What is a Migraine?
A health article about Migraine from Your Health Online the A to Z directory of dealing with Health Problems & nutritional Self Care Strategies
These headaches can be disabling — with symptoms so severe, all you can think about is finding a dark, quiet place to lie down. Up to 17 percent of women and 6 percent of men have experienced a migraine.
In some cases, these painful headaches are preceded or accompanied by a sensory warning sign (aura), such as flashes of light, blind spots or tingling in your arm or leg. Migraines is also often accompanied by other signs and symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine pain can be excruciating and may incapacitate you for hours or even days.
Signs & Symptoms of Migraine
Though all migraines are headaches, all
headaches are not migraines. There can be many causes like high
blood pressure, cervical spondylosis and poor eyesight being a
few. So every one with headaches should not think he is
suffering from migraine.
The broad criterion of diagnosis is if
you have two or more of the following symptoms during a attack
it is probable you are suffering from the condition:
a. Throbbing headache, often on one side of the head only.
Visual disturbances (blink spots, distorted vision, flashing
lights or zigzag patterns) these symptoms are often called aura.
c. Nausea and vomiting or diarrhea.
d. Increased sensitivity to
light. e. Increase sensitivity to sounds.
The second general rule is that if a headache and other
associated symptoms prevent you from continuing with daily
activities it could be a migraine.
Types of Migraine
Although there are other forms of the condition, migraines are often classified as either the classical and the common.
Classical migraines have auras, symptoms that are not typically seen in migraine attacks. One example of an aura is the visual aura where a c-shaped rotating light that is bright is seen by the eye.
Other types of aura include temporary double visions or temporary blindness in one or both eyes; numbness in some parts of the body; tingling sensations; vertigo; muscle weakness and even speech difficulties. These are typically seen at the early stages of the condition.
About eighty percent of people suffering from migraine do not have this problem. The remaining twenty percent suffer from the classical form.
Considered a vascular headache, Migraines start with the enlargement of the temporal artery which is located between the skin and skull at the temple. This enlargement stretches the nerves that coil around the temporal artery causing these nerves to release chemicals into the system.
A snowball effect takes places since these chemicals cause inflammation and pain which further enlarge the temporal artery and stretching the nerves further. The condition will often activate the sympathetic nervous system which is reported to react to stress and pain.
This increased activity affects the intestines causing vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea and contributes to the sensitivity to light and sound.
What Causes Migraine?
Headaches afflict almost everyone at some time or the other. Most headaches are functional,
caused by temporary upsets and are not related to any organic changes in the brain. A
headache is often nature’s warning that something is wrong somewhere in the body.
The actual
pain, however, arises from irritation to nerve endings in the shoulder, neck and scalp muscles
and also in the smooth muscles encircling the blood vessels which serve these areas.
There are several types of headaches, with as many ways of treating them. Taking an aspirin or
tranquiliser may provide temporary relief but it does not remove the cause. Moreover, the
frequent use of pain-relievers causes nervous debility, weakens the heart and brings on other
The common causes of headaches are allergy, emotional reasons, eyestrain, high blood
pressure, hangover, infection, low blood sugar , nutritional deficiency, tension, the presence of
poisons and toxins in the body, and migraine.
Allergies, an often unsuspected cause of
headache, vary in different individuals. The foods to which some people are allergic and which
can trigger headaches are milk and milk products, chocolates, chicken liver, alcohol and strong
cheese. Sneezing and diarrhoea are further indications of an allergy .
Intense emotions often cause headaches. Many people who outwardly appear to have a
pleasant disposition may actually be simmering about a job, or may bear resentment towards a
person or something. This hidden hostility may manifest itself as headache. It is important,
therefore, that negative feelings should not be bottled up, but should find some safe means of
Eye-strain is a common cause of headache. In such cases, an eye specialist should be
consulted and proper treatment taken. Simple eye exercises such as moving the eyes up and
down and from side to side, palming, rotating the head, with neck outstretched, forward and
backward three times, then thrice clockwise and thrice anti-clockwise , can relieve eye-strain.
High blood pressure can cause pounding headaches.
The headache usually starts at the back of
the head on getting up in the morning. A safe method of treatment for this is to immerse your
legs to calf-level in a tub of hot water for 15 to 20 minutes. This draws the blood away from the
head and down to the feet, giving relief from the headache.
Many people get a severe headache after consuming alcohol in excess. Alcohol causes the
blood vessels to swell, resulting in a painful headache. The best treatment for this is to avoid
excessive consumption of alcohol. A hangover headache can be avoided by taking a vitamin B-1
( thiamine) tablet with the drink.
Headaches may occur if there is an infection, such as a cold, virus and fever . Here, it is the
infection that should be tackled. Vitamin C therapy is the best all round method. For a cold, high
doses of vitamin C should be taken at hourly intervals with the appearance of the first symptoms
like a sore throat, runny nose, etc. Vitamin C has worked miracles, and is considered a natural
Low blood sugar is one of the causes of irritability and headache. Sugar is not a cure for low
blood sugar, though it may raise the blood sugar temporarily and make one feel better for a
Low blood sugar is the result of an abused pancreas which over stimulates the production
of insulin in the body. It can be controlled by eating smaller meals at short intervals rather than
the standard three large meals daily. The intake of carbohydrates should be cut down to the
minimum and coffee should be eliminated as it over stimulates the pancreas.
A lack of iron, resulting in anaemia, is a common cause of headache. The headache sometimes
appears before the onset of anaemia, due to a chronic iron deficiency.
Brewer’s yeast is an
excellent source of iron and anaemia can easily be prevented by taking a few teaspoons daily.
Headache can also be brought on due to the deficiency of B vitamins , namely pantothenic acid,
B-1 (thiamine) , B-12 and B-6 ( pyridoxine) and can be cured by taking these vitamins.
When taking any of the B-vitamin factors seperately, it is absolutely essential to add the entire
B-complex range to one’s diet in some form such as Brewer’s yeats, liver,wheat germ, etc.,
otherwise too much of one factor can throw the other factors into imbalance, resulting in other
problems. Actually, the entire B complex group itself serves as protection against headaches,
including migraine.
Tension headaches are probably the most common of all, and are caused by emotional conflicts
which result in stress. Stress causes the muscles of the shoulder, neck and scalp to tense
unconsciously. Persons who are irritable, tense and lose their temper quickly usually get this
type of headache. It increases gradually and passes off with the release of tension. One should
try to relieve the stress which produces the headache.
Poisons and toxins admitted into the body through food, beverages and water, as well as
through breathing, polluted air, can cause any number of disturbances. A headache may be the
first warning that a poison has entered the body.
Additives in foods and in many cases,
cosmetics, skin and hair products are also serious offenders in bringing on headaches. IN
addition, there are toxic air contaminants which are too numerous to mention.
Migraine is believed to be caused by release of a chemical
called serotonin or 5HT into the bloodstream from its storage
sites in the body, resulting in changes in neurotransmitters and
blood vessels in the brain.
Exactly what causes this to happen
is still not clear: However certain factors have been identified
which can trigger attacks in susceptible people:
a. Emotional stress, e.g., anger, worry, shock, depression.
b. Physical exertion like over exertion / tiredness change in sleep patterns
and traveling.
c. Hormonal changes like menstruation and pre-menstrual period, puberty, menopause.
d. Environmental like light, loud noise, intense smells, change or climate or smoking
e. Diet like lack of food or infrequent meals, specific foods like chocolate, citrus fruits, cheese, alcohol, especially red wine.
f. Other triggers like use of sleeping tablets high blood
pressure, toothache or other dental problems, eyestrain,
congested nose and sinus problems.
Migraine triggers are numerous and varied and occur in
combinations peculiar to a individual. For most there is not
just one trigger but a combination. These can be tolerated
individually but when several occur together, a threshold is
passed and an attack is triggered. Identifying and avoiding
personal trigger factors can help.
Risk Factors:
Though it has been seen that the problem does run in families, it
is not necessary that children of migraine patients will also
have it. Nor this is true the other way round.
