What is diaper rash?
A health article about diaper rash fromYour Health Online the A to Z directory of dealing with Health Problems & nutritional Self Care Strategies
Usually, every baby has those rashes in his
diaper area at least once. There are some natural remedies that
you make your baby stop suffering from those unwanted rashes.
Signs & Symptoms
Signs and symptoms of diaper rash include:
•Red, puffy and sometimes slightly warmer skin in the diaper region, buttocks, thighs and genitals
•Baby may seem more uncomfortable than usual especially during diaper changes
•Pain from a diaper rash often makes a baby fuss or cry when the diaper area is washed or touched
Types of diaper rash
Diaper rash usually looks like a patchwork of bright red skin on your baby’s bottom. Most babies develop a diaper rash sometime or another. Times diaper rash may appear most often are:
•After solid foods are added to your baby’s diet
•When your baby is taking antibiotics
•When diapers are changed infrequently
Diaper rashes are more common in babies during their first 15 months or anytime your baby wears diapers. Other factors that contribute to diaper rash may include:
•Use of plastic pants to cover a diaper
What Causes diaper rash?
Yeast infection - Yeast infection or thrush can cause diaper
rashes. The above mentioned tips can stop rashes but if they
still persist consult a Pediatrician.
Pediatricians generally
prescribe antifungal; medication. Gentian Violet is also a good
try and can be found in drugstores. Take recommendations from
your doctor before buying it.
Another tip is to dissolve a
tablespoon of baking soda and soak cotton balls in it. Pat the
cotton balls on your baby’s back after every change.
If a baby is forced to wear diapers soiled with urine or feces for long periods of time, he or she can experience irritation. A baby’s skin is usually quite sensitive, but even an adult who would wear an undergarment soiled with urine or feces for long periods of time would eventually experience irritation.
Sometimes when babies start to eat solid foods, the content of their stool changes and can increase the likelihood of diaper rash. Changes in baby’s diet can lead to increased frequency of stools, which can cause diaper rash. Breast-fed babies may develop diaper rash in response to something you have eaten.
New products such as a new brand of disposable wipes, diaper or detergent can irritate baby’s bottom. Even the type of detergent or fabric softener you use could be the cause.
Other substances that can add to the problem of diaper rash include ingredients found in:
•Baby lotions
•Baby powders
•Baby oils
The diaper rash can begin as a simple skin infection then spread to the surrounding regions within the creases of the skin turning into a bacterial or yeast infection.
Be careful about the fit of diapers and clothing. Tight fitting diapers and clothing which rubs against the skin can lead to diaper rash.
Risk Factors:
The common cause of diaper rash is that the diaper area is usually covered 24 hours with a diaper; that is often wet and messy as urine mixes with feces. The warm moist setting is just perfect for diaper rash eruption.
Diaper rashes happen irrespective of whether your baby is wearing a disposable or cloth nappy.
Preventing diaper rash -
- Change diapers as soon as they get wet and messy.
- Wash and dry baby's bottom, paying special attention to creases and skin folds at each change.
- Avoid using too much pressure or scrubbing to the bottom of the baby. Wipe or pat gently.
- Wipe from front to back, as you will avoid transferring bacteria to the genital area.
- Dont tie or secure the diaper too tightly. Allow some room for air to flow inside.
- Avoid using harsh or perfumed soaps while washing cloth diapers.
- Avoid plastic diaper covers.
- Rinse cloth diapers thoroughly with very hot water.
- Change your baby's diaper frequently
- Let your baby go bare bottom from 15min-30 min a few times a day. Exposing the baby's skin to air is a natural way to healing.
Some babies are just more prone to diaper rash than others, and if yours is prone, you’ll really have to keep on top of the problem. The most important thing you can do is change your baby’s diaper regularly. Diaper rash is caused by the skin being constantly exposed to wetness, so changing frequently can prevent the problem.
Most of the diaper rash ointments on the market are designed simply to protect your baby’s skin from wetness, so they are great at preventing diaper rash. If your baby is diaper rash prone, you might want to use an ointment at every changing as a preventative measure.
Correctly change the diaper
So how do you change a baby's nappy? Assuming you are using disposable nappies, as most mums do, at least in the beginning, here are some tips:
Lie your baby on a flat surface, preferably on a soft changing mat; this allows little accidents to be wiped up quickly. If you are placing your baby on a raised surface or a changing station, never leave him unattended for even the slightest moment. Babies can and do fall off raised surfaces, often with disastrous consequences.
