other kids who may not be as lucky. They may still experience the inability to control or even feel that they are urinating during their sleep.
Signs & Symptoms of Bed Wetting
A bed wetter urinates in their bed during sleep, and this happens without knowledge or control of the child.
Types of Bed Wetting
People can wet the bed at various stages of life, whether child, teenager, or adult.
The following are the myths and facts about enuresis:
Myth #1: Bed wetters are too lazy to control their urination.
This assumption is not only inaccurate, but also destructive because it only makes the child feel bad about theemselves. The truth is, bed wetters have no control over their condition.
Myth #2: Children who wet their bed have emotional or mental problems.
This misconception may have stemmed from the fact that autistic children usually wet their bed. That is not the case in most bed wetters.
Although enuresis results in psychological problems such as low self-esteem, these problems do not cause children to wet their bed.
But stress and other emotional issues such as divorce of parents or death of a loved one can trigger enuresis in children who previously have had dry nights.
Myth #3: Wearing diapers at night will slow down the process of getting rid of the habit.
Experts say that using diapers does not prevent a child from outgrowing enuresis on his own. In fact, diapers offer some benefits. For the bed wetters, diapers prevent them from getting wet and cold when they wake up.
For parents, diapers spare them the burden of changing the bed covers or washing the mattresses frequently.
Myth #4: Fluid intake before bedtime causes enuresis.
Yes, restricting the amount of fluid intake before your child goes to sleep can lessen the volume of urine released during nighttime. However, drinking liquids before bedtime does not cause the child to wet his bed.
Fact #1: Enuresis is hereditary.
If there is a history of enuresis in your family, your child is likely to become a bed wetter. Three out of four children who suffer from the condition have a family history of enuresis.
Fact #2: Some bed wetters have a functionally small (not anatomically small) bladder.
This means these children quickly feel a full bladder, so the urge to urinate is frequent.
Fact #3: Bed wetters find it hard to rouse from sleep, which keeps them from responding to their body’s signal to urinate.
Fact #4: Hormonal imbalance causes enuresis.
Some children lack the amount of anti-diuretic hormone that signals the kidneys to produce less urine while they sleep. The result? More urine at nighttime.
Fact #5: Enuresis may be a symptom of underlying medical conditions.
If your child suffers from bed wetting, it is likely that he may have one or two of the following diseases: diabetes, urinary tract infection, sleep apnea, spinal cord problems, and constipation.
What Causes Bed Wetting - Nocturnal enuresis?
In kids, bed wetting rarely is associated with a kidney or bladder problem. The usual case is that some kids may develop bladder control at a slower pace than normal. But there might be possibilities that some cases may be caused by certain infections.
That is why it may also be a good suggestion to consult with a doctor to determine the actual cause of bed wetting in kids just to make sure.
Some doctors also believe that certain cases of bed wetting may be rooted in certain emotional or psychological issues. A kid suddenly experiencing bed wetting after a certain period of dryness mat be a reflection of certain new fears and insecurities that the child may have.
Certain situations such as moving into a new home, the parents undergoing divorce, or losing a loved one may sometimes affect children in such a way as to cause them to wet their beds at night.
Generally, children stop wetting the bed after the age of three. Children who constantly wet the bed beyond that age cause their parents to become worried and concerned. However, according to medical experts, bed wetting is not an illness in itself but a symptom of an underlying disease.
It is not a behavioral or mental problem, either. In medical terms, this condition is called enuresis. About 15% of children wet the bed after reaching the age of three, and more boys than girls are prone to this condition.
The exact causes of enuresis are not yet known, though there are several factors that may explain some children’s tendency to urinate involuntarily.
If you are distressed over your child’s wetting the bed, it pays to know and understand the possible causes of his or her condition so that you know how to deal with it properly.
1. Stress.
Yes, stressful situations can trigger several unpleasant conditions, one of which is your child’s wetting the bed.
Going to school for the first time, sleeping in a place other than home, and adjusting to a new home, and becoming an older brother or sister can cause your kid to wet the bed.
2. Hormonal imbalance.
In some cases, the body cannot produce sufficient anti-diuretic hormone (ADH), which slows down the production of urine during nighttime.
3. Failure to determine a full bladder.
This is a common problem for kids who are deep sleepers. What happens is that the nerves that are in charge of the bladder mature slowly, which results in your child’s inability to wake up when the bladder becomes full.
4. Small bladder.
Chances are your child’s bladder is too small to contain urine produced at nighttime.
5. Problem with urinary system or neurological system.
This is a rare cause of enuresis in children.
6. Urinary tract infection (UTI).
If your child has UTI, it will be hard for him to control the release of his urine. Aside from enuresis, the other symptoms of UTI include frequent urination, ache during urination, and accidents during daytime.
7. Constipation.
Irregular bowel movements cause urine to be retained in the body, thus leading to wet nights for your child.