People often say
that since nobody in family had migraine, they cannot have. This
is also not true. It is possible for people to have the problem
even when nobody in the family has it.
An enormous list of triggers has been accumulated through research into migraines. Among the most common triggers to be aware of: Stress, aroma, menstruation, sleep pattern disturbances, climate change, and diet.
A huge amount of scientific research has been processed about the various triggers of these headaches and in short, the researchers have come to believe that two primary culprits stand out in the crowd of triggers.
Many researchers have decided that food and food additives are part of the main reasons behind triggering the condition. On the other hand, many researchers are adamant that the primary trigger for migraines is stress.
It’s very important know triggers your migraine so you can determine whether to avoid it or not. Finding trigger by journaling (writing down what you eat and what stresses happen around the time a headache happens can help in preventing the triggers in the first place.
Modern medical techniques for migraine relief are leaning more toward preventive applications and preventive medications also.
Migraine prevention medicine is different from migraine pain relief medicine. For most people who suffer these headaches, prevention medicine is a whole new way to treat their condition.
Preventive (prophylactic) medications are prescribed for severe headaches that occur more than twice a month, and that significantly interfere with daily activities. Preventive medications are intended to reduce both the frequency and the severity of the headache and are usually taken daily.
Often doctor prescribed migraine treatments are separated into these categories; prevention medicine and acute migraine pain relief medicine. Here’s how the two types of medicine differ. Severe migraine pain relief medicine is taken at the start of headache pain.
Migraine prevention medicine is taken daily to help reduce the frequency of the condition, so you can have fewer of them. It does not provide relief from the pain of a migraine in progress.
The problem with migraine prevention is that there isn't just
one cause for the headaches.
1) Cut the caffeine. Among the multitude of products linked to
migraines is caffeine. Taking in too much can lead to a headache
of monstrous proportions. Unfortunately, it's not only too much
caffeine that lead to a headache, it's caffeine withdrawal if
you're used to taking in a lot. Best to cut back slowly.
2) While we're talking about caffeine, let's also talk about
NutraSweet. Aspartame has been the culprit for many people who
have complained of migraines. Go in search of why aspartame
causes migraines and you will run into what seems like the
biggest cover-up since Roswell.
Most of what you'll read hasn't
been proven, but then again neither have the makers of
NutraSweet proven that their product doesn't contribute to
migraines. Avoid it and you may well avoid a horrendous headache.
3) There are more reasons to give up smoking than you can count,
but avoiding migraines is another reason to put on the list. Of
course, that's easier than said than done if you are the smoker,
but remember, secondhand smoke is just as likely to cause a
migraine headache as actual smoking. So if you can, remove
yourself from the environment in which people are smoking.
Better yet: Get them to remove themselves. You do have the right
to not have to be around their smoke, especially if their smoke
is causing your headaches.
4) Establish a regular pattern of sleeping and waking. In fact,
get as anal-retentive as you can about this. A regular pattern
of going to bed at the same time and getting up at the same
time, on weekends as well as weekdays, can do wonders. Many
people who have instituted a rigid routine of sleeping and
waking have discovered that their migraines disappear completely
and forever. Or at least as long as they continue the pattern.
5) Give up the pill and try another form of contraception. Birth
control pills and their effects on hormones can be a major
hazard when it comes to migraine pain. You don't necessarily
have to go off the pill entirely. Some people have found that
merely changing brands puts an end to their migraine misery. If
that doesn't help, however, you may look into other forms of
female contraception or, if you and your partner don't mind,
switching over to condoms.
6) Change your lighting. Very bright lights can often trigger
very severe migraines. You might consider using the softer,
filmy kind of light bulbs. Or use lamps instead of overhead
lights. Or stop using fluorescent lighting, if that's possible.
If you spend a lot of time at the computer monitor, take
frequent breaks and get as far away from the pulsating waves of
the monitor as possible.
7) Cheese, chocolate and wine may sound like the ideal
ingredients for a romantic picnic, but if you are prone to
migraines the last thing you may be feeling is romantic
following that afternoon getaway. Aged cheeses especially are
dangerous because they contain the amino acid tyramine.
Chocolate contains phenylethamine. Both chemicals contribute to
migraines and alcohol is a trigger as well. Stay away from all
three and find other ways to get in a romantic mood.
8) Use body wash to smell good instead of perfume or cologne.
Odors and aromas are major causes of migraines and those that
make you smell good are among the worst. Keep yourself clean
instead of daubing with the smelly-goods.
9) Being an aerobic exercise program. Exercising regularly helps
to increase your cardiovascular capacity and improper blood flow
is linked to recurrent migraines.
10) Driver or take a train when you can instead of flying. The
lowering of cabin pressure on airplanes is a sure-fire migraine
trigger and one easily avoided when the trip can be made by
alternative means of transportation.
11) With prevention being the goal it appears that Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) may prevent the condition in almost 40% of sufferers. In clinical studies patients taking 400mg of Vitamin B2 daily displayed a 37% decrease in Migraine headaches and a drop in the number of days the headache affected them. The effects of the increased Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) ingestion begin in as little as 30 days and appear to work best after 3 months and benefited those who suffer from moderate Migraines 3 to 4 times a month.
Vitamin B2 is required for proper cell mitochondria function and when a deficiency occurs it is suggested that this may trigger these headaches in many individuals. This low cost alternative may not work for every sufferer but to knock out 30% to 40% is a big plus.
Other inroads into preventing this complex interaction of genetic, environmental, and neurological variables include stress release since anger or frustration is being narrowed down as one of the key triggers, again with a delayed action of one to two days. Wheat, sugar, and some grains are also being held responsible for the condition but more often this appears to affect individuals with specific blood types other than sufferers in general. But, diet is quite possibly playing a major role with many avenues that need to be explored.
Another effective therapy may be administering bright light in 30 minute doses every other day, much like treating seasonal disorders, where a clinical reduction in these headaches was reported. This treatment may sound surprising since sufferers usually avoid light during the onset of a headache. The bright light is claimed to possibly elevate concentrations of several neurotransmitters, including serotonin, in the brain.
When to seek Medical Advice:
Dr. Larry A. Johnson, D.C.
If you have headaches and are wondering if they could be migraine headaches we can probably help you figure that out. There are some very distinctive characteristics of migraine headaches that can differentiate migraines from other types of headaches such as tension headaches, stress headaches, cluster headaches or other types of headaches.
Migraine headaches are more often than not one-sided, meaning the pain is felt on only one side of the head. Most of the time the pain of a migraine headache can be felt in the temple area or behind one of the eyes or ears. Migraine headaches can become severe and disabling. Nausea is a common symptom of this type of headache as is vomiting or sensitivity to light or sound. About 20% of patients with migraine headaches experience an aura. An aura is a disturbance in vision that can consist of bright blinking colored lights that move across the field of vision.
Migraine headaches can become chronic in nature. When they are chronic the patient most commonly experiences them once or twice a month. However, in some instances migraine headaches can occur as often as once or twice a week. Migraine headaches affect people between the ages of 15 and 55 and are more common in women than in men. Migraines affect women about 3 times as often as men.
Migraines affect about 30 or 40 million Americans, but they are less common than tension headaches. It is estimated that about 75% of all headaches are tension headaches. Tension headaches are typically characterized by a dull pain over the entire head while migraines are usually throbbing in nature and located in one particular spot. In other words, tension-type headaches are a constant dull pain while migraines throb like the beating of the heart.
Chronic tension headaches can occur every day while chronic migraine headaches occur less often, usually once a week to once a month. Fatigue and stress can cause both types of headaches, but migraine headaches can be triggered by other factors such as different types of food. Migraine headaches can sometimes be helped by eliminating these triggers. Foods that may lead to migraines include cheese, alcohol, MSG (monosodium glutamate), nuts, beans, caffeine, chocolate, onions and others. Eliminating the trigger may eliminate the migraines.