Advances in technology allow us to keep the wet surface of the nappy away from the baby. Although this is great for your baby, it can make it difficult to tell if the nappy is wet. So how will you know if the nappy needs to be changed?
A wet nappy will feel soft and squishy on the outside. It may also have increased in size. The moisture absorbing material within the nappy swells when it comes into contact with urine making it easy to tell if the nappy is wet.
Obviously, a soiled nappy is easier to detect as you can just peep inside; or, more often than not, you can smell it!
As your baby gets older he will become more wriggly at every nappy change. A good tip is to hang a mobile above his changing station or give him a different toy to keep his interest at changing time - making nappy changes much less tiring for mum!
Remove the old nappy. Wipe the baby's bottom with some cotton wool pads soaked in warm water. You do not need to use soap or scented wipes on a newborn baby. Newborns have extremely soft, sensitive skin which is easily irritated.
A so-called top and tail, or a warm bath once a day, is enough. When the baby is a few weeks old you can wash him with a warm soapy cloth or some sensitive baby wipes at each nappy change.
Wipe baby girls from front to back to avoid the risk of cross infection. With baby boys you will need to ensure you wipe around and under their little bits! However, never pull back the foreskin. You may cause damage and infection if you attempt to.
Creams and talc are unnecessary. Nappies today are so effective at keeping moisture away from the skin that creams are not required. In fact, creams can actually hinder the nappy's performance, making irritation more likely.
If your baby has nappy rash, and you really feel that cream is required, apply it very thinly before putting on the fresh nappy. Also, let the air at your baby's bottom.
Let him lie on the changing mat on the floor for a while without a nappy. You may want to put an old towel or absorbent bed cloth under him so that he will not be lying in a puddle getting cold, if he does wet it.
Put the fresh nappy under the baby's bottom, with the sticky seals at the back!
Lift the front of the nappy up over the baby's bottom and fasten it closed. Do not fasten it too tightly as this will be uncomfortable. Allow the baby some room to breath!
When to seek Medical Advice:
Consulting doctor - talk to doctor if the rash is persistent
that is caused often by food allergy. The doctor may recommend
a new diet chart.
You can ask your doctor to recommend a brand or dose for
acidophilus which can fight yeasts and are good to diminish
rashes if those has occurred due to your baby’s taking
If your baby’s diaper rash does not improve within several days of home treatment and more frequent diaper changes, ask your health care provider for advice. If the diaper rash leads to a secondary infection it may require prescription medications. If diaper rash occurs with any of the following, have your child examined by a health care provider:
•Blisters or boils
•A rash that extends beyond the diaper area
•Pus or weeping discharge
•Rashes that don’t respond to home treatment
There are some natural remedies that you make your baby stop suffering from those unwanted rashes.
Air circulation - Remove the diaper. Let your baby remain naked on a towel. This thing done often would decrease the chance of development of rashes. You can also pin on a cloth diaper for better air circulation.
Cloth wipes and cleaning your baby - The baby wipes available in the market have perfumes and chemicals which are harmful for the delicate skins of babies. You better clean your baby with water and wipes made of cloth. Another option is to use a soft natural soapy solution for changes.
Natural detergents - What do you use to clean diapers? It is best to use natural detergents than a commercial one as the latter is very harsh. Also rinse the diapers for a couple of time.
Changing baby as frequently as possible - I know it is boring but thinking about his baby’s comfort you have to change his diapers whenever they get soiled. Fecal matter and urine are harmful for baby’s skin and the causes of skin rashes. These materials are more harmful when your baby commences taking in solid food. Babies feeding on breasts suffer less from those rashes. Discuss with your Pediatrician if you observe that your baby is bottle-fed but still the rashes are never waving goodbye.
Along with changing baby, change his diapers. Even you can start using different type of diapers. Cloth diapers are better for the babies who have chronic rashes. Avoid the perfumed diapers; instead go for the ones by Nature Boy & Girl, Tushies, seventh generation.
Yeast infection - Yeast infection or thrush can cause diaper rashes. The above mentioned tips can stop rashes but if they still persist consult a Pediatrician. Pediatricians generally prescribe antifungal; medication. Gentian Violet is also a good try and can be found in drugstores. Take recommendations from your doctor before buying it. Another tip is to dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda and soak cotton balls in it. Pat the cotton balls on your baby’s back after every change.
