Food Health Issues Articles :-
Are YOU caught in an energy shortage?

Sometimes, the demands of modern life seem to require an endless supply of energy. It’s hard enough just trying to squeeze everything in, then finding the energy to actually do everything presents a whole other obstacle.
Even when we try to lead healthy, balanced lives, the energy our bodies need may not be there to sustain us. So where do we find the energy to accomplish everything so we can meet our goals and live our dreams?
Our bodies produce energy from our food intake, drawing from its nutrients to fuel our activities. Carbohydrates are the type of food that provides the most efficient fuel. That’s because carbohydrate-rich foods are converted into muscle glycogen, which burns quickly to give us instant energy.
However, there are healthy carbohydrates and ones that are less beneficial to the body. Fruits and vegetables are healthy carbohydrates. Refined grains are carbohydrates that have been robbed of many of their nutrients. Even a “healthy muffin” can be high in fat and packed with calories, so be mindful of which carbohydrates you choose.
Whether you have an active lifestyle or you’re an athlete, you may need to pay more attention to your carbohydrate intake. Protein also plays a key role because it is needed to muscle maintenance. To make sure you have adequate energy to function at your peak. Try grabbing a snack 30 minutes before a workout or take a carb break if your routine lasts more than 30 minutes.
Here is a Food Health Issues Article about a simple solution for improved Nutrition for your Cells that combines many of the known essential nutrients with a unique range of natural herbs to help cleanse and purify our bodies.
Herbs have been used in China for thousands of years to maintain good health. While in the western world we spend billions of dollars per year on the treatment of heart disease and cancer, the Chinese have very little heart disease or cancer.
To understand Cellular Nutrition we need to understand that about every 3 days our body replaces most of its cells, and when the nutritional intake is adequate the new cells are always healthier than the old.
For this to occur most effectively, we need balanced amounts of the six basic food groups every day.
• Proteins; our organs deteriorate if they don’t get an adequate supply.
• Carbohydrates; are the body’s preferred energy source to fuel cellular metabolism.
• Fats; provide the most concentrated possible energy source within the diet.
• Vitamins and Minerals; absorbed within five hours, they must be replaced daily.
• Oils; preserve the structural and functional integrity of the cells.
Why is nutrition such an issue nowadays?
If I eat three health meals a day why should I even think of using supplements?
This seems logical. Eat well and you will get everything you need from your diet and will stay healthy.
Sadly it is no longer correct. For our parents that may have worked, but things have changed. Once upon a time vegetables were grown in your garden and animals grew up in fields. I say “once upon a time” but it is only 40 or 50 years ago that this was basically true.
Now we find that vegetables are grown in depleted and often contaminated soils. They are nurtured with chemicals to get best production but the trace elements that are so important to our long term health are not in the soils to begin with and son the plants cannot put them into the vegetables and fruit that we buy.
You can learn more here about today’s food health issues in this nutrition health article which explains how and why the foods you eat have little of the nutritional value they did a few decades ago.
If You Are Not Sick, Does That Mean You Are Well?
What is the difference between health and wellness?
What is the difference between wellness and dynamic wellness?
A lot of people look at the information about nutrition and how the body breaks food down and absorbs it through the villi, putting it into the blood stream to deliver it to their cells and say, “That just makes sense”.
There is a big step though from knowing how the body does this to understanding that each of us needs to be taking some personal action to give our bodies what they need for optimum performance.
Once upon a time vegetables were grown in your garden and animals grew up in fields. I say “once upon a time” but it is only 40 or 50 years ago that this was basically true.
Now we find that vegetables are grown in depleted and often contaminated soils. They are nurtured with chemicals to get best production but the trace elements that are so important to our long term health are not in the soils to begin with and son the plants cannot put them into the vegetables and fruit that we buy.
It is a difficult place to begin the food chain.
How does your body react when you put it under stress? How well can it stand outside pressures, and all the damaging things modern society throws at us every day, is directly related to our level of wellness. If we have dynamic health, if we have a reserve of energy and strength and our body is not working flat out just to keep us going then we can withstand problems much better
Having enough energy to be able to get up and do your daily tasks with enough energy to do them easily it a much better way to live. Life is more interesting and you have the capacity to go beyond your normal routine and meet a friend for a drink or get to the library for a book or to get that extra job done around the house. Life is much more pleasant when you have enough energy to do normal things without having to push yourself.