8. Diabetes.
Your child may have type 1 diabetes if he wets the bed when he was usually dry at night. Check for other signs of diabetes such as weight loss, fatigue, release of large amounts of urine, and frequent thirst.
9. Sleep apnea.
Enuresis can be a symptom of sleep apnea or disruption of breathing when a child is asleep. This is because of swelling adenoids or tonsils. Besides enuresis, other signs of sleep apnea include sinus and ear infections, dizziness during daytime, sore throat, and snoring.
10. Genetic factors.
Enuresis often tends to run in families. So if you were prone to wetting the bed during childhood, chances are good that your child will be prone as well to this condition.
In many cases, children outgrow bed wetting on their own. But if you suspect that your child has a serious disease, it is best to consult a doctor.
What Causes Adult Bed Wetting
Nocturnal enuresis or bed wetting is mainly associated with night time incidents among infants to children. However, children are not the only sufferers of night time wetting. Adult enuresis are happening to a lot of people worldwide. Adult enuresis could happen due to many reasons.
Adult bedwetting could be categorized as secondary nocturnal enuresis. Bed wetting have two types: the primary and the secondary.
Primary enuresis would refer to bed wetting since infancy which is common among kids. Secondary enuresis would refer to bed wetting that occurred after the person has been dry over a long period of time.
There are different causes of adult wetting. It could be due to:
There are studies showing that if one of the parent has the history of bedwetting, then there are 45% of chances that it could happen to their offspring. This does not only apply on children night time incidents, but also on adult bed wetting.
The anti-diuretic hormone produced by the body is responsible in sending signals to the kidneys to produce less urine. The production of this kind of hormone increases during night time. If the body does not produce enough ADH then the kidneys will still produce urine. Diseases that commonly affects the production of ADH is diabetes.
There is a muscle in the bladder called the detrusor. The detrusor contracts to negate the urine. However, this could be unstable especially if the body is exposed to different bladder irritants like caffeine and alcohol.
There are numerous medical reasons for adult enuresis, it could be urinary tract infection, urinary stones, prostate cancer, prostate enlargement and even bladder cancer.
There are also sleeping disorders which are associated with nighttime wetting. Aside from bed wetting, other symptoms could also include night terrors and sweats or sleep walking.
There are different kinds of drugs available and used by people nowadays. Drugs and medications could affect with the body and bladder control. In some cases of sleep apnea, drugs taken to avoid other complications could lead to adult wetting.
An adult could experience physical shock or trauma that could lead to “triggering” of enuresis. Emotional distress could also be a reson. This kind of cause or situation is often times, the easiest to treat.
Natural aging.
Aging reduces our body’s control over muscles, sending neurological signals can be slower, reflexes are also slower. Bladder control among older adults could be a problem.
Adult bed wetting could deeply affect a person’s confidence, esteem and their relationship. Because of the fear of getting embarrassed and ashamed, adults who suffer from enuresis tend to hide their condition. It is important to encourage the adult sufferer to open up and talk about their problems.
Dealing with these fears would help them get medical help. Normally, fear of getting embarrassed about bed wetting, prevents them from seeking professional and medical help. Family and friends are very important at this stage.
When seeking medical help, doctors would assess the situation to identify what is the primary cause of adult bed wetting.
There are different urine management which can be done to help adult sufferers deal with bed wetting like relieving within specific time intervals, fluid management, sometimes with medication and exercising muscles.
Risk Factors:
Around 15 percent of kids may still experience bed wetting after the age of three.
Studies have shown that boys are more likely to wet their beds than girls.
Enuresis has also been found to run in the family.
Kids who have parents with a previous history of bed wetting when they were young are more likely to also develop the problem.
Bed wetting usually stops by the time children reach the age of puberty.
Bed wetting tends to run in the family. To help a child to stop wetting the blankets, then it would be great to start them with some encouragement and reassurance, shaming and punishing the child may not work.
About 20% of five year olds experience bed wetting, and every year the percentage gets smaller by half.
Some parents let their kids outgrow bed wetting, but some parents are too anxious or frustrated to keep their children dry over the night.
There are times when bed wetting could interfere with social activities like attending slumber parties and other overnight activities. It could affect the self-esteem of the child.
Teaching a child how to avoid bed wetting could require a lot of patience. Here are some tips which could help your child to stay dry through the night.
Talk to your child
If your child could already understand, then talk to him. It is better to let your child understand that you want to help him and you are not angry. This would help your child to be more cooperative when trying new measures that will help him dry at night.
Before going to bed
Give a child less to drink in the evening and ensure he goes to the toilet just before he goes to bed. You could offer sips of drinks but do not give him drinks an hour and a half before bedtime.
Lift the baby a couple of hours after he has gone to sleep and again before you go to sleep. The emptier you child’s bladder is, the easier it is to get through the night.