Cluster headaches are far less common than either migraine headaches or tension-type-headaches. Men are about six times more likely than women to experience cluster headaches. The pain of a cluster headache starts quickly, without any warning, and typically reaches its peak between two and fifteen minutes.
The pain of a cluster headache can be extremely intense, deep and explosive. Migraines are usually "pulsing" while clusters are not. Between 10 and 20 percent of cluster patients have "ice-pick" or "stabbing" pain around the eyes. This stabbing pain typically lasts for a few seconds, but can occur several times in succession. When this sudden attack of intense pain occurs it usually means that the headache is near its end.
For natural migraine headache relief it is often beneficial to relax and rest. Sometimes lying in a dark room with an ice pack on the base of the skull can reduce the pressure that is felt in the head. The same treatment can also help tension or stress headaches. Reducing stress can go a long way to relieving many headache symptoms.
If you experience chronic headaches and over-the-counter medication or natural remedies do not help it may be wise to consult a physician.
Dr. Larry A. Johnson, D.C.
Migraines can be pretty inconvenient especially if the pain is too debilitating. Often, people suffering from migraine attacks take a leave of absences because the pain renders them ineffective in their daily duties.
Migraine is a vascular problem characterized primarily by severe headache. This is due to the constrictions in the blood vessels that cause them to expand. Another likely cause of migraine is the shifting levels of hormones in the body, which can be seen during menopausal periods and menstrual cycles.
It is important to remember though that there are types of migraines that do not involve the pain in the head. Acephalgic migraine or what is called the silent migraine is an eye migraine that do not involve any pain. Instead, visual disturbances occur such as temporary double visions and blindness in the eye. Other symptoms of this condition are vomiting, nausea, visual problems and dizzy spells.
Because of its many types, treatment of migraines can be pretty complex. In fact, experts advise people to consult their doctors and do not self-medicate especially if the migraine attacks become more frequent and chronic. One must remember though that migraine cannot be “cured” per se as it is not a disease but a condition. The only thing that doctors can do is to help control it and hopefully anticipate the next attack.
Many believe that though it is pretty hard to know when another migraine episode will occur, preventive treatment is still best.
To prevent the occurrence of migraines, doctors advise that one avoid triggering factors as best a they can. Triggering factors can be different for every individual. For instance, a strong odor may trigger the migraine of one but leave another migraine-afflicted person unaffected. Among the most common triggering factors are stress, eye problems, food, and bright lights.
Another avenue for treatment is diet restrictions. There are food items that are closely associated with migraine episodes. Among these food items are alcoholic beverages, dairy products and processed foods such as canned products and junk foods that are rich in monosodium glutamate.
Others go for preventive medications. In fact, most people see this as the most convenient of the preventive techniques as it only involves taking in of medicines. Other forms of treatment for migraine that doctors can do are behavior modification techniques, biofeedback and relaxation techniques.
Although preventive treatment is effective for some, it cannot be used on others. Migraines can be really unpredictable and episodes are so far between that you’ll never know when you will have another again. For people whose episodes are not really as frequent, symptomatic relief or what is called abortive treatment is best prescribed.
There are non prescription drugs that are typically used to help relieve the pain. Among them are aspirin; acetaminophen; naproxen; ketoprofen; and ibuprofen. All these are known pain-relievers that work well with migraines that are mild. It is however important to note that there are complications that can occur if one self-medicate so it best to also consult a doctor. However, if the pain severe, a consultation with a doctor is needed.
Doctors will often prescribed a much more stronger medication for the pain. Some of the medicines that are commonly prescribed by doctors are Dihydroergotamine, which are better known in their brand names Migranal and D.H.E. 45 and ergotamine with its brand name Ergostat, which may be used alone or in combination with other medicines
Preventive medications
For preventive medication, there are four kinds of medications that are used. These are the calcium channel blockers such as Calan, Verelan and Covera; the beta blockers, which include medications such as Inderal and Corgard; the anti-depressants Serzone, Paxil, Prozac and Zoloft; and of course the anti-seizure medicines such as Neurontin, Gabitril, Keppra, Depakote, and Zonegran.
Calcium channel blockers, which work by blocking the hole that can be found in the blood vessels and the nerves, thereby stabilizing the overactive vessels, are often used as first-line medication for people who are suffering from the classical form of migraine.
People with common migraines, on the other hand, respond well with beta blockers. One must remember though that Beta blockers cannot be used by people who have asthma and diabetes. Chronic migraine is often treated with the anti-depressants, which target the brain’ serotonin levels, which can be lowered when there is a migraine episode and the anti-seizure medications, which stabilize the nervous system.
Headaches - 3 Migraine Headache Home Treatment Methods
Dr. Larry A.Johnson, D.C.
Migraine headaches and tension headaches can be painful and
disabling. Read about natural ways to relieve these painful
tension-type headaches or migraine headaches.
There are two main categories of headaches, primary and
secondary. Primary headaches are not caused by underlying
medical conditions while secondary headaches are the end result
of some other medical condition such as a brain tumor, infection
or trauma.
Primary headaches make up about 90% of all headaches and
tension-type headaches are the most common of these. Migraine
headaches are also primary and affect as many as 30 or 40
million Americans.
It has been estimated that as many as 75% or more of all
headache sufferers have tension headaches. And
upwards of 90% of adults in the USA have experienced the pain of
a tension headache.
In differentiating tension and migraine headaches the
tension-type is usually characterized by a constant dull aching
on both sides of the head. Migraine headaches, on the other
hand, are typically felt on just one side and are throbbing in
Tension headaches usually begin slowly and worsen over time.
They often begin in the middle of the day and are caused by
stress. Because of this they are often called stress headaches.
They can become chronic in nature, occurring every day in some
patients. Many tension-type headache sufferers experience a
tight feeling in their head or neck muscles.
Migraine headaches can also become chronic in nature, but are
usually experienced once or twice a week at most and not daily.
Approximately 75% of patients experiencing migraine headaches
are female. These headaches can be disabling and can be
accompanied by nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light. About
20% will experience an aura, a disturbance in vision that can
consist of bright blinking colored lights that move across their
field of vision.
There are many types of treatment methods available to sufferers
of both tension and migraine headaches. The most common approach
is to take an over-the-counter pain reliever (no prescription
necessary). Non-prescription medicines can include aspirin,
acetaminophen (such as Tylenol), ibuprofen (such as Motrin), or
a combination of aspirin and acetaminophen. These are the most
popular types of non-prescription pain relievers. People with
more severe pain may need prescription medicine.
There are also different types of natural treatment methods that
don't involve the use of over-the-counter or prescription
medicines. These can often relieve headache symptoms. One method
is to put an ice pack on the base of the skull. When using an
ice pack there should be a barrier between the ice pack and the
skin, such as a wetted cloth that has had the water wrung out of
it. This can lessen the flow of blood to the head resulting in
less pressure in the head. A person can also put their feet in a
container of warm water. This has the effect of attracting the
blood to the feet instead of the head, again reducing pressure
to the head.
Migraine headaches can sometimes be helped by eliminating the
triggers. Foods that may trigger these headaches include, but are not
limited to, cheese, alcohol, MSG (monosodium glutamate), nuts,
beans, caffeine, chocolate, onions and others. Eliminating the
trigger may eliminate the headaches.
Another way to eliminate headaches naturally is to reduce your
stress by relaxing. Get plenty of sleep. Lie down in a dark
quiet room. Or try a combination of lying down in a dark quiet
room while you have a small ice pack positioned at the base of
your skull.
This article is a general overview of tension-type and migraine
headaches and may not apply to everyone. But sometimes one idea
is all it takes to reduce painful tension or migraine headaches.
About the author:
Dr. Larry A. Johnson, D.C. http://www.soothe-a-ciser.com
Self Care strategies for Living with Migraine
Ways to combat migraines
There are many ways to treat migraines. Some use behavior modification techniques while others focus on diet restrictions. Because these episodes are frequently ‘triggered’ by environmental factors, doctors recommend that patients avoid these factors as best as they could to prevent the recurrence of another migraine attack.
