Experiencing Work Stress? Five Tension Tamers
A health article about Work Stress from Stress Management tips dealing with Health Problems & nutritional Self Care Strategies
When you ask people where most of their daily stress comes from, majority will tell you that it either comes from their home or from work, with greater emphasis on the latter.
Because work is a paid endeavor, and the time allotted for it is regular and measured, a lot of people say the routine is what bothers them – in addition to the gnarly boss, the file pile-ups, and the gossip-mongering co-workers.
If you feel you are suffering from occupational stress, then this is the article for you. Sure, stress from work is inevitable, because all of us do need to work to earn a living and support ourselves and our families.
But just because it's inevitable doesn't mean we should just raise our arms in defeat and succumb to its every whim. Work stress can be managed. All you need to have to start with is a cool head.
Next time you feel like you're on the edge at the office, here are a few tips you can try.
1. Take a break
Leave the office, take a short walk or visit a quiet nook in your office building or a nearby café. Claiming some "me" time helps clear and refresh your mind; so will a change of atmosphere.
2. Talk it over
Before you snap back at a co-worker, bite your tongue. Pull a close friend at the office, ask if he or she has the time, and ask for help in processing your anger or anxious feelings.
Expressing yourself to a confidant for at least 20 minutes helps you simmer down and prevents you from acting or saying things that you might regret later.
3. Stretch
Exercise can do wonders to one's spirits. It doesn't have to be rigorous. A few minutes of stretching and breathing does the trick.
4. Eat, drink
Yes, stress eating is the number one cause of weight gain, but there are nutritious foods to calm you and to help you sustain your energy for the rest of the day.
Instead of reaching out for a sugar-laden doughnut, get a bran muffin; instead of coffee, have a relaxing tea drink.
5. Laugh!
Humor is an effective way to relieve stress. Laughter relaxes tense muscles, brings in more oxygen into our system, and lowers blood pressure. Next time you want to blow your top, call a friend with a good sense of humor.
Developing good jokes – no offensive ones – does wonders for yourself and your officemates, too. Seeing humor in everyday things lightens up an otherwise trying and tiring day at work
What is the Fight/Flight Response? Why do we still have it?
The ‘Fight or Flight Response’ is a physiological reaction and is the body’s response to a stressor.
Changes in hormones prepare a person to either stay and deal with a stressor or to take flight/run away. This immediate state of alarm is when the body prepares to take action, and in this state a person will be extremely alert to their surroundings but also very anxious and possibly unable to concentrate.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)
Here are an additional 12 keys to stress reduction to help you open the door to a more relaxing life. They contain dozens of additional helpful hints. Choose those best suited for you.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)
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Stress is a reality. It is inevitable and it can be acquired from all sources – at work, school, home, family, and relationships.
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