Diet review - What is Low-Carb High Protein Diets?
A health article about Diet review - Low-Carb High Protein Diets from Diet plan reviewsresource guides
Low-Carb High Protein Diets
This type of diet became very popular as of recently due to the promotion of the
ever-popular Atkins Diet Craze. This diet is very popular because there is no calorie
counting involved, and many foods that many people love to eat are allowed on the
Further, the Atkins diet is a high-protein diet, which means that weight lost during
this diet will not result in lost muscle mass, since protein is the main nutrient needed for
maintaining healthy muscle tone. This diet basically eliminates carbohydrates, which
are simple sugars or foods that break down into simple sugars. These serve as empty
calories in your diet, providing no nutrients yet many calories.
While we won’t cover the Atkins diet here, we can give you basics of the highprotein,
low-carb diet. First let us identify carbohydrates. Sugar, including powdered
sugar, granulated white sugar, brown sugar, or any type of sugar you can think of, is the
main carbohydrate that you would need to eliminate. All types of pastas count as
carbohydrates, meaning all noodle and spaghetti products must be eliminated.
Starches of any type, such as white rice, potatoes and potato chips, need to be
eliminated. Cereals are mostly carbohydrates and should be avoided entirely during the
diet phase. Because of the low-carb craze, there are many low-carb options of sodas,
milk, ice cream, bread, beer, and wine available in the average supermarket. If you do
consume these, be sure to do so only occasionally and in moderation, even if it is a lowcarb type.
Otherwise, the aforementioned foods should be eliminated entirely when not
of the low-carb type. Beware of foods that contain hidden sugars, like bacon, barbeque
sauce, ketchup, salad dressing, cough syrup, and fruit juice.
As strange as it may seem,
fruits and fruit juices should be eliminated while in the weight loss phase of this diet, as
they are nearly pure carbohydrates. Anything made with flour needs to be eliminated
during the weight loss phase, since as mentioned earlier they are high in
Now what can you eat? Well, the good news is that you can eat all meats, fish,
poultry and seafood, except prepared meats like bacon and honey baked ham, which
are high in sugar. Skip the bread and have meat and salad, or meat in your salad. Eggs
are very low-carb friendly, but be sure to skip the mayonnaise or salad dressing unless
it is low-carb type mayonnaise or dressing.
Any type of vegetable is fine, but be sure to
realize that when making that salad that tomatoes are actually a fruit, and you want to
limit your consumption of them at least during the weight loss phase. Choose brown
rice as your starch replacement, as it is low in carbohydrates comparatively to potatoes,
bread or white rice.
Cheese is good in limited amounts, as this is a high-protein, lowcarb
food. Butter and cream can be used, but should be consumed in limited amounts.
One complex carbohydrate that is good is fiber, as it does not break down into simple
sugar, and helps the body with elimination. Further, fiber fills you up quickly without
adding significant calories, so hunger pangs are fought off successfully.
Finally, make sure you are drinking at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day
minimum in addition to any other liquid you may consume. Dehydration often
masquerades as hunger and causes overeating. Of course, again exercise is a
necessary and vital part of your diet plan, which we will cover in the next section on
Once you lose the weight that you set out to lose, the weight loss phase of your
diet is over. Of course keep in mind that you are making lifestyle changes, not going on
fad or binge diets. This means that you will not go back to your old eating habits.
Instead you will introduce certain foods back into your diet in moderation.
For example,
you may add a couple of strips of bacon once a week to your meal plan. You can enjoy
small portions of deserts of any kind, simply in moderation. It is best to avoid soft drinks
all together, or opt for the low-carb type permanently. If you do introduce any other
carbohydrate-laden foods, be sure to do so only at one meal, and in small portions.
Reducing carbohydrates will become a lifestyle to you when following this plan, one is
very likely to boost your overall energy level and help you keep the weight off.
Types of Diet Review – Low-Carb High Protein Diets
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