Muscle and bladder control
For boys, help them increase muscle control. You could put a tennis ball in the lavatory and let him aim, stop, then aim again. Helping young children control their bladder may help them stay dry at night. You could encourage them to wait until their bladder is really full.
Encourage your child to take responsibility.
Whenever your child wet the bed, ask her to help in changing her clothes and blankets. But do not be irritated, be calm.
This could motivate the children to get up from the bed next time and go to the bathroom so they would not be changing the sheets next time.
The trip to the bathroom
Make it easier for the child to go the toilet at night. Children can have fears, so make sure that there is enough light for him to see his way, you could even leave the bathroom light on or put a pot by the bed.
An overnight stay
You could have your child sleep in a strange bed sometimes. You could sleep with friends or relatives that understand your child’s bed wetting.
Sometimes children get to sleep throughout the night in a different house without getting wet. This could be an encouraging experience for your child.
Check constipation problems
The bladder could discharge urine when there is too much pressure exerted on it. Constipated bowel could be a factor or could put pressure on the bladder. There are studies showing that 1 out of 3 children who are suffering from constipation, wet their beds.
Stress-related bedwetting
If you think that your child is bed wetting because of a stressful even like bullying or drastic changes in the family ( e.g. new baby, death) then it is better to talk to your child first.
Make sure to retain an encouraging and helpful tone. This would help your child get over the anxiety.
When to seek Medical Advice:
Before trying out a certain treatment for bed wetting, doctors first try to consider what the underlying cause of the condition may be.
Since bed wetting, or enuresis in medical terms, may be caused by different factors, doctors would first want to find out what may be causing it in order to provide the most effective treatment available for bed wetting.
Bear in mind that this condition is not a disease and therefore requires no cure.
What treatment options there are either involves trying to control the factors which might contribute to bed wetting or by trying to find a means to improve better urination control.
There are also other types of medication that may also prove effective in treating bed wetting. Certain tricyclic-antidepressants have been used in some people to treat bedwetting.
But such medications may also increase the risk of possible side effects when used. Such medications include
Amitriptyline, Imipramine, and Nortriptyline where studies show that users are 4.2 times more likely to stay dry at night as compared to those who took a placebo.
But relapses rates of around 50 percent are also experienced once users stop taking the medication.
Bed Wetting Treatment Options:
Bed wetting is one of the most common problems among families and children. About 20 % of five year olds still wet their beds at night. The number decreases by half every year.
There are different treatments or approach that parents could do to help their children get over with these nighttime accidents.
It all depends on the cause of the bed wetting. There are instances when bed wetting is caused by medical conditions like diabetes or bladder abnormality.
There would be times when bed wetting is an effect of a traumatic experience. Parents would normally turn to treatment for bed wetting, when it is interfering with the child’s social life, affects the child’s self-esteem and associated with a disease or disorder.
Bed Wetting Alarms
Bed wetting alarms sounds when they sense moisture. This could help the child to wake at the sensation of a full bladder.
There are different alarms with different sounds, so the child would not get used to the sound of the alarm. Using bed wetting alarm is said to show results three months after starting the use of the alarms, with success rates as high as 70%.
However, about 20 to 30 percent experience relapse or begin wetting the bed again after discontinuing its use. Moisture alarms work for majority of cases in the long term.
Place the alarm’s sensor on the bed pad or the child’s underwear or pajamas. The alarm sets off when it senses wetness in the pad. It will then rouse the child, who will go to the toilet, return to his bed, change his clothes and bedding, reset the alarm, and go back to sleep.
Putting an end to bed wetting takes a lot of time, patience, and proper motivation. As a parent, you need to always make sure that your child not only gets through the night dry, but also comfortable and at ease when he sleeps.
Desmopressin or DDVAP
This kind of medication is a replacement for the anti-diuretic hormone (ADH). The ADH is responsible for the reducing the production of urine at night or when asleep.
Relapses or reverting back to bed wetting could happen once your child has stopped using them. just like any drugs, there are possible side-effects. One of which is having a seizure, especially if taken with a lot of fluids.
Tricyclic anti-depressants
These prescription drugs can be used to treat bed wetting since the could change the child’s sleeping habits. At the same time, anti-depressants could also increase the amount of the time your child could hold the urine.
It could also have an effect on how much urine is produced. However, they have side effects and should be taken carefully. An overdose could happen and eventually lead to death.
Star charts
Even though there is not enough research that showed that children could stay dry with this kind of reward program, some doctors would still recommend this to help the child with his self-esteem.
Dry bed training
This training has a strict schedule when the child will be brought to the bathroom every night. This is an attempt for the child to get conditioned on waking up on his own to relieve himself. However there are some studies showing that this kind of training is not effective.