Of course, triggering factors are different for every individual. One must first know what triggers migraine episodes. Some of the most common triggering factors are food, stress and strong sense stimulants such as bright lights and strong odors.
Going for non-prescripted drugs
Perhaps one of the most convenient ways to treat the disease is through medication. In fact, a lot of Americans already self-medicate by taking in non-prescription drugs for pain relief. Although this is not exactly wrong, doctors advice that patients first consult their problem before self-medicating.
Severe headaches and the other symptoms of migraines are also symptoms of other diseases. Still, non-prescription drug treatment has become very popular among patients. Among the most popular are aspirin; ibuprofen, ketoprofen; naproxenl; and acetaminophen
Miscellaneous Ways To Prevent Headaches
Eat plenty of carrots; they are good for your eyes. Carrots are the best things
that nature has to offer for eye sight so go ahead and gorge on them. Carrots
are rich in vitamin A, which is the vitamin required for proper eye sight.
Use a pillow that is not too thick to rest your head. If the pillow that you are
using is too thick, you will be straining you neck muscles when you are
asleep. If the neck muscles are taught for too long, they will become stiff
and this often precipitates as a headache.
The best rest that you can give your eyes is staring at a distant object. Or you
can try massaging your eyes gently. Please remember that your eyes are
unlike any other part of your body so you have to take very good care of
them. The same holds true when it comes to massaging your eyes as well.
�� When you massage your eyes take care to use only the soft balls of
your fingers.
�� Do not use your finger tips because your nails could give you
�� The best fingers to massage your eyes with are the three middle
fingers, which are the fingers between your thumb and the little
�� Place the balls of your fingers on you’re your eye brows and gently
press down.
�� Please remember to be gentle; we are not talking about a major
massage therapy here.
�� Now let your fingers roll down around your eyes making gentle
circling movements.
�� The motion should start from the eye brows and end at the corners of
the eyes near the nose bridge.
�� Repeat this two or three times and you can feel your eye muscles
�� It is a good idea to this at least five or six times a day if you are
working at something that gives a lot of strain to your eyes.
If you feel that your eyes are under strain, take a break. The best relaxation
for your eyes is staring at a distant object or just keeping them closed. Your
eyes will give you signs when they are under strain. You will find that you
are getting tired sooner, your eyes may start to water or you might notice
that you have to squint your eyes in order to get a better view.
Breathing exercises help you breathe better and release the toxins in your
brain. The human body takes in a lot of toxic substances, both through the
air and through food and drink. Apart from this, various toxins are also
released in the body as a result of the various processes that are going on.
These toxins have to be released on a continuous basis or else they will
accumulate in the body with serious results.
One of the best ways of releasing these toxins is by means of exhaling while
breathing. One funny fact is that most of do not breathe properly. Just take a
look at the picture like this. With each breath that we take, we take in
oxygen. This oxygen is carried by the blood to every cell of the body and
every cell must indeed get enough oxygen not just to survive but to remain
healthy as well.
So it is imperative that we make an honest attempt to breathe properly. But
first of course we have to make sure that we are breathing in unpolluted air.
The time best for breathing exercises is early in the morning when the air is
comparatively unpolluted.
Now what you have to do is this. Again, sit comfortably so that there is no
strain to any part of your body. It is not imperative that you close your eyes,
but I have always noticed that the exercise works better when the eyes are
When you are ready, what you have to do is to breathe in deeply and slowly,
and feel the fresh air filling up your lungs until it just can’t take any more.
Conjure up images of the air encircling throughout your body and reaching
every cell, literally bathing it with oxygen. Of course it doesn’t happen that
way but the image helps a lot. Then hold your breath for a few seconds and
then very slowly exhale letting out all that foul air.
Again conjure up an image of all the toxins being released from your body.
Every cell has become free of the burden it was carrying. Now pause for a
second or two and again breathe in deeply, slowly letting your lungs fill up
with all that good, clean, rejuvenating air. Repeat this exercise at least ten
times and take your time for it taking care not to rush through.
When you have done that part of the exercise it is time for the second part.
Again sit with your eyes closed, but this time, keep one nostril closed with
the help of your index finger. It is best to close the right nostril first and that
too with your right index finger. Now breathe in deeply and slowly through
your left nostril keeping the right nostril closed. When you have held air for
a second or two, release your right nostril and breathe out through it.
While you are breathing out conjure up an image of all the toxins being
released form your head and the brain especially. And as you breathe in
conjure up images of the clean air circulating though out your brain freeing
it of all the worries and trouble and lightening it.
Repeat this exercise with the other nostril closed and in this way alternate
between the nostrils at least ten times. The entire breathing exercise need not
take more than ten minutes.
Dry your head well after a shower. It is best to use a towel for this. The
problem with water is that it can seep in through the scalp of your head and
if you leave your head damp, the moisture can seep in result in a headache.
Do not blow dry your hair as far as possible. Dryers are not a very good
idea. The heat from the dryer is actually bad for your head. Go easy on
driers and if at all you must use a dryer, use it only if you have long hair.
Never use it to blow dry the short hair on your head.
If you must blow dry your hair, keep the blow drier well away from your
head. Not only is the heat bad for your head, but the drone of the drier can
also induce a headache.
Avoid inhaling polluting gases like automobile fumes and second-hand
smoking. Many of the gases let out by automobiles and other exhaust pipes
are highly toxic and they itself can cause a headache.
Second hand smoking by which you inhale the smoke from your neighbor’s
cigarette too can cause a headache. This is especially true if you are a nonsmoker
and not used to the smell smoke.
Do not wear a hair-do in which your hair is tied up too tightly. Some people
especially women tie up their hair in very tight buns or braids. If your hair
is pulled back too tightly it is going to hurt your scalp and the end result is
that you will get a headache.
Try to get a good night’s sleep. A good night’s sleep is very important to
keep away headaches.
"Sleep is one of the most basic and universal activities in which we all
engage. Yet, getting to sleep, staying asleep, and waking refreshed can be
highly elusive to most of us some of the time, and many of us all of the
The National Sleep Foundation reports (2002) that America is on the verge
of a poor sleep epidemic, characterized by the following eye-opening
�� 64% of American adults get less than the eight hours of sleep that
experts recommend is required to maintain optimal physical, mental,
and emotional health.
�� One-third of the US population says they get less sleep now than they
did five years ago
�� One-half of Americans have experienced insomnia (sleeplessness)
�� Drowsiness due to a lack of a proper night of sleep interferes with the
daily activities of 37 percent of all adults.
You need peace and quiet to get enough sleep and so you should take care to
see that there are no physical disturbances. Turn the ring tone of your
telephone to the lowest possible volume. Do not worry about important
calls; if the calls are so important, then the caller will call back later when
you have turned up the volume.
Try to cut out other disturbances by wearing ear muffs or eye blinds. Do not
read in bed before you sleep, in all likelihood you will drift off to sleep with
the lights on and after sometime the same light will wake you up.
Do not oversleep. Oversleeping is just as bad as not getting enough sleep. If
you sleep too much or for too long you will wake up with a very woozy
feeling and that will most likely turn into a headache. Our body tells us when
it has had enough sleep. Listen to the cue and get up, do not succumb to the
temptation to just lay in bed.
Try to get at least eight hours of sleep every night. Studies have shown that
this is the requirement for most healthy adults. Examine your daily schedule
to see how you can rearrange your day to ensure the right amount of sleep.
Try to cut out television and other non-necessary activities.
Stay away from sedatives. Sedatives are not a solution to your sleep
problems. Many of them are addictive and their medicine will eventually
stop working for you.
Sedatives also affect the time that you wake up. You might get a good
night’s sleep when you take sedatives, but the chances are rare that you will
wake up refreshed.
Each time you get a headache do not reach for your aspirin. Some headaches
go by themselves. Do not make you body dependent on aspirin.
Try massaging your temples. Massaging your temples gently stimulates the
circulation of blood and relaxes the muscles of the forehead and temples.