You can ask your doctor to recommend a brand or dose for acidophilus which can fight yeasts and are good to diminish rashes if those has occurred due to your baby’s taking antibiotics.
Bottom balm - a diaper rash natural cream is good for baby’s
skin. Make sure the cream is made of natural ingredients like
vitamin E, primrose oil, and calendula.
Consulting doctor - talk to doctor if the rash is persistent that is caused often by food allergy. The doctor may recommend a new diet chart.
Self Care strategies for Living with diaper rash
- Wash the baby's bottom with running tap water after every bowel movement to give diaper rash relief.
- Dab dry rash area with a soft cloth and apply Vaseline or any rash-free creams or gel.
- Put some oatmeal in the bath water. Keep swishing the water around the area that has the diaper rash for about 15 minutes.
- Mix corn starch & Vaseline to make a paste. Put it on the rash and rash will be gone by the next diaper change unless it is really bad.
- Generously rub the lanolin oil over affected area. The lanolin forms a waxy coating over the area allowing it to heal and not become re-irritated with every diaper
- Pour milk of magnesia all over the rash and next diaper change, the rash will be almost healed. Use until rash is disappears.
- Wash the baby’s bottom with warm water and dry it very good. Take vegetable oil and pour it in your hand. Then apply it to the diaper rash.
- Put plenty of Vaseline on baby and diaper. This forms a waterproof layer between baby's skin and diaper.
Aloe Vera Juice For Acne Vulgaris
Aloe Vera has been around for centuries and is obviously nothing new. However what used to be thought as just a cure for sunburn and cuts is now being used for acne. If you read back into history Queen Cleopatra touted the use of aloe vera as her most important beauty secret but for some reason it seemed to get lost in the shuffle of new acne treatments that are much more costly and invasive. Now though aloe vera is shown to make an excellent zits treatment once again.
Many people often use aloe vera for clear skin by the use of skin care products that contain this powerful source. But it doesn’t necessarily have to come from the plant or in facial washes. Aloe Vera juice is now just as popular and quite frankly deserves a place in your refrigerator as well. Whole leaf Aloe Vera Juice contains many vitamins and minerals that you need for not only healthy and clear skin, but for a healthy body.
Containing calcium chromium, copper, potassium, iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc, sodium, folic acid, niacin, as well as Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E - aloe vera juice is perfect for your acne treatment. This is a long list of vital vitamins and nutrients that are the exact ingredients that you would include in a natural skin product, but yet you can simply just drink it to get everything you need in one 8oz glass.
Aloe vera juice detoxifies your body by helping with the digestion and elimination of waste as well as the killing of bacteria that brings on the acne and acne breakouts. By getting rid of the harmful toxins you have much clearer skin that will lessen blemishes, general acne as well as other skin problems. Aloe vera juice does this by enhancing the production of fibroblasts which are the tiny cells that are responsible for collagen formation. As we know collagen gives the skin it’s “body” which takes away wrinkles and fine lines. It is also a natural anti-flammatory that can work to reduce the inflammation that causes breakouts and acne.
The vitamins and amino acids, which are the proteins that you need for healthy clear skin and a healthy body, that are found in aloe vera work well to renew your skin with healthy cells. It is almost like taking a natural vitamin supplement that is already working to help with your acne, but it just gives you more of what you need.
You can use this in conjunction with vitamins or alone to clear your skin up and help reduce the acne that you have. Acne is never fun to have, and the easiest way to clear it up is through the use of natural products such as essential vitamins and minerals.
Vitamin & Nutrient Associations for healthy clear skin
Use aloe juice to wash the affected area, to help sterilize and soothe the rash area.
The Aloe Vera Gel is soothing and provides a protective layer on the skin from further buring.
It is important to also ensure you also have ‘outer nutrition’to support your skin health. Perhaps using a natural skin care program is the most important tip we can give you about maintaining a healthy and clear skin, once you have established a healthy nutrition routine!
We wish you well in your search for solutions to this problem and your movement towards better health in all areas.
More Resources available about diaper rash :
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SITE DISCLAIMER: Do these products “cure” anything? Of course not… but it stands to reason that if you cleanse your body and feed it the finest nutrition available, giving it everything it needs in balance, on a daily basis, that your body will do what nature intended, and give you the best possible chance to fend off sickness and disease. This diaper rash information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any diaper rash questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read. Any natural and/or dietary supplements that are not FDA approved or evaluated must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease”.
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