Using different drugs or medication to treat bed wetting has proven to be effective. However, as mentioned, they would only work if your child will continue taking them. some parents would prefer using medication for overnight stays like sleepover, camps, slumber parties, etc.
But all experts agree that punishment and shaming is not an effective way of treating or dealing with your child’s bed wetting.
There are studies showing that children who are punished and shamed for wetting the sheets would end up making the situation worse. This could also affect your child’s confidence.
Other Prescription Medication
There are also other types of medication that may also prove effective in treating bed wetting. Certain tricyclic-antidepressants have been used in some people to treat bedwetting. But such medications may also increase the risk of possible side effects when used.
Such medications include Amitriptyline, Imipramine, and Nortriptyline where studies show that users are 4.2 times more likely to stay dry at night as compared to those who took a placebo. But relapses rates of around 50 percent are also experienced once users stop taking the medication.
These medications are formulated to delay urine production at night, improve the bladder’s ability to hold more urine, and alter a child’s sleeping and waking patterns.
Absorbent Underwear
Absorbent underwear is available for bed wetters of all ages. There are absorbent diapers available for kids as well as for adults.
Although they may not actually help prevent bed wetting, they do however help keep people more comfortable as well as more convenient in terms of cleaning the mess after bed wetting.
Self Care strategies for Living with Bed Wetting
One important thing you must realize is that children don’t wet their beds on purpose—in fact, they are unable to control urine at nighttime.
Despite that, you can take some steps to end your suffering, as well as that of your kid. Several techniques and treatment methods are available to control enuresis in children.
Before you visit a doctor, you can try changing your kid’s bedtime routine to control your child’s urination at nighttime. You can make your kid pee before he goes to bed as well as right before he sleeps. Make sure that your child does not take in much liquid before sleeping.
Exercising the bladder’s ability to hold more urine can help make the nights dry for your child. Urge your kid to delay urination during daytime. This will “train” your child to release urine less often. That way, the bladder can contain more urine at night.
Moisture alarms or bed-wetting alarms are effective tools in controlling enuresis. These battery-operated devices, which are available at many pharmacies, basically alert your child to wake up when he starts to urinate.
And when your child is roused, he can immediately go to the toilet and pee. Moisture alarms are connected to a moisture-sensitive pad on the bedding or your kid’s pajamas. The alarm goes off when the pad detects wetness.
Patience is a virtue, especially for parents of young bed wetters. While children cannot control bed wetting on their own, parents can do something to stop it.
Parents can resort to some techniques at home without resorting to medications that not only cost a lot, but also have side effects. Here are some simple home remedy tips to make sure that your child has dry nights.
Coping Strategies
There is no point in reprimanding your child when he wets the bed or rewarding him when his bed is dry. It will only make his condition worse, and both of you will become more miserable. Instead, help your child cope with his condition by dealing with it with much patience.
The number one rule for parents of bed wetters: be sensitive to their feelings. Stress is a leading cause of enuresis, so if your child is stressed out, tell him that it’s okay to express his feelings—however negative they may be.
That way, your child will become more secure, which will eventually put a halt to his or her wetting the bed.
You can also make your child help with the clean-up, as this makes him take the responsibility for wetting the bed and feel more in control over the situation.
For example, ask your kid to take his or her wet underwear and pajamas to a basket for laundry. Or you can make your child wash and rinse his urine-drenched clothing items.
“Pee Training”
* Limit your child’s intake of liquids, especially before bedtime. Also, discourage your child from drinking soda and eating chocolates after 3 p.m.
* Train your child to urinate in the toilet before going to bed.
* Tell your kid that it is all right to get up at night to pee in the toilet.
* Be sure that the child can easily and safely access the toilet. Check if there is sufficient lighting and if there are obstructions on the way to the toilet. You may want to get a portable toilet for your kid so that it will be easier for him to pee at night.
* Use waterproof bed sheets, especially those that are absorbent and washable. You can also put deodorizers in the room. That way, you can add comfort to your child’s sleep and avoid bigger damage on the beddings.
Helping Your Kid Help Himself
* Rather than pinning the blame on your little one or punishing him for wetting the bed, you must focus on the problem at hand. Avoid making the situation worse for your child. He needs your support and reassurance.
* Do not allow anyone in the household to tease the child. Also, avoid discussing the situation with your child in front of other members of the family.
* Make your kid understand that it is his responsibility to keep himself dry after wetting the bed, not yours. Explain to him, though, that you want to help him overcome the situation. Let him join in the clean-up process by making him help in washing and drying his underwear and pajamas.
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We wish you well in your search for solutions to this Bed Wetting problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.
More Resources available about Sleep disorders including Bed Wetting:
Sleep Apnea
Sleep - daily requirements
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Sleep disorders - Restless Leg Syndrome
*Sleep disorders - Free Health Book.
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* Smoothie Recipes Collection
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Free Report Reveals Natural Insomnia Cures:
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