This itself soothes a person and provide relief from a headache.
Touch therapy is a new technique that is just becoming available to cure
headaches. A lot of research is going on this area and even now experts
have not been able to identify how touch therapy can help in healing. The
best possible explanation is that our bodies are in fact tuned to respond to the
touches of others.
When we were babies our mother’s touch was perhaps the most reassuring
thing in the world. In fact experts are baffled by the way new born babies are
able to distinguish between a mother’s touch and the touch of a stranger.
As we grow older we delight in the encouraging pats and caresses of our
parents and teachers. Even in our social life there is a lot of touching going
on. That is probably why people use the hand shake as an exchange of
So when a person is ill and miserable, the touch of another person especially
if it is a person who really cares for you can relieve you of your pain.
The only thing that the person has to do is to be gentle. He or she should
stop when the patient has had enough.
Try massaging certain key points of your body like the nape of your neck,
the shoulder and neck muscles and the muscles at the web between your
thumb and the rest of your fingers.
The entire nervous system, the blood vessels, the skeletal and muscular
systems are all interconnected. So if you can identify certain nodal points of
the body and apply the right pressure there, you can indeed get relief from a
This is the basic philosophy of the principle of acupressure. Just be careful
to apply the right amount of pressure.
Do not wash your head in hot water. It can trigger off a lot of vascular
changes that can do more harm than good. So though a hot bath may be
stimulating to your body it is not the best thing that you can give your head.
Take a steam bath if you want to but try to keep your head above the steamy
fumes. Cold water is best for your head so keep it that way. And mind you,
by cold water we are not referring to chilled water.
Heady fragrances of some perfumes and room fresheners can give you a
headache. This need not be something that you have used on your own body.
It can be a perfume that your neighbor has used. So if you sit next to person
and feel that your head it getting woozy, try to move to a safe distance.
Incense smoke is not good for you. Incense smoke contains a lot of alkaloids
and the inhalation of these can spark of a lot of changes in the internal
mechanism, do not take the risk.
Too much noise is bad for you. In fact sound pollution is one of the causes
for headaches to become so prevalent.
Contrary to popular belief, sound pollution is not cause just by machines and
automobiles. I do not want to argue with the fact that machines and
automobiles cause a lot of sound. A journey down the street during the rush
hour is enough to give any body a headache. But apart from that blaring
music too does a lot of harm.
Take care to lower the volume if you want to listen to music. Loud music is
not really good for you. And if you want to play music in order to soothe
your nerves and instead you are playing loud music, it will have just the
opposite effect. Your blood pressure will actually go up and your adrenalin
levels too will increase.
The best thing that you can do is stay away from all sources of loud noise
and that includes noisy kids as well.
Plug your ears if you are moving into a loud sound zone. Use ear plugs, ear
muffs or thick wads of cotton. Most grocery stores and convenience stores
carry sound-reducing and sound-blocking earplugs, many of which are not
too noticeable.
Try steam inhalation. This is especially true for those who have a sinus
problem. Steam inhalation is an excellent way of clearing all the spaces
inside. If you have an infection too, a steam inhalation can be very soothing.
But there is a word of caution that I have to offer here.
Be very careful about you eyes. Remember that it is not advisable to expose
your eyes to steam and so take care to protect your eyes when you are
inhaling steam.
Another thing that you should be careful about is the temperature of the
steam. You just need fairly hot water and not scorching hot, sizzling vapors
of water. The object is not to scald your skin but to send some warm vapors
up your nose. In fact steam inhalation is one of the most recommended
therapies for people who get sinus related headache.
The point that you should bear in mind is that the sooner you inhale once
you get the headache, the better. If you wait for long hours before you
inhale, you are going to have to inhale longer and at shorter intervals for the
inhalation to have any effect on the headache.
Menthol vapors too can be of some relief. Menthol vapors too can help
towards clearing your sinuses. Try dissolving a balm or ointment in the hot
water that has to be inhaled. Then inhale the vapors. This is the best way of
inhaling menthol vapors.
Quit smoking if you can. Smoking can affect your head in a very bad way.
In fact smoking affects the functioning of every part of your body. When
you smoke you are actually submitting your body and the various
mechanisms that go on to the power of a very strong alkaloid that is nicotine.
So if you can quit smoking by all means do. It will help you live a better life
and can contribute much towards eliminating your headache.
In fact, if your headache goes away when you start smoking it means that
your body has already become dependent on nicotine. In that case your
headache may be a withdrawal symptom.
There are many things that are identified with substance abuse. Alcohol is
one of them, narcotic drugs are another and tobacco is in no way to be left
behind. The problem, or let us say that the similarity among all these
substances is that once one gets used to them, breaking away is not easy.
Contrary to popular belief, it is not the fear of deprivation of the pleasantly
high feeling that drives the person to use the substance again and again so
that it is used, misused and eventually abused. The person returns for his or
her daily shot because of certain altered conditions in the body. These
substances are indeed very potent and they affect certain specific spots or
centers of the brain.
The brain quickly gets used to these alterations and then before we know it,
these centers of the brain cannot do without the daily doze of the substance.
The brain did not ask for the substance in the first place but we gave them to
it. When we experience that pleasantly high feeling we do not bother about
the changes that are taking place within.
It is common knowledge that the entire processes carried about in the brain
are maintained by a delicate balance of the various chemical slats there.
Once we start using substances like the above mentioned tobacco, narcotics
and alcohol, the balance of these chemical salts gets altered.
The body as I mentioned earlier is a self adjusting machine and so this new
chemical balance is established and it takes no time for the brain cells to get
adjusted to the new balance.
Then when the brain cells do not get what is required to maintain the new
balance (read that as the daily puffs) things go hay wire. The old balance
was disturbed and altered and a new balance was set up.
But this new balance is not the real natural thing. It is something that has to
be artificially supported and when that daily, or timely dose of nicotine does
not get to the brain, the new balance gets upset.
Coffee is actually bad for you. Just like nicotine, caffeine in coffee is bad for
you. If you have the habit of drinking a cup of coffee at a fixed time every
day, you will in all likelihood end up with a headache if your body does not
get that required dose of coffee.
The point to ponder about is this, why do you have to make your body
dependent on external substances when it can function very well without
these substances.
Drink plenty of water. Water is the most important substance that your body
needs. If you are not drinking enough water, you may suffer from a
dehydration headache. For a person to remain healthy he or she must drink
at least ten glasses of water a day. If your intake of water is less than this
then by all means drink more water.
Water is indeed the elixir of life. The more water you drink, the better you
will feel. If you do not drink enough water, the water balance of the body
will be completely disrupted. Make no mistake about this. Te major content
of all the cells in your body is indeed water. And when your body does not
get enough water, it will end up dehydrated. This will invariably result in a
Do not let water get into your ears. This is especially true if you take dips in
a pool. In this case, the best thing you can do is cover your hair and ears with
a bathing cap. In most pools chemicals are added to the water to keep it
clean and disinfected. These chemicals however are not the best thing for
your body and hair. So it is always advisable to cover your head with some
protective material.
If water does go into your ears try and take it out as soon as you can. Other
wise you will develop a ringing sensation in your ears, which is next door to
a headache. The best way to get rid of the water in your ear is to pour in a
little more water and then tilt you head to the side of the ear that has water in
it. The result is that all the water will come out of your ear.
Cool your eye muscles with slices of cucumber. This is a wonderful way to
relax yourself. If you have had a hard day or have had to be out in the sun
for long, the best thing that you can do to soothe yourself is to apply a slice
of cucumber to each of your eyes.
This is a 100% natural method of cooling your eyes and you will be
surprised at how refreshed you feel when you remove those slices after a
couple of minutes.
Eye exercises are good for you. Below you can find tips on how to exercise
your eyes.
1. Stare straight ahead of you preferably at a distant object.
2. Close your eyes and let any glimmers of light fade away.
3. Now open your eyes and move your eye balls to the extreme top of
your eye sockets and keep them there for a few seconds.