You can learn more here in our Food Health Issues Articles about Nutrition and general health - Do You Have Any Indicators Of Health Problems?
If you have specific health concerns that you need to learn more about, you can check out “Your Health Online” the A to Z directory of dealing with Health Problems with Self Care Strategies
Why is it so hard to lose 5kilos and keep it off?
If you wake up tired, have lower concentration in the middle of the afternoon, if you are not doing exercise because you are just too tired to organize it then the story above may well be talking about you.
Look at what is happening in today’s world. Food that is high in fat and sugar, low in fiber and proteins. Food that has been grown in depleted soils, picked green, has passed through and extended storage and shipping process that has left it lacking in nutritional value even if it has not been further processes.
Processed foods are full of chemicals, fats and sugars and low in everything we need to maintain a healthy system. Add to this the problem that is so common of energetically impaired villi and we are literally starving our bodies.
We eat more and more and absorb less and less value from what we eat.
People are literally starving in the midst of plenty.
This is why “quick fix” weight loss diets have very little value. You can learn more here about how your body compensates in lean (dieting) times and then over-compensates even more when the body can once again access normal foods again. This article clearly explains why you need to find more healthy ways to lose weight and keep it off so that you don’t fall into the yo-yo dieting trap.
Cell nutrition for Athletes & Professional Sports people
What would happen if you supplied your car with crude oil to run on instead of petrol, and then only allowed it 10% of what it needs? I don’t think you would get far. Reality is we spend more time, effort and money on our cars than we do on our own bodies.
That is why most people in this society do not enjoy dynamic health. That is why lethal disease states are on the increase. That is why we need to find a way to get dynamic nutrition into your body in a form it can readily assimilate and use at a cellular level.
As was stated earlier, an understanding of cell nutrition is one of the greatest breakthroughs in nutritional science ever. It provides the ground work to perform a number of critical functions, and ensures that your body receives the correct nutrition on a daily basis.
The answer to the problem
A complete nutritional program to perform all of these functions exists. Developed by a team of the best of the world’s nutritional scientists, the program combines the 6,000 years of Eastern herbal science with the best of current Western nutritional science.
Providing essential protein, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, fiber and herbal micro-nutrients, the program provides the balanced components to allow all nutrients to be absorbed and utilised effectively.
The cells energy system works properly. Their ability to reproduce and replace worn cells is enhanced. The cells of the nervous system have all the resources to function correctly. And all of this applies to all tissues and organs of the body, the skin, essential organs, cardiovascular system, bones and muscles.
We are not saying that cellular nutrition repairs major diseases or ‘cures’ anything. It just makes sense that if you provide the body with everything it needs to function correctly, then your quality of wellness and health must improve accordingly.
Cell nutrition consists of a basic nutritional program which provides 100% of the body’s daily nutritional requirements. It is supplied in a number of formulations, which when used together, provide this total program. Use of individual components can be varied to provide targeted programs for optimum health, weight gain or weight loss.
Additional products are available which are targeted to the cardiovascular system, the bones and nervous system, the muscle system, the gastrointestinal and immune system, and young children. Virtually every age group, activity patterns and health level are catered for.
Studies show that those engaged in intense training or activities are required to take in more protein than the recommended daily amount in order to maintain protein balance.
Insufficient amounts of protein could lead to a negative nitrogen balance. This in turn can increase the protein metabolism and promote slow recovery.
In the long run, insufficient protein in the body could lead to training intolerance and lean muscle wasting. Aside from increasing the servings of protein-rich food, one can also drink protein shakes, bars and other protein-concentrated food.
Learn more about: “What is the Best Nutrition for Peak Performance Sports Athletes?”
Gain that competitive edge
Supplements are very popular among peak performance athletes. There are many available supplements to help in your bodybuilding efforts – they span the gamut from performance enhancers, protein supplements and other newfangled ways to improve muscle development and definition.