4. Now move them down to the extreme bottom and keep them there
for a few seconds.
5. Next, move them to the extreme left.
6. Then bring them to the extreme right.
7. Finally bring them towards your nose.
8. Repeat this exercise three or four times a day.
Apply a soothing face pack. Face packs are a wonderful way of de-stressing
yourself. Many grocery stores and beauty supply stores carry them.
You can make your own face pack at home using things that are 100% safe
on your skin. One of the best face packs that I have come across that is
equally effective for a sinus headache as well as a tension headache is a curd
face pack.
What you have to do is chill curd in the refrigerator for a few minutes. If you
do not have curd, yogurt will do. Then all you have to do is apply a thin
coating of this curd or yogurt on your forehead and on the region around
your eyes.
�� Never slouch in your chair.
�� Try to sit as erect as possible.
�� Instead of bending over, try to hold whatever you have to do up so that
your neck is straight.
�� Try and get a writing board and put your work on this board.
�� Sit back on your chair and prop writing board on your chest supporting it
on the edge of the table. In this way you can sit and do your work.
If you find you continue to have bad posture, you may consider buying a
lumbar support pad, a doughnut hole or other devices designed to make you
sit correctly. These are available in office stores and medical supply stores.
Remove hair gel before you go to bed. Hair gel may be give you that great
look but take care to remove it from your hair before you go to bed. Not only
is it bad for your hair to have it on for to long, but it is all chemicals and it is
bad for you to sleep all night inhaling these chemicals and the mild perfume
that most hair gels have.
Hair gel also has the effect of sealing off all the pores on your scalp. So in
the night, the skin on the scalp of your head cannot breathe and this is bad
for your head.
If you use glasses or contacts, check your eyes periodically. Once you
develop a defect with your vision it is a very good thing to get yourself
tested at least once every six months.
If you have a family history pf poor eyesight get yourself examined
periodically. Most vision defects are hereditary so if one of your parents
started using glasses at an early age, there is 25% chance that you might
have the same problem as well.
Avoid stuffy rooms. Stuffy rooms mean that obviously there is not enough
air in the room. If the room smells musty too it is a good idea to get out f the
room or open all the windows and doors and let the fresh air come in.
It is also not good for you to sleep in a room that does not have proper
ventilation. Even if the A/C is turned on, try to also turn on the fan to
circulate the air.
Dip cotton in iced water and apply it on your forehead. This is a way of
soothing a sore head. But do not leave on the cotton for too long.
Or if you have had a particularly bad day you could try applying an ice bag
to your head. But again, remember that objective is to cool your head and
not to chill it so do not apply the ice bag for too long.
Do not skip meals and go about hungry. Eat at fixed times. Hunger is the
worst enemy of a person who is prone to migraine attacks. When you miss
meals or have meals at times other than normal, you are actually depriving
your body of the much needed energy.
The body will seek out alternative measure that is it will start working on fat
reserves but the fats cannot be easily converted to sugars which the body
desperately needs. So when the body does not get what it wants, the cells get
deprived of energy and this manifests itself in the form of a headache.
If you have a sinus problem, blow your nose often. Blowing your nose helps
to get rid of the mucus that accumulates in the sinuses. It is better if you can
blow your nose after a steam inhalation.
It is also a good idea to water rinse your nose. This is a very effective way of
clearing your sinuses and saving your self from a bout of dust allergy as
well. All you have to do is cup your hand and hold a little bit of water in it.
Dip you nose in and inhale the water very gently.
The water must only ascend the passage of your nose and must not go any
further. You can control the ascent of the water by controlling your breath.
After this breathe out and let the water out. Repeat this a couple of times.
You might snort the first two or three times but after that you will soon get
the hang of it.
Take a 20 minute power nap during your lunch break. You will wake up
refreshed and without as many worries.
Diet change strategies:
A nutritional approach to treating migraine
By Joy Healey
If you, or someone you love, is a migraine sufferer, you'll know the devastating effect this agonising affliction can have on the whole family - not just the sufferer. Perhaps you've tried most of the conventional ways to banish migraine from your life. Unfortunately only a third of sufferers are fully satisfied with conventional management. The side-effects of certain drugs can be as worrying as the problems they aim to treat. Many people are looking for drug-free solutions, and nutritional therapy has much to offer.
To treat migraine, identify the problem and eliminate it - but that is often easier said than done. Being a one-time sufferer myself, I made migraine the focus of my 3-year nutrition consultancy training course. Obviously there are too many possible causes to describe in detail in a short article such as this, but here's a brief over-view of the factors a nutritional approach to migraine will consider.
There is little doubt that food intolerance is a major cause of migraine and many studies have demonstrated that detecting and removing the offending food(s) can improve or even eliminate symptoms in many sufferers. A study in the Lancet found that 93% of sufferers found an improvement on eliminating allergenic foods from their diet. But often it's not the 'usual suspects' that cause the problems. There are several ways to do the necessary detective work. For a free article on food intolerance testing, visit the website below.
But food intolerance isn't at the bottom of all migraines. Other dietary adjustments can make a world of difference to reducing migraines - AND improving your general health and well-being. Improving your diet means far more than just eating '5-a-day', important though that is!
For instance, it's vital to maintain a steady blood sugar level, eat regular, light meals that include protein but are low in simple carbohydrates (such as sugary and refined foods).
Eat extra amounts of almonds, fennel, watercress, and fresh pineapple. Reduce salt intake and avoid acid forming foods (meat, dairy, cereals, grain and bread). Avoid fried and fatty foods.
Acid / alkaline imbalance in your diet can cause problems - put simply, acid-forming foods are protein based, while alkaline-forming foods are plant based.
Nutrient deficiencies can be problematical - there's a whole host of research into the role of different B vitamins and minerals such as magnesium in migraine prevention. For instance, calcium and magnesium in the correct balance help regulate muscle tone and nerve transmissions. As the brain is largely composed of fatty material, you'll need to be sure that your diet contains plenty of essential fats - while minimising intake of 'bad' fats.
A less well-known nutrient has also been found effective in helping migraine sufferers. CoQ10 is a naturally occurring substance similar in structure to vitamin K. It is not a vitamin because, subject to the availability of all necessary nutrients, it can be made in the body; but as so often occurs, production declines with age! Its main functions in are in energy production and as an antioxidant. In migraine it's thought to help by improving blood circulation to the brain.
Research by Dr Rozen at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation published in the International Headache Society's journal (March 2002) found that after three months taking CoQ10, 61% of patients had a greater than 50% reduction in the number of days with migraine - a significant reduction.
The fact that patients in the study had no problems using it, together with other beneficial effects of the nutrient, makes CoQ10 a very appealing agent for migraine prevention. Natural sources of CoQ10 include beef, chicken, ham, pork, salmon, sardines, mackerel, egg, spinach, sesame seeds and walnuts; but no food can provide anything close to the dose used in the trial so supplementation would be necessary.
When considering circulation of blood and oxygen to the brain ginkgo or vitamin B3 are also useful nutrients to look at. If taking supplements try to use hypo-allergenic and chelated forms. Exercise and deep breathing will also improve blood circulation.
But even if your diet is top-notch, unless you're correctly digesting and absorbing your food, you won't benefit from the nutrients it contains. 'Leaky gut' is a subject that links to food intolerances, mentioned earlier. You may not expect to need hydrochloric acid in your body, but it's essential for protein digestion! Check and supplement where appropriate.
Many sufferers notice that stress or strong emotions trigger their migraines. What is less well-known is that there are dietary changes you can make that can lessen the impact, even when you can't do anything about your hectic life-style. For instance, vitamin B5 is important in a nutritional approach to stress management and vitamin C aids anti-stress hormone production
Other non-food triggers include lack of exercise, excess or lack of sleep, liver malfunction, weather changes, caffeine withdrawal, certain drugs, dental problems, flashing or glaring lights or exposure to cigarette smoke. Physiotherapy may also be helpful in certain cases.
Could toxic metals be slowly poisoning you? A Hair Mineral Analysis is a simple and cost-effective way to assess your levels of lead, aluminium, mercury and cadmium - as well as checking that you have adequate levels of such essential nutrients as magnesium, chromium, zinc - and just as importantly, that the balance between minerals is correct. Read more about Hair Mineral Analysis on the website below.
Less dramatically, could simple constipation be causing a problem? If your bowel functions are poor, waste material cannot be eliminated and circulates for too long within your system. It's vital to maintain a good balance between the 'good' and 'bad' bacteria in your intestine.
Hormonal health is important too, especially for women. The Pill may cause B6 deficiency resulting in migraines; some migraines result from oestrogen fluctuations - these often decrease after the menopause. Foods containing phyto-oestrogens (citrus fruits, apples, cherries, plums, oats, rice, wheat, carrots, potatoes, parsley and fennel) can have a hormone-balancing effect. Consideration of hormonal health leads onto looking at liver health. Good liver function is necessary to remove spent hormones.
Homocysteine also has a profound effect on blood vessels and in research, compared to controls, migraine sufferers were twice as likely to have a tendency to over-produce homocysteine. The migraine link has yet to be proven, but as there's overwhelming research showing that high homocysteine is linked to strokes and heart-attacks, and as it can be simply and effectively lowered by nutritional means, it makes sense to maintain low levels.
Many sufferers are not aware that misuse of over-the-counter painkillers may increase headaches, especially those that contain caffeine. If any prescribed medications contain caffeine, discuss changing them with your GP. Do not stop or change any prescribed medicine without contacting your GP.
Joy Healey is a nutritionist - http://www.migrainerelief.co.uk
Using Ayurveda Therapy:
Migraine is an ancient and formidable malady. It bothered such distinguished persons as Caesar
and Freud. It has assumed alarming proportions under modern conditions of living and is now
believed to afflict about 10 per cent of the world’s population.
The condition can be defined as a paroxysmal affection, accompanied by severe headache, generally
on one side of the head and associated with disorders of the digestion, the liver and the vision. It
usually occurs when a person is under great mental tension or has suddenly got over that state.
Migraine is also known as "sick headache" because nausea and vomiting occasionally
accompany the excruciating pain which lasts for as long as three days. Migraine usually gives
warning before it strikes : black spots or a brilliant zig-zag line appears before the eyes or the
patient has blurring of vision or has part of his vision blanked out. When the headache occurs,
the patient may feel tingling, numbness, or weakness in an arm or leg.
Sufferers of this condition have what is known as a "migrainous personality ". They are compulsive
workers and perfectionists, who feel that they have to do everything right away. When they
complete a task, they are suddenly laid down from a state of temporary tension to a feeling of
utmost relief.
Then comes the migraine. It is a purely physiological process. The head and neck
muscles, reacting to continuous stress, become overworked. The tightened muscles squeeze
the arteries and reduce blood flow. When a person relaxes suddenly, the constricted muscles
expand, stretching the walls of the blood-vessel. With every heart beat, the blood being pushed
through this vessels expands them further and causes incredible pain.
When a headache strikes, one should stay on one’s feet in the daytime and do simple chores
which do not require too much concentration or walk, move around and get some fresh air.
The best remedy to prevent headaches is to build up physical resistance through proper
nutrition, exercise and constructive thinking. As a first step, the patient should undertake a short
fast. During the fast, citrus fruit juices, diluted with water may be taken six times daily. By taking
the load of digestion, the patient will at once save nervous energy which can be utilised for more
important purposes. The blood and lymph will also be relieved of a great burden. After a short
fast, the diet should be fixed in such a way as to put the least possible strain on the digestion.
Breakfast should consist of fruits, both fresh and dried. Lunch should consist largely of protein
foods. Starchy foods such as whole wheat bread, cereals, rice or potatoes should be taken at
dinner along with raw salads. Spices, tomatoes, sour buttermilk and oily foodstuffs should be
avoided. Drinking a glass of water ( warm water in winter and cool water in summer) mixed with
a teaspoonful of honey the first thing in the morning, is also a good remedy.
Water Treatment
There are certain water applications which help relieve headaches. Copious drinking of water
can help , as do the cleansing enema with water temperature at 98.6 o F, the hot foot bath, a
cold throat pack, frequent applications of towels wrung out from very hot water to the back of the
neck, a cold compress at 40 o to 60o F applied to the head and face or an alternate spinal
compress. Hot fomentations over the abdominal region just before retiring relieve headaches
due to stomach and liver upsets.
Yogic kriyas like jalneti and kunjal, pranayamas like anuloma-viloma, shitali and sitkari and
asanas such as uttanapadasana, sarvangasana, paschimottanasana, halasana and shavasana
are useful in the treatment of headaches.
Vitamin & Nutrient Associations
Even when we try to eat well, we're disadvantaged. The nutritional content of most food has been compromised over the years, not only by deficient soils and modern production, transportation, storage and processing methods, but also by the enormous amounts of chemical and artificial substances added to promote growth, storage life, taste and appearance.
It's for this reason that more and more medical authorities are advocating the use of vitamin and mineral supplements. However, finding them in the right combination can be both confusing and costly.
The nutrition products I am going to recommend you make use of knowledge gained from the botanical world's 6,000 year history. They incorporated health building nutritional herbs with the best modern technology to help our bodies cleanse and detoxify so that the cells - the tiniest living units - can be as fully nourished as possible.
This allows the cells to grow, repair and to perform their functions with the best possible efficiency so that we feel and look better and are more able to prevent and fight disease. Once the body begins to clear itself of toxins it can more efficiently absorb nutrition.
Aloe Vera Juice is a refreshing and anti-bacterial drink, you might find that taking this daily, diluted in some filtered water will not only refresh you like ‘a shower inside you’ but also assists in dealing with any digestive issues you may also be experiencing.
You may find benefit from our information on detoxification as well as a bit about detoxing because of change of diet
It may be due to difficulties with your digestive system that is causing your body to be starved of key nutrients, vitamins or minerals. In this case you may find useful answers by reviewing our article on Nutrition For Your Cells. There is also more information here about why is nutrition such an issue nowadays?
It may be that your metabolism has slowed due to pressures that have been placed on your system through life in general or through specific “challenges” you have faced in the last few months or last few years. Review this by looking at our article about balancing your Metabolic Rate.
Further reading through our articles on Migraine health issues will give you a body of information that will help you decide what options you have to deal with the underlying causes of your problem through giving your body the nutrition products that will assist you body to heal from the inside out.
We wish you well in your search for solutions to this Migraine problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.
More Resources available about Migraine :
What are Triggers of Migraines?
What causes migraines is still somewhat of a mystery. Doctors believe that it has to do with the blood vessels in the head contracting and then expanding. This happens from time to time to most people, but with migraineurs this tends to be more intense and painful. The exact cycle of events taking place in our brains during a migraine attack is still not fully understood.
Knowing what triggers attacks is a major step towards preventing them. If you can avoid the triggers, then you can avoid the pain and suffering of the attacks, right? Well, not quite.
There are many possible triggers for migraines and they differ from one migraine sufferer to another. Sometimes you're not dealing with one single trigger at a time, but with a combination of potential triggers, which makes it all the more difficult to determine what exactly it is that you need to avoid.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)
Vitamin B2 & Migraine Headaches
It is estimated that up to 26 million Americans suffer from Migraine headaches and it is considered one of the top reasons for missed work and loss of production. A debilitating Migraine headache can last from 4 to 72 hours and can be accompanied by intense pain, extreme sensitivity to light and sound, vertigo, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. After affects of a migraine can leave the sufferer drained and without energy accompanied by a low grade headache with oversensitivity to light and sound and can last for another 24 hours.