But first of all, before delving into supplements, you must be fully aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy diet and getting adequate rest. Remember, these are supplements, which mean they add to the value of what is already there, your existing diet and routine.
The biggest question most budding enthusiasts ask is that if one should take such supplements even if they are not bent on joining any competitions. The answer to this is yes. While a good diet – one that is typically composed of fruit juices and other healthy foods – will do much to help build a better body.
This is because even with all the healthy foods available, a perfect diet that gives you all the nutrients you need is not realistically possible. You will always miss out on vital nutrients to grow muscle and supply your energy needs. Therefore, meal replacement powders have become a great alternative to full meals that are inconvenient and messy to prepare.
This is further emphasized by the fact that today’s environment has become pretty hazardous to anyone’s health. Pollution to the air and water has increased up to twenty times. This has made oxidization – the harmful process that speeds aging – a more prevalent threat than ever before. You will need more anti-oxidant supplements to help combat this peril. Therefore the need of nutritional supplements is warranted.
Nutrition Requirements for Athletes
Coaches and sports people must take into consideration the proper diet for athletes. For a workout to lead to better results, it must be accompanied with the proper nutritional requirements. A heavy workout for one would be requiring large amounts of protein for the muscles.
In fact, studies show that those engaged in intense training or activities are required to take in more protein than the recommended daily amount in order to maintain protein balance. Insufficient amount of protein could lead to a negative nitrogen balance. This in turn can increase the protein metabolism and promote slow recovery.
In the long run, insufficient protein in the body could lead to training intolerance and lean muscle wasting. Aside from increasing the servings of protein-rich food, one can also drink protein shakes, bars and other protein-concentrated food.
Another important nutritional requirement would be carbohydrates. Just like that of protein, the amount of carbohydrates required would depend on the intensity of training. Carbohydrates are important in maintaining liver and muscle glycogen stores.
For figure-conscious people, “fat” is the devil. But contrary to popular belief, not all kinds of fats are bad for the health. In fact, some types of fatty acids are even essential for the body’s proper functions. Vitamins and minerals are important for improved performance and to prevent oxidation damages
Vitamin & nutritional supplements are being taken by peak performance athletes who are aware of the needs of the body in today’s competitive world.
With so much drug and performance enhancing substance abuse a lot of athletes are very conscious these days of anything they eat, and rightly so as one mistake in the supplements they use can lead to suspension or even a ban from their sport.
Now more than ever it is critical for athletes to find pure, legal, healthy alternatives for dietary supplementation and for nutritional support.
To have come here you will be looking for Food Health Issues Articles about nutritional self care strategies for dealing with a health problem you have, or to find out how we can help with weight control or with general nutrition supplementation. You are very welcome to wander through our site and return whenever you like.
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SITE DISCLAIMER: Do these products “cure” anything? Of course not… but it stands to reason that if you cleanse your body and feed it the finest nutrition available, giving it everything it needs in balance, on a daily basis, that your body will do what nature intended, and give you the best possible chance to fend off sickness and disease. This Food Health Issues Articles information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. TheFood Health Issues Articles content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any Food Health Issues Articles questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
The resources on Food Health Issues Articles site are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. While all attempts have been made to verify Food Health Issues Articles information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the web site Food Health Issues Articles subject matter herein. Your Health Online site Food Health Issues Articles contents are solely the opinion of the authors and should not be considered as a form of advice, direction and/or recommendation of any kind. If expert advice or counseling is needed, services of a competent professional should be sought. The Food health and diet nutrition authors and the Publishers assume no responsibility or liability and specifically disclaim any warranty, express or implied for any Food Health Issues Articles products or services mentioned, or any techniques or Food Health Issues Articles practices described.
The purchaser or reader of this Your Health Online Food Health Issues Articles publication assumes responsibility for the use of these Food health and diet nutrition materials and information. Neither the author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these Food Health Issues Articles. There is no guarantee of validity of accuracy. Any perceived slight of specific people or organizations is unintentional. This Food Health Issues Articles website and its creators are not responsible for the content of any sites linked to. Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."
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