Most Migraine headaches sufferers cannot identify what triggers the headaches and a long and varied list exists that differs with each individual. The same factors do not necessarily trigger a Migraine on a consistent basis either. Statistically, women are more prone to Migraines than men with claims that the decline in estrogen during menstruation is the trigger and the onset can begin immediately to a few days delay.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)
Get Rid of Migraines through Hypnosis
For those who suffer from migraine headaches, their highest ideal is a way to get rid of migraines. These nagging, horrible aches that can leave you unable to think, see, or move can be enough to leave you paralyzed.
The simple act of seeing a light can send shots of pain through your entire skull. And the worst part about them is the simple fact that they are still something of a mystery. No one is exactly sure why people get migraine headaches. But people do get them and they desperately want to get rid of migraines.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)
What is Fibromyalgia and the Migraine Syndrome?
Fibromyalgia is the great impostor! It can present as
depression, neck or low back aches, chest pain, headaches, panic
attacks, insomnia, memory problems, tennis elbow, ear pain, plus
many others. I have seen patients with so many different
complaints that turn out to have this frustrating disorder. I am
hesitant to give a possible presentation scenario for
In short, fibromyalgia is the migraine syndrome
(explained below) gone haywire. Treatment has to be directed
toward controlling the migraine syndrome which can lead to a
cure for fibromyalgia! That's right; I said a cure for
fibromyalgia is possible!
I have had so many patients have their
fibromyalgia resolve that I am optimistic that I can really make
a difference in the quality of life. At a minimum, marked
improvement should be expected. There are always exceptions in
medicine, but they are rare.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)
How to Treat Your Migraines Yourself with Acupressure
Acupuncture and Migraine is a sophisticated medicine for a complicated disease.
Acupuncture is good not only for the headache, but for the various types of migraine auras, AND for preventing migraines. Also, you can use the points I'll suggest below to give yourself acupressure at home for free!
Acupuncture and migraine treatment, like all acupuncture, is based on the principles and theories of Chinese medicine.
From a Chinese Medicine perspective, the causes are emotional excesses (stress, long-term emotional disturbance, even just long-term frustration!), dietary imbalance (too much of the wrong foods and too little of the right ones), and the deficiencies inherent in the aging process can lead to the symptoms of migraine.
Acupuncture points may be different for acute attacks, and for prevention. There is acupuncture to treat, for example, a one-sided headache, and then a slightly different acupuncture to treat the susceptibility to stress that causes it.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Constipation, and the Migraine Syndrome
"Oh my, I feel bloated again. It's been three days since I've
had a bowel movement. This cramping is killing me. It always
seems to be worse with stress. Metamucil and laxatives really
don't seem to help very much. What am I going to do?"
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with constipation is very common,
as well as being very frustrating. This patient would want to at
least take care of the basics--the standard migraine care as
outlined in my book, Doctor, Why Do I Feel This Way? The
possible offending food list is the same for IBS and migraines.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)
Migraines and Birth Control Pills
Women who take the combined oral contraceptive pill have a
slightly increased risk of suffering a stroke compared to the
general risk. Women who also suffer from migraines have a
slightly increased risk of stroke compared to the general risk
and the risk even increases in women who suffer specifically
from migraines with aura.
Women who are taking the combined oral
contraceptive and suffer from migraines of either kind, but
especially those with aura run a slightly higher risk of stroke
than do women who either take the pill and don't suffer
migraines or suffer migraines and don't the pill. The risk is
small, but it's a good idea to be educated about these risks
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)
What is Neck Pain, or Cervicalgia, and the Migraine Syndrome?
"My neck always hurts. Sometimes it kills me so bad, I cannot
think and have to go lie down. It all started when I injured my
neck years ago. When I get stressed out it is the worst. Well,
it doesn't take much to stress me out nowadays. It's always the
back of my head and neck. I wish I could cut it out. Then maybe
I could think and remember better. The last time I had a massage
she said my neck and shoulders were the tightest she had seen in
months! Nothing seems to help for any length of time. I'm so
This is a very common presentation of the migraine syndrome.
Frequently their problems are compounded by
overmedication--either by self-medicating or prescription drugs.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)
What is Palpitations, Mitral Valve Prolapse, and the Migraine Syndrome?
"Wow! That was interesting. My heart started beating funny for a
few beats and I wasn't doing anything at all. Now, if this had
happened a few minutes ago when I was exercising, I would be
more worried. My chest did hurt a little, but it went away. I
have been noticing this for years. I wonder if it is anything
serious. After all it is my chest."
One of the vogue diagnoses of the 1980's was mitral valve
prolapse (MVP). If you were one of these people, you probably
were also prescribed antibiotics to be taken before dental
procedures. Frequently a beta-blocker (medicine to slow down the
heart rate) was prescribed for 6 months up to the rest of your
life. Now this could be appropriate care because beta-blockers
can prevent migraines. Even a blind hog finds an acorn! I cannot
tell you how many people I treated with the right medicine
without the problem being correctly explained.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)
What is Paralysis and hemiplegic migraine?
Those who think of migraine as "just a bad headache" may be surprised to hear about hemiplegic migraine, a type of migraine that can involve weakness or even paralysis on one side of the body. But those familiar with migraine know that it's much more than a headache. In fact, it's often not a headache at all! Migraine attacks involve a number of symptoms. Headache is a common one, but there can also be nausea, skin sensitivity, a sensitivity to light or sound, confusion or weakness.
Hemiplegic migraine is a specific type of migraine. Usually, it's divided into two types - sporadic hemiplegic migraine and familial hemiplegic migraine. BOth types are similar, the difference being that those with familial hemiplegic have a close relative that gets migraine with aura - particularly the symptom of weakness.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)
What is Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome and Migraine Syndrome?
"Ouch! My ear hurts like crazy. I have been noticing my jaw
popping occasionally. I hope I am not going to need another root
canal. That last root canal really hurt twice.
I am not sure
which hurt worse: my mouth or my pocketbook. If I had a fever, I
would swear I had an ear infection. I am going to the doctor and
get a prescription of antibiotics. Maybe that will help."
This patient has TMJ, temporomandibular joint syndrome.
Antibiotics are only required if the patient has subsequent
tooth abscess. I cannot begin to tell you how many patients I
have seen who would demand antibiotics to treat this
non-infectious condition. TMJ is extremely common in the
migraine syndrome (explained below). The muscle tightness in the
upper neck just below the mastoid process (part of skull behind
the ear) also correlates well to the tightness in the temple and
jaw muscle.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)
What is Vertigo, Motion Sickness, and the Migraine Syndrome?
"Whoa! The room started spinning again! I just caught myself in
time. I was walking into the kitchen and as I turned, it
happened. I closed my eyes as the room was whirling around. I've
been noticing this more lately.
Sometimes it lasts longer and I
will even get sick on my stomach. There must be something wrong
with my inner ear or brain. I am going to the doctor and ask him
why do I feel this way?"
I can remember a patient that I treated in the early 1980's with
similar complaints. She also had a lot of neck symptoms. In
fact, on neck X-ray she had some worn out discs. Her vertigo
(room spinning and dizziness) were at the time her neck bothered
her the most.
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)
What is a Headache?
Headaches afflict almost everyone at some time or the other. Most headaches are functional,
caused by temporary upsets and are not related to any organic changes in the brain. A
headache is often nature’s warning that something is wrong somewhere in the body.
The actual
pain, however, arises from irritation to nerve endings in the shoulder, neck and scalp muscles
and also in the smooth muscles encircling the blood vessels which serve these areas.
There are several types of headaches, with as many ways of treating them. Taking an aspirin or
tranquiliser may provide temporary relief but it does not remove the cause.
Moreover, the
frequent use of pain-relievers causes nervous debility, weakens the heart and brings on other
(To read the rest of this article click on the Title above here.)
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Migraine Headaches 101 Migraine headaches are a result of changes within the brain itself. It results in severe headache pain, often associated with sensitivity to smells, sounds, …
I Have a Migraine Headache I've been around several people that use the word Migraine, when they talk about having a headache. Do these people actually have migraines?
What is …
It is not yet known what exactly causes migraine. However, there are certain environmental and physical factors … Click here to write your